Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Nov 2022 09:14 PM

La Parlamentaria Sarah Wescot-Williams Critica El Presupuesto De 2022 Y La Negativa Del Gobierno A Eliminar El Recorte Del 12,5 % En Los Beneficios De Las Entidades (Semi)Pblicas.

No puedo creer que en realidad escuch que aplaudan al Ministro.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro de Finanzas y los miembros de su coalicin en el parlamento deben haber respirado aliviados, cuando el martes por la noche se derrib el mazo sobre el presupuesto enmendado 2022, segn la opinin de la parlamentaria Wescot.

Afortunadamente para la coalicin, pudieron reunir en el ltimo momento, el mnimo de miembros necesarios para aprobar la ley de presupuesto. Afortunadamente, porque al da siguiente, al menos 2 miembros de la coalicin estaban programados para viajar por cuenta del parlamento.

Y para probar su punto de que los ministros del gobierno no tienen respeto por el parlamento o el pueblo, la parlamentaria agreg: el nico ministro que se present a estas discusiones presupuestarias fue el propio Ministro de Finanzas, y las respuestas con respecto a los otros ministerios fueron nada menos que una broma.

En una referencia obvia a la negativa del presidente del parlamento a actuar de manera imparcial, la parlamentaria no escatim palabras cuando afirm que las reuniones sobre el proyecto de presupuesto 2022 no fueron ms que drama en su mayor parte, drama del que Me negu a ser parte de eventualmente, an sabiendo que sin la oposicin y sin pasar lista, el presupuesto sera aprobado ‘por unanimidad’.

Mejor eso que ser un participante activo en lo que solo puede ser etiquetado como un espectculo de circo.

La parlamentaria se refiri al proyecto de ley que modifica la ordenanza de ingresos mximos (top income ley) que el gobierno propuso al parlamento, como cuando, en su opinin, comenz el circo.

Con todo eso, el gobierno sigue chapuceando los recortes en los beneficios salariales de las entidades (semi)pblicas.

La parlamentaria Wescot haba propuesto una enmienda para eliminar estos recortes salariales de la ley que regula los ingresos ms altos, que desafortunadamente no pudo reunir suficiente apoyo para ser aprobada.

Qu irnico, que en una ley que asegura que los ingresos ms altos del sector (semi)pblico no superen el plus salarial del PM, se mantengan los recortes salariales del 12,5%, etc Read more

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Source: SMN-News
18 Nov 2022 09:07 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- This week the Commander of the Navy in the Caribbean, also in his capacity as Director of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard, Frank Boots, paid a visit to the Windward Islands.
During his visit, he met the new Governor of Sint Maarten, Ajamu Baly. After his meeting, he sailed with a Coast Guard vessel to Saba, where he met with Lieutenant Governor Jonathan

The Head of the Substation of Coast Guard Sint Maarten, Roberto Levenstone, and Arie Noordam, Commander of the Sint Maarten Detachment were also present Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Nov 2022 06:39 PM

Basketball Legends, El Foco De Los Brown Pelican Sport Awards 2022

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro de Educacin, Cultura, Juventud y Deportes, Rodolphe Samuel y el Departamento de Deportes se complacen en anunciar la transmisin de los premios Brown Pelican Sport 2022 el domingo 20 de noviembre de 2022 de 7:00pm a 9:00pm

La sexta edicin anual de los premios deportivos Brown Pelican se llev a cabo el domingo 13 de noviembre de 2022 y cont con la asistencia de atletas, entrenadores, organizaciones deportivas, patrocinadores y entusiastas del deporte de la comunidad Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Nov 2022 06:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport, Rodolphe Samuel, and the Department of Sport are pleased to announce the airing of the 2022 Brown Pelican Sports awards on Sunday, November 20, 2022, from 7 pm to 9 pm. The 6th annual Brown Pelican Sports Awards took place on Sunday, November 13, 2022, and saw in attendance athletes, coaches, sports organizations, sponsors, and sports enthusiasts from the community Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Nov 2022 12:59 PM

PHILIPSBURG: --- Teachers of the St. Maarten Academy will be paid their full vacation allowance before Wednesday next week, so says President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson.
Teachers of the St. Maarten Academy held a silent protest on Wednesday morning demanding that they be paid their six per cent vacation allowance that is owed to them.
On Wednesday morning the board of directors for St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Nov 2022 12:40 PM

~ Coalition inherits broken system says PM.~

PHILIPSBURG: --- Prime Minister of St. Maarten Silveria Jacobs said that the government of St. Maarten has support from eight members of parliament, she made the comment in response to a question posed to her regarding the rumors that the government has fallen.
The Prime Minister explained that there was a meeting on Tuesday in parliament dealing with the 2022 budget and all eight members that support the coalition were present Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Nov 2022 12:04 PM

~Household garbage is a major issue during recent flooding. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing and Infrastructure Egbert Jurendy Doran announced on Wednesday that during the recent rainfall there was an increase in the water levels in the pond, as such the ministry has taken the initiative to unitize the Great Bay opening while enlisting the help of the fire department to provide additional pumps that are now being used at the pump house in Sucker Garden.
Doran said that two of the pumps are not fully functional, and as such a request has been made with the Dutch Government namely BZK to have these pumps replaced.
The Minister explained that the ministry is charged with the maintenance and repairs of the pumps but the Ministry does not have the budget to fully replace them Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Nov 2022 10:29 AM

Bus Drivers Request Increase In Bus Fares Starting January

United Bus Drivers Association president Claude Omeus.

PHILIPSBURG--From January 2023, bus passengers will pay more for a bus ride if it is up to United Bus Drivers Association. President Claude Omeus said the increase is necessary due to the high cost of living on the island.

  I dont think it is unreasonable for us to finally get the increase in fares, as maintaining our buses is not cheap also, said Omeus, stressing that the cost of living continues to skyrocket while gas prices are increased almost bi-weekly.

  Bus drivers have taken note of the announcement by Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Omar Ottley about the increase in minimum wage Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Nov 2022 08:50 AM

Aumentos Del Salario Mnimo En 2023

POND ISLAND, Philipsburg – A partir del 1ro de enero del prximo ao, las personas que ganan el salario mnimo vern un aumento. Esto suceder a raz de la indexacin firmada y el aumento del salario mnimo por parte del Honorable Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Omar Ottley esta semana.

Lo que hicimos, usamos el ndice de precios al consumidor (IPC) del tercer trimestre de 2022 e indexamos para 2023 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 10:40 PM

Request For More Speaking Time Sparks Walkout In Budget Amendment Meeting

~ 2022 budget amendments passed ~

PHILIPSBURG--A request by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams for the speaking time in Tuesday mornings 2022 budget amendment meeting to be extended to t Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 10:37 PM

Us Party: No Quorum Highlights Improper Application Of Proportional Representation

US Party leader Pamela Gordon-Carty.

PHILIPSBURG--United St. Maarten (US Party) believes the absence of a quorum for a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament last week on the Unity Flag highlights the improper application of proportional representation.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 10:36 PM

Week Of Events Planned For Global Entrepreneurs Week

Finance Minister Ardwell Irion speaking to students.

PHILIPSBURG--The Ministry of Finance is celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) November 14-20. During this week, the ministry will be joining various other countries worldwide in coming together to host events geared towards creating solutions for worldwide economic growth Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Nov 2022 07:15 PM

United St. Maarten Party; Destaca Un Atolladero Parlamentario, Sin Qurum Con Un Dficit De Aplicacin Indebida De Representacin Proporcional Como Manda La Constitucin.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – En la vspera de las celebraciones para conmemorar el Da de San Martn, el Parlamento de St. Maarten no pudo establecer un qurum para continuar la reunin del Comit Central sobre la consolidacin de United St. Maarten Party, mediante el reconocimiento de la bandera de la unidad.

Los 6 de los 15 miembros del parlamento resultantes se sientan como miembros independientes del parlamento, lo que es inconsistente con la eleccin de miembros del parlamento por representacin proporcional como se establece en la Constitucin, ha solidificado an ms la posicin del Partido Unido de St Maarten establecida en un artculo publicado en diciembre de 2021.

Hemos enviado rpidamente una carta de consulta a la Oficina Central de Votacin, la cual es la responsable de ejecutar nuestra eleccin de representacin proporcional y asegurar dicha composicin en el Parlamento como lo manda la Constitucin dentro de los lmites de la Ordenanza Electoral Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Nov 2022 06:18 PM

Ministro Ottley; Clnica Para El Cuidado Del Pie Diabtico Abrir Pronto En Sint Maarten

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, el Honorable Omar Ottley, anunci el lunes 14 de noviembre que el ministerio de VSA est trabajando en un plan para establecer un instituto de atencin mdica para brindar atencin completa de los pies a los pacientes con diabetes.

La reunin de seguimiento entre el Ministro Ottley, la podloga Lian Stoeldraaijers y los mdicos generales, la Dra Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Nov 2022 06:07 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- United Bus Drivers Association is looking forward to the implementation of its increasing of their bus fares come January 2023. The association had taken note of the accountment by the Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Omar Ottley increasing the minimum wage and applauded this initiative Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Nov 2022 02:15 PM

~ State and COM said no permits were issued to block public beaches.~

MARIGOT/PHILIPSBURG:--- A businessman at La Samana Hotel identified as Craig has illegally blocked off the access to a public beach claiming he has received authorization from the state and local government to block off the beach for his private use.
A net has been placed in the water preventing chartered boats and tourists from accessing the beach behind La Samana. Several boat captains that operate chartered tours told SMN News that Craig informed them that they are not allowed to enter behind La Samana beach because they were granted permission to privatize the beach for their own operations.
SMN News contacted the Prefecture of Saint Martin requesting information regarding the permission given to Craig, the American businessman, The communication department said that La Samana and the businessman were not given any permission to block off the beaches that are public beaches Read more

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Source: 721 News
15 Nov 2022 01:03 PM

The Guccad Sint Maarten Launch

Philipsburg The Global United Christian Congress of Africa and the Diaspora (GUCCAD) was officially launched on November 9, 2022 at the beautifully decorated Sky Vogue Restaurant in Philipsburg. President of GUCCAD Sint Maarten, Pastor Nigel Brooks, said that this organization offers the African diaspora in Sint Maarten a unique opportunity to unite with their brothers and sisters in Africa.

Quite a number of people, dressed in colorful African attire, from both sides of the island, attended the inauguration of the Sint Maarten branch of GUCCAD International which has branches in the US A and in Africa Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Nov 2022 11:47 AM

~Week-long events planned for the Ministry~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ministry of Finance will be celebrating Global Entrepreneur Week, from November 14-20. During this week, the Ministry will be joining various other countries worldwide in coming together to host events geared towards creating solutions for worldwide economic growth. The focus of this week centers around the finals for the National Youth Pitch Competition, taking place on November 20.

Last Pitch Practice

The last pitch practice for the Youth Pitch Competition will take place on November 17, giving the students one last opportunity to practice their pitch Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Nov 2022 11:41 AM

PHILIPSBURG:---The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, the Honorable Omar Ottley announced on Monday, November 14, that the ministry of VSA is working on a plan to establish a healthcare institute to deliver complete foot care to patients with diabetes.

The follow-up meeting between Minister Ottley, Podiatrist Lian Stoeldraaijers, and General Practitioners Dr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Nov 2022 10:10 AM

El Movimiento Popular Denuncia Ante El Defensor Del Pueblo Contra Dos Ministros

Maurice Connor (derecha) est siendo atacado por un hombre con un martillo despus de acudir en ayuda de una mujer que estaba siendo amenazada por su agresor (izquierda).

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten A raz de una queja del movimiento Nosotros, el Pueblo, el Defensor del Pueblo solicit tanto a la Ministra de Justicia Anna Richardson como al Ministro interino de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT) Omar Ottley que respondieran a una peticin de 1,010 firmas por justicia y contra el racismo a ms tardar el 10 de noviembre de 2022 Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Nov 2022 09:32 AM

Ministerio De Hacienda Celebra La Semana Mundial Del Emprendedor

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El Ministerio de Finanzas celebrar la Semana Global del Emprendedor, del 14 al 20 de noviembre. Durante esta semana, el Ministerio se unir a otros pases de todo el mundo para organizar eventos orientados a crear soluciones para el crecimiento econmico mundial. El enfoque de esta semana se centra en las finales del Concurso Nacional de Lanzamientos Juveniles, que tendr lugar el 20 de noviembre.

Prctica del ltimo lanzamiento
La ltima prctica de lanzamiento para la competencia de lanzamiento juvenil se llevar a cabo el 17 de noviembre, lo que brindar a los estudiantes una ltima oportunidad para practicar su lanzamiento Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 12:36 AM

Seven Teams Pitch For Naf. 10,000 In Youth Pitch Competition Finals

 Ife Badejo and Finance Minister Ardwell Irion going over the finance assignment of a finalist team.

PHILIPSBURG--Seven teams will be pitching for a chance to win a NAf.10,000 cash prize in the National Youth Pitch Competition on November 20.

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 12:33 AM

Mou Inked To Lower Travel Cost In Dutch Caribbean

From left: Brian Mingo (PJIA); V. Oedjaghir (Airport EUX); M. Van der Scheer (Airport Bonaire); Edison Rijna (Lt. Governor of Bonaire); B. Gijsbers (Dutch Ministry Infrastructure and Water Management; J. Meijs (Airport AUA); M. Hassell (Airport Saba); D. Oduber (Minister of Tourism AUA); Minister Omar Ottley; U. Arends (Minister of Transport AUA); and J Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
14 Nov 2022 07:12 PM

Ottley Firma Un Memorando De Entendimiento Para Reducir El Costo De Viajar A Holanda Islas Del Caribe; Hacindola Ms Asequible, Eficiente Y Sostenible

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El Honorable Ministro de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT), el Sr. Omar Ottley fue parte de quince (15) dignatarios de las seis (6) naciones insulares y los Pases Bajos que expresaron su compromiso con el Memorando de Entendimiento (MdE). Mientras tanto, el Director Ejecutivo de Princess Juliana International Airport Operating Company N.V Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV