Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
26 Feb 2022 11:18 PM

Visita Al Senado Holands Reunin Con El Consejo De Ministros

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten El sbado 26 de febrero, el Consejo de Ministros dio la bienvenida a los miembros del Comit de Relaciones del Reino del Senado holands a una reunin en el Edificio de la Administracin del Gobierno. La delegacin estaba compuesta por 15 personas y fue escoltada por el representante holands de los Pases Bajos en Philipsburg (VNP), el Sr. Chris Johnson. Ambas partes concluyeron que fue una conversacin fructfera y abierta sobre varios puntos de discusin, incluyendo las relaciones dentro del Reino junto con el COHO y las medidas de reduccin de costos relacionadas con el personal del 12,5%.

La visita del Senado se sum a una serie de visitas recientes, principalmente en persona, con experiencias positivas, de las cuales la ltima fue la reciente visita de la Secretaria de Estado Van Huffelen a Sint Maarten Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Feb 2022 10:23 PM

Psalm 5:11. But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exalt in you.

Good Morning Excellency, Governor Drs. Eugene Holiday, Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, Members of Parliament, the St. Maarten Police Force, the Police Academy of the Netherlands, invited guests, ladies and gentlemen, and a special and proud good morning and welcome to you 18 cadets.

It is an honor to be here with you today, to share in this special occasion signifying the completion of your training and official entry into the justice chain Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Feb 2022 10:17 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Saturday, February 26, the Council of Ministers welcomed the members of the Committee of Kingdom Relations of the Dutch Senate to a meeting in the Government Administration Building. The delegation consisted of 15 persons and was escorted by the Dutch Representative of the Netherlands in Philipsburg (VNP), Mr. Chris Johnson. Both parties concluded that it was a fruitful and open conversation about various discussion points, including the relations within the Kingdom along with the COHO and the 12.5% personnel-related cost-cutting measures.

The visit of the Senate was added to a slew of recent positively experienced mainly in-person visits of which the last one being the recent visit of the State Secretary Van Huffelen to Sint Maarten Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
26 Feb 2022 04:29 PM

Aruba To Receive Eighth Liquidity Support Tranche

Dutch State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen addresses the media after Fridays Kingdom Council of Ministers meeting. At right, St. Maarten Minister Plenipotentiary Rene Violenus. (Otti Thomas photo)

THE HAGUE--The Kingdom Council of Ministers on Friday, February 25, approved the eighth tranche of liquidity support for the first quarter of 2022 for Aruba for an amount of 12 million Aruban florins.
Only Aruba had requested liquidity support; Curaao and St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Feb 2022 10:43 PM

La Polica Grada A 19 Cadetes

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Unos 19 cadetes de la clase BPO 4 de 2019 se graduaron el viernes 25 de febrero durante una ceremonia celebrada frente a la sede de polica de Walter Kramers en Philipsburg. Los 19 cadetes entre hombres y mujeres prestaron juramento en presencia de muchas personas y ante sus familiares y amigos.

Para la ocasin estuvieron presentes, entre otros invitados, el Gobernador de Sint Maarten Su Excelencia los dres. Eugene B. Holiday, la Honorable Primera Ministra del pas, Silveria Jacobs, la Honorable Ministra de Justicia, Anna Richardson, Miembros del Parlamento, incluyendo la Presidenta de la Asamblea de la Cmara, Grisha Heyliger-Marten y la nueva Fiscal Principal del Pas, la Sra Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Feb 2022 09:51 PM

Ministro Ottley: El Horario Comercial Se Extiende Hasta Las 3:00 A.M.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten  El 25 de febrero, el Ministro de VSA Omar Ottley y el Ministro del TEATT Roger Lawrence firmaron y publicaron el reglamento ministerial que permite el horario comercial extendido hasta las 3:00 a.m.

