Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Mar 2022 12:59 PM

Continan Actividades De Reparacin De Escuelas Con Trabajos En Mac Y Mpc

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Las reparaciones operativas de las escuelas de Sint Maarten continan bajo el Proyecto de Recuperacin de Emergencia (ERP-1), y el trabajo comenz recientemente en Methodist Agogic Center (MAC) Comprehensive Secondary Education y Milton Peters
Colegio (MPC).

El trabajo consistir en la reparacin de techos, puertas y ventanas. Adems, las reparaciones incluirn la instalacin de nuevas persianas de aluminio, eliminacin de moho, trabajos elctricos y de plomera Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Mar 2022 10:39 PM

Mp Brison Invitado A Presentar Borrador De Impuesto Nacional De Salud En Curazao

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El lder del Partido del Pueblo Unido, el diputado Rolando Brison, ha sido invitado por el Comit de Salud del Parlamento de Curazao para presentar su proyecto de ley sobre un Impuesto Nacional de Salud.

Originalmente, la sesin estaba programada para ser en zoom, pero como el parlamentario tena un viaje personal programado en marzo a Curazao, se presentar en persona en el Saln Legislativo del Parlamento de Curazao.

“El impuesto de salud es una forma importante de asegurar el turismo, asegurar nuestro fondo de atencin mdica segn lo recomendado por CFT y mantener los fondos que pagan los turistas directamente en nuestro territorio Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Mar 2022 10:10 PM

Pfp, Pantophlet & Wescot-Williams Solicita Cc Urgente Sobre Ciberseguridad

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Los miembros del parlamento (MP) del Partido para el Progreso (PFP) Melissa Gumbs y Raeyhon Peterson, junto con los parlamentarios George Pantophlet de National Alliance (NA) y Sarah Wescot-Williams de United Democrats (UD), han solicitado una reunin urgente del comit central del Parlamento, luego del ataque de seguridad ciberntica de la semana pasada en la empresa estatal NV GEBE.

En un comunicado de prensa del jueves 17 de marzo de 2022, N.V Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Mar 2022 09:39 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson is calling for the full disclosure of the Health Inspectorate report and all previous reports made for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School since the passage of Hurricane Irma.

"All reports especially the latest report must be made public regarding the ongoing situation at school as the school was never a priority," says Johnson.

Truth be told, it was the WITU that alerted the Health Inspectorate about the situation at the school and did so formally via an e-mail correspondence, stated Johnson.
Johnson added, I must dispel the misconception as if I simply appeared on the campus as I was called by the staff members of WITU which I represent."

Notable to mention for the record was that on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, email correspondence was dispatched to the Health Inspectorate from the WITU.

If it wasnt for the attention being brought to this ongoing issue by the WITU the matter would have remained unresolved by the Ministry of ECYS Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Mar 2022 05:27 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the United Peoples Party MP Rolando Brison has been invited by the Committee of Health of the Parliament of Curacao to present his draft law on a National Health Levy.

The session was originally scheduled to be on zoom, but as the MP had a personal trip scheduled in March to Curacao, he will be presenting in person in the Legislative Hall of the Curacao Parliament.

"The health levy is an important way to secure tourism, secure our healthcare fund as recommended by CFT and keep the funds being paid by tourists directly in our territory Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Mar 2022 10:22 AM

Licence Revoked For Helicopters Linked To Russian-Owned Yachts

The motor yacht Solaris linked to Russian oligarch and politician Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich, is seen in the waters of Porto Montenegro in Tivat, Montenegro, March 12, 2022. (REUTERS/Stevo Vasiljevic photo)

PHILIPSBURG--Aviation and Shipping Department head Louis Halley has revoked the licence for helicopter flights issued to Isle of Man firm Luviair Limited in October Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Mar 2022 10:09 AM

Giselle Mc William Keynote Speaker At First Cda Statia General Meeting

Sjahairah Fleming and Koos Sneek.

ST. EUSTATIUS--The Christian Democratic Party CDA Statia will be hosting its first general assembly meeting at the Suares Building in Princess Garden 7:00-10:00pm Saturday, March 26.

  CDA members, persons interested in becoming a member and anyone else who is interested in CDA Statia are urged to join for what CDA said in a press release Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Mar 2022 05:20 AM

Mp Heyliger-Marten Calls Michel HymanS Dismissal Unceremonious And Unacceptable

PHILIPSBURG “It is unceremonious and unacceptable that Michel Hyman’s 28-years of service to the Airport and Country was erased in only three days without proper investigation,” stated an utterly displeased Member of Parliament, the Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, in a press release issued Sunday.

