Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: 721 News
23 Sep 2016 12:47 AM

Hundreds Of People Joined Smcp In National Prayer Vigil

PHILIPSBURG – Hundreds of people participate in a national prayer vigil that has been organized by the St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP).

The prayer vigil took place on Thursday, September 22, between 12:00pm to 2:00pm and called for all civic-minded individuals to join with the party in praying for a safe parliamentary election and for the success of St. Maarten as a nation.

Party president Jacqueline Godet explained that prayer is a universal language Read more

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Source: 721 News
22 Sep 2016 11:31 PM

Council Of Ministers To Move Into New Gov’T Building Friday

PHILIPSBURG – Government offices will begin moving into the new government administration building by Friday, September 23, announced Prime Minister William Marlin on Wednesday, September 21, during the Council of Ministers press briefing.

“We made a promise that we would complete the building and we would move in and we are doing so Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Sep 2016 10:33 PM

Clean Debate Dominated Academy's ‘Generation Hope’ Panel Discussion

CUL DE SAC, St. Maarten  - How will they reduce the brain-drain on St. Maarten, what plans or programs will they put in place to reduce crime among the youth on the island, and how can they diversify the economy instead of us relying on tourism as the major economic activity, were just some of the questions posed during Tuesday's panel discussion by students of several high schools to representatives of the nine political parties contesting the September 26 parliamentary elections.

The event, which was sponsored by St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Sep 2016 08:22 PM

Cul de Sac:--- How will they reduce the brain-drain on St. Maarten, what plans or programs will they put in place to reduce crime among the youth on the island, and how can they diversify the economy instead of us relying on tourism as the major economic activity, were just some of the questions posed during Tuesday's panel discussion by students of several high schools to representatives of the nine political parties contesting the September 26 parliamentary elections.

The event, which was sponsored by St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Sep 2016 08:12 PM


PHILIPSBURG:---  With a deed signed before a notary as well as a purchase and sale agreement reached between parties concerned, the way has been paved for the construction of new parking facilities in Philipsburg.
The long anticipated facilities are a project of the general pension fund, APS, which signed the deed to the area where the facilities are to be constructed, on Thursday. Earlier a sale and purchase agreement was also signed by APS with the government of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Sep 2016 07:58 PM

Exclusive: Minister Lee Got Warning From Jeroen Veen About Aov Funds In December 2015.

PHILIPSBURG: --- Another document surfaced since the ongoing saga with the investing of the AOV funds. On Wednesday, Minister of VSA Emil Lee said he was never warned neither did he had any meetings with the former chairman of the Supervisory Board of Directors of USZV Dr. about the investment of the AOV funds.
Minister Lee attacked the former Chairman of the SBOD Dr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Sep 2016 04:31 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Health, Labour and Social Development Emil