El Ministro Ottley aconseja al pblico que asuma la responsabilidad personal por su salud y la de sus seres queridos, al adherirse a las medidas sanitarias y preventivas de COVID-19

Si recibe un resultado positivo de una autoprueba, aslese inmediatamente, as se evitar que el efecto del COVID-19 continue predominando en nuestro pas

The post Ministro Ottley: el horario comercial se extiende hasta las 3:00 a.m Read more

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Source: SMN-News
25 Feb 2022 09:25 PM

~ Submission premature, dialogue needed at all levels ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday evening, February 23, 2022, the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs learned that an amended or adjusted petition was submitted on behalf of the Parliament of St. Maarten to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, and the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent. This was done without prior consultation with the parliamentary Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization Committee, the Parliament as representatives of the people, nor the Government of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
25 Feb 2022 09:22 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On February 25th, the Minister of VSA Omar Ottley and the Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence signed and published the ministerial regulation allowing business hours to be extended until 3 AM.

Minister Ottley advises the public to take personal responsibility for their health and that of their loved ones, by adhering to the COVID-19 preventative health measures.

If you receive a positive result from a self-test, isolate immediately Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Feb 2022 08:38 PM

19 Cadets Are Now Police Officers

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten –Some 19 cadets of BPO 4 class of 2019 graduated on Friday, February 25th, during a ceremony held in front of the Walter Kramers Police Headquarters in Philipsburg. The 19 men and women took the oath in the presence of many persons and to the cheers of family and friends.

On hand for the occasion were among other invited guests, the Governor of Sint Maarten His Excellency drs. Eugene B. Holiday, the countrys Honorable Prime Minister, Silveria Jacobs, the Honorable Minister of Justice, Anna Richardson, Members of Parliament including the Chairlady of the House Assembly, Grisha Heyliger-Marten and the Countrys new Chief Prosecutor Miss H Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
24 Feb 2022 09:46 PM

El Departamento De La Juventud Organiza La 4. Conferencia De Mesa Redonda Sobre La Juventud En Colaboracin Con Unicef De Los Pases Bajos

-Participacin significativa de los jvenes en el centro del escenario

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Departamento de la Juventud, en colaboracin con UNICEF Holanda, organizar la 4 Conferencia de Mesa Redonda de la Juventud el prximo 3 de marzo. Este evento se llevar a cabo virtualmente como medida de precaucin debido a la actual pandemia de COVID 19 y ser la primera de otras actividades de RTC que se llevarn a cabo durante este ao.

Sin embargo, a pesar del desafo que representa la pandemia, el departamento prev la participacin de aproximadamente 250 estudiantes de las diversas escuelas secundarias y de educacin superior, instituciones en la isla, as como otras organizaciones relacionadas con la juventud Read more

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Source: SMN-News
24 Feb 2022 07:01 PM

Department Of Youth Hosts 4Th Youth Round Table Conference In Collaboration With Unicef The Netherlands.

~Meaningful Youth Participation to take center stage~

 PHILIPSBURG:--- The Department of Youth, in collaboration with UNICEF the Netherlands, will host the 4th Youth Round Table Conference on March 3rd upcoming. This event will be held virtually as a precautionary measure due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic and will be the first of other RTC activities that will take place during this year.

However, despite the challenge posed by the pandemic, the department anticipates the participation of approximately 250 students from the various high schools and tertiary education institutions on the island as well as other youth-related organizations Read more

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Source: SMN-News
24 Feb 2022 03:25 PM

Petition Filed On Behalf Of Parliament St. Maarten By Coharis Law Group.

PHILIPSBURG: --- An updated petition was filed last week by the Coharis Law Group on behalf of the Parliament of St. Maarten to the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance and The Working Group of Experts On People of African Descent.

It should be noted that the parliament of St. Maarten was not informed of the latest petition filed on February 17th, 2022, neither was the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Silveria Jacobs and by extension the Council of Ministers of St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
24 Feb 2022 10:06 AM

Conservatoire Du Littoral Opens New Hiking Trail In Grand Cayes

Conservatoire du Littoral delegate for overseas territories Alain Brondeau (centre) cuts the ribbon to open the new trail assisted by President Daniel Gibbs (left), Prfecture General Secretary Fabien Ss and Conservatoire Charge de Mission Anne-Marie Bouill (right). (Robert Luckock photos).

Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Feb 2022 10:19 PM

Esp Concluye Programa De Formacin En Habilidades Empresariales

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El equipo de proyecto del Enterprise Support Project (ESP) concluy con xito su primer programa de capacitacin en habilidades comerciales el jueves 17 de febrero de 2022. Como lo demuestra el nombre del programa, “Fundamentos de la pequea empresa”, este curso de 3 semanas tena como objetivo capacitar a un grupo selecto de 20 empresarios en las habilidades fundamentales necesarias para administrar una pequea empresa exitosa. Las sesiones fueron facilitadas por Prichard Sagan Gibson y Kate Bell de Goalmachine, quienes usaron ejercicios dinmicos y atractivos para discutir marketing, gestin financiera, cumplimiento tributario, redaccin de un plan de negocios y mantenimiento de una administracin slida, entre otros temas clave en el espritu empresarial.

Los participantes elegidos para este programa piloto fueron una combinacin de beneficiarios de ESP y pequeas empresas existentes Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Feb 2022 08:48 PM

Mp Emmanuel: Las Exenciones De Impuestos Para Los Privilegiados Y Los Sacrificios De Ingresos Son Injustos

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Eximir de impuestos al Banco Mundial, su personal y sus actividades no deben tratarse simplemente de cumplir con un tratado internacional, sino que deben verse desde la perspectiva de lo que esto le costara al pas y en el contexto de por qu no se est haciendo lo mismo por la gente de St. Maarten. As lo dice el diputado independiente Christophe Emmanuel en su crtica a la propuesta del Ministro de Finanzas Ardwell Irion de eximir al Banco Mundial de varios impuestos locales.

El diputado Emmanuel destac que una vez ms el Ministro de Finanzas compareci ante el Parlamento de St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Feb 2022 08:13 PM

Beyond Kultura Launches Animated Video Storybook

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten In association with TVCARIB, Beyond Kultura Events Foundation has launched a new animated video storybook, based on the childrens books of BKE founder and author Loekie Morales.

The new animated storybook the second in BKEs new video storybook series is based on The Magic Wedding Cake, a book of Loekie Morales published in
English, Papiamentu, Dutch and Spanish in 2012, and featuring the illustrations of artist Tess Verheij.

Read aloud by teacher and poet Marianne Tefft and produced by freelance video editor Tashira Richardson, The Magic Wedding Cake tells the tale of young Storyana.
When Storyana opens the door of an ornate colonial building the Wedding Cake which looks like a wedding cake and is the National Archives building
in Curaao , she enters a Time Machine and be magically transported back to the days of the history of her island Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Feb 2022 11:52 AM

Nightlife Goes Back To Opening Until 3 Am As Of Friday, Sxm On The Race Back To Normalcy.

PHILIPSBURG:--- As St. Maarten continues on the road to normalcy, the government of St. Maarten through the Minister of Health Omar Ottley and the Minister of Economic Affairs have decided that based on the low numbers of active cases and hospitalization the island will reopen its nightlife until 3 am as of Friday 25th February.
This announcement was made by the Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence on Wednesday at the Council of Ministers press briefing.
Minister Lawrence said that within the past two weeks there has been an 84% decrease in active cases thus giving the government the assurance that they could scale back its business hours to the normal opening time as indicated on the business licenses.
This year St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Feb 2022 11:11 PM

Proposal To Exempt Us Customs, Border Protection From Wage, Income, Profit, Transfer And Road Taxes

Finance Minister Ardwell Irion

~ Will enable US Pre-Clearance ~

PHILIPSBURG--If a proposal tabled recently in Parliament by Finance Minister Ardwell Irion gets the green lig Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Feb 2022 07:24 PM

Operacin Desayuno Para Escolares Iniciar El 1Ro De Marzo

MARIGOT, Saint Martin La Comunidad, la Caisse Territoriale des uvres Scolaires (CTOS) y sus socios Educacin Nacional y la Autoridad Regional para la Educacin y Promocin de la Salud (IREPS), firmaron el viernes 18 de febrero un acuerdo para el trabajo de implementacin de la “Operacin Desayuno” para escolares en Saint Martn.

Este esquema, que se extender del 1 de marzo al 31 de diciembre, consiste en repartir un desayuno a cada alumno de la escuela para contribuir al xito de todos los alumnos Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Feb 2022 06:39 PM

Beyond Kultura Lanza Libro De Cuentos En Video Animado

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten En asociacin con TVCARIB, Beyond Kultura Events Foundation ha lanzado un nuevo libro de cuentos en video animado, basado en los libros infantiles de la fundadora y autora de BKE, Loekie Morales.

El nuevo libro de cuentos animado, el segundo de la nueva serie de libros de cuentos en video de BKE, se basa en The Magic Wedding Cake, un libro de Loekie Morales publicado en ingls, papiamento, holands y espaol en 2012, y presenta las ilustraciones de la artista Tess Verheij.

Ledo en voz alta por la maestra y poeta Marianne Tefft y producido por la editora de video independiente Tashira Richardson, The Magic Wedding Cake cuenta la historia de la joven Storyana.

Cuando Storyana abre la puerta de un edificio colonial ornamentado llamado el pastel de bodas, que parece un pastel de bodas y es el edificio de los Archivos Nacionales de Curazao, ingresa a una mquina del tiempo y es transportada mgicamente a los das de la historia de su isla Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Feb 2022 06:07 PM

Minister Of Vromi To Update Parliament On Policy Regarding The Issuance Of Long Lease Land.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in a public meeting on Wednesday, February 23, 2022.

The Public meeting is scheduled for 14.30 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment, and Infrastructure will be present.

The agenda points are:
1. Incoming documents
2. Status of the Over the Bank case, with regards to Resolution #2 and Resolution #4 of the Peterson motion and in consideration of the court case with verdict dated 28 January 2022, regarding the same Over the Bank land.
3 Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Feb 2022 05:59 PM

Se Avanza Constantemente Para Implementar El Proyecto De Reconstruccin De La Biblioteca Y Las Escuelas

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Los equipos de proyecto de la Oficina del Programa Nacional de Recuperacin (NRPB) estn haciendo un progreso constante para comenzar a implementar el Proyecto de Fomento del Aprendizaje Resiliente (FRLP), uno de los varios proyectos del Fondo Fiduciario de Recuperacin y Resiliencia de Sint Maarten.

A partir de un presupuesto asignado de 30 millones de dlares estadounidenses, el prximo Proyecto de Fomento del Aprendizaje Resiliente es reconstruir Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) y Sister Marie Laurence Primary School Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Feb 2022 01:03 PM

Jacobs Presenta Modificaciones A La Ley De Tarjetas De Identidad Para Personas Privilegiadas

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Finalmente se aprueba una enmienda a la ordenanza nacional sobre tarjetas de identidad para personas privilegiadas, presentada recientemente por la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs al Parlamento, St. Maarten cumplir con las obligaciones internacionales y estar un paso ms cerca de poder acordar acuerdos del pas anfitrin con organizaciones como el Banco Mundial y otras organizaciones de las Naciones Unidas (ONU).

La presentacin de la enmienda fue cuestionada por algunos miembros del parlamento (MP) que estaban preocupados por el motivo por el cual se requeran tarjetas de identificacin especiales.

La enmienda presentada durante una reunin del Comit Central del Parlamento busca enmendar la ordenanza nacional sobre tarjetas de identidad para personas privilegiadas o tarjetas de identificacin tambin conocidas como “carnets” para “personas privilegiadas” afiliadas a organizaciones intergubernamentales (OIGs) como el Banco Mundial Read more

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Source: 721 News
22 Feb 2022 12:45 PM

Simply Masters Foundation Donates ToThe Babe Ruth Baseball League

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Pamela Gordon-Carty and Austin Gordon, Founder and President of The Simply Masters Foundation respectively, donated school bags to the Babe Ruth Baseball League on Saturday, February 19. The foundation, established in 2014, has always been a foundation that caters towards enhancement of children at an early age.

The donation was made after the Babe Ruth League approached the foundation and had positive discussions with the foundation. Austin Helliger and Dimar Labega represented the Baby Ruth League in these fruitful discussions that benefits children Read more

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