She has dispatched a letter to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT) Roger Lawrence requesting them to attend a Public Meeting of Parliament on March 28 at 2:00 PM at which point she expects answers for the questions that the people of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Mar 2022 05:17 AM

Minister Samuel Closes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School. No School On Monday

SINT MAARTEN, PHILIPSBURG Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (Ministry of ECYS) Hon. Rodolphe Samuel said on Sunday that his ministry along with other stakeholders are working diligently to address the challenges at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. primary school.

Addressing any issues at schools in the country is a priority Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Mar 2022 05:07 AM

Pfp, Pantophlet & Wescot-Williams Request Urgent Cc On Cybersecurity

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Party for Progress (PFP) Members of Parliament (MPs) Melissa Gumbs and Raeyhon Peterson – along with MPs George Pantophlet of National Alliance (NA) and Sarah Wescot-Williams of United Democrats (UD) – have requested an urgent central committee meeting of Parliament, following last weeks cybersecurity attack at government-owned company N.V Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Mar 2022 01:35 AM

Rsm Party Wins First Round Of Territorial Council Election

RSM leader Louis Mussington is mobbed by supporters outside Htel de la Collectivit last night after winning the first round of the 2022 Territorial Council election by the narrowest of margins. (Robert Luckock photo)

MARIGOT--Louis Mussingtons Rassemblement St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Mar 2022 01:30 AM

Licence Revoked For Helicopters Linked To Russian-Owned Yachts

The motor yacht Solaris linked to Russian oligarch and politician Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich, is seen in the waters of Porto Montenegro in Tivat, Montenegro, March 12, 2022. (REUTERS/Stevo Vasiljevic photo)

PHILIPSBURG--Aviation and Shipping Department head Louis Halley has revoked the licence for helicopter flights issued to Isle of Man firm Luviair Limited in October Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Mar 2022 01:03 AM

Rsm Takes Narrow Lead Ahead Of Team Gibbs In 1St Round Of Territorial Elections.

~ Negotiations will begin as early as Monday for Unity List--- Mussington.

MARIGOT:--- Rassemblement Saint Martin (RSM) took a narrow lead in the first round of the territorial elections held on Sunday, March 20th, 2022. Of the 8,732 persons that voted some 2,128 (25.39%) persons voted for the RSM led by Louie Mussington.
Team Gibbs led by incumbent President Daniel Gibbs received 2,074 votes (24.74%), while Generation Hope received 1,465 votes (17.48%), Alternative received 934 votes (11.14%), Avenir Saint-Martin received 626 votes (7.47 %) and Saint Martin Avec Vous received 1,155 votes Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Mar 2022 12:51 AM

La Parlamentaria Heyliger-Marten Califica El Despido De Michel Hyman De Poco Ceremonioso E Inaceptable

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten “Es poco ceremonioso e inaceptable que los 28 aos de servicio de Michel Hyman en el aeropuerto y el pas se hayan borrado en solo tres das sin una investigacin adecuada”, declar disgustada la miembro del Parlamento, la Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, en un comunicado de prensa emitido el domingo.

Ha enviado una carta a la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs y al Ministro de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT) Roger Lawrence solicitndoles que asistan a una Reunin Pblica del Parlamento el 28 de marzo a las 2:00 p Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Mar 2022 12:17 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- "It is unceremonious and unacceptable that Michel Hyman's 28-years of service to the Airport and Country was erased in only three days without proper investigation," stated an utterly displeased Member of Parliament, the Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, in a press release issued Sunday.
She has dispatched a letter to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT) Roger Lawrence requesting them to attend a Public Meeting of Parliament on March 28 at 2:00 PM at which point she expects answers for the questions that the people of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Mar 2022 12:11 AM

Brison Aplaude Los Esfuerzos En Blockchain Y Las Oportunidades Criptogrficas Para El Pas

El salario completo de Brison se pagar y se convertir en Bitcoin cash

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El lder del Partido del Pueblo Unido y parlamentario Rolando Brison cree que el pas debe continuar encontrando una forma responsable y efectiva de adentrarse en el creciente fenmeno de las criptomonedas, y ha solicitado actualizaciones del Ministro de Finanzas sobre sus planes para usar la tecnologa blockchain en el gobierno Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Mar 2022 11:47 PM

Grisha Requests Lawrence, Pm To Give Answers On Airport In Public Meeting

MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

~ Calls Hymans dismissal unacceptable ~

PHILIPSBURG--It is unceremonious and unacceptable that Michel Hymans 28 years of service to the airport and country was erased in only three days without proper investigation, says an utterly displeased United Peoples (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Mar 2022 11:00 PM

