THE HAGUE:--- Honourable Minister Plenipotentiary, Mrs. Henrietta Doran-York, hosted Honourable Ministers Plenipotentiary of Curacao and Aruba, Mr. Anthony Begina and Mr. Juan David Yruasquin, and Honourable Minister of Education of Curacao, Mrs. Marilyn Alcalá-Wallé, who is currently on a working visit in the Netherlands, at the Cabinet of Sint Maarten on Wednesday November 8th, in order to through them, formally thank the governments of Curacao and Aruba, on behalf of the Prime Minister and government of Sint Maarten, for their joint efforts in assisting and coordinating emergency aid to Sint Maarten prior to, during, and in the aftermath of the passing of hurricane Irma.
In particular, she thanked the governments for their immediate support to strengthen the capacities on Sint Maarten by sending personnel that crossed various fields of expertise.
With regards to the Government of Aruba, Minister Doran-York extended her gratitude for the Aruban government’s emergency medical response to, and the housing of persons in dire need of medical treatment Read more
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