PHILIPSBURG:--- President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson is calling for the full disclosure of the Health Inspectorate report and all previous reports made for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School since the passage of Hurricane Irma.
"All reports especially the latest report must be made public regarding the ongoing situation at school as the school was never a priority," says Johnson.
Truth be told, it was the WITU that alerted the Health Inspectorate about the situation at the school and did so formally via an e-mail correspondence, stated Johnson.
Johnson added, I must dispel the misconception as if I simply appeared on the campus as I was called by the staff members of WITU which I represent."
Notable to mention for the record was that on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, email correspondence was dispatched to the Health Inspectorate from the WITU.
If it wasnt for the attention being brought to this ongoing issue by the WITU the matter would have remained unresolved by the Ministry of ECYS Read more
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