Concursantes De Soca Nombradas Para El Primer Concurso De Soca De Carnaval The Groove

POND ISLAND, Sint Maarten – The Groove presenta la lista de 12 concursantes que lucharn por la corona de Soca de St. Maarten, en el evento destacado del carnaval “The Groove” el 28 de abril de 2022. Los 12 concursantes del nuevo enfrentamiento de Soca son: Majesty Baker Jr.; la emprees Zee; Niqo SMW; Claire Fontaine; Acha; MAGICX; Dakey; Big Daddy G; Ma’ at King; RudyNumba4; Fafa y Entry Pelican.

En lo que se anuncia como un evento estrella para anunciar el regreso al Festival Village luego de una pausa de dos aos, el promotor del espectculo Bertaux Fleming, tambin conocido como Mr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Mar 2022 10:44 PM

Mp Emmanuel: No Saba Es Una Respuesta Inaceptable De Lawrence

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El miembro independiente del parlamento, Christophe Emmanuel, dijo que el ministro de TEATT, Roger Lawrence, est mintiendo a la gente de St. Maarten o tiene en sus manos un tablero de control del aeropuerto. En cualquier caso, decirnos que no saba es inaceptable, eres responsable, dijo Emmanuel.

El parlamentario respondi a la declaracin del ministro el mircoles de que no saba sobre el despido del director de operaciones del aeropuerto, Michel Hyman, de su cargo Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Mar 2022 10:02 PM

Lder Del Partido Unido De St. Maarten Preocupada Por Victimizacin Repetida

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Pas Sint Maarten, qu est pasando? La lder y la junta del Partido de US han tomado nota de la reciente decisin del holding del aeropuerto (PJIAH) de despedir al director de operaciones Michel Mikey Hyman. No permitiremos que esta decisin simplemente se desvanezca sin expresar nuestro desacuerdo con la forma en que nuestra gente est siendo cazada y destruida en todo el sistema.

La estrategia ha cambiado, ahora es nosotros contra nosotros mientras el titiritero permanece oculto, dijo Gordon Carty Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Mar 2022 09:36 PM

La Fundadora De U 2 Can Move, Mp Wescot-Williams, Expresa Su Apoyo Al Programa Let Get Fit De Vsa.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La fundacin U 2 Can Move felicita al Ministerio de VSA y sus departamentos de CDFHA y CPS con la organizacin del evento Lets Get Fit el pasado fin de semana.

Aplaudimos mucho la iniciativa del ministerio y los objetivos en trminos de alentar e inspirar a las personas a ser activas y concentrarse en la actividad fsica, as como poner a disposicin de la comunidad la oportunidad de participar en este evento.

De eso se trata exactamente U 2 Can Move, ahora en su dcimo ao de existencia, y la organizacin estuvo representada por varios de sus miembros en el evento del ministerio Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Mar 2022 03:34 PM

~Brisons entire salary to be paid and converted to Bitcoin Cash~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the United Peoples Party and Member of Parliament Rolando Brison believes the country should continue to find a responsible and effective manner to delve into the ever-growing cryptocurrency phenomenon and has requested updates from the Minister of Finance on his plans for using blockchain technology in government Read more

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Source: 721 News
18 Mar 2022 07:03 AM

Minister Ecys Drs Rodolphe Samuel Set To Open 3Rd Culture Creative Industry Forum

PHILIPSBURG On March 24th, Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport drs. Rodolphe Samuel will deliver the opening address at the 3rd Culture Creative Industry Forum (CCIF) hosted by the Department of Culture. The CCIF brings together cultural practitioners, creatives and their stakeholders who are involved in the industry that reside on Sint Maarten to engage in meaningful discussions on the way forward for this developing industry.

“Im looking forward to attending the Cultural Creative Industry Forum as you may know, recently there has been much discussion in our community on the importance of culture and heritage Read more

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Source: 721 News
18 Mar 2022 06:54 AM

Minister Of Justice And Minister Of Vromi Discuss Inmate Work Program

Philipsburg On March 14th, 2022, the Minister of Justice, Ms. Anna E. Richardson and the Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment, and Infrastructure (hereafter VROMI), Mr. Egbert Doran held a meeting to discuss ways in which both ministries can collaborate and coordinate working opportunities for inmates at the Point Blanche prison and House of Detention. Also present during the meeting were the Act Secretary General and Head of New Projects, Mr. Kurt Ruan, Act Head of Infrastructure Management, Mr Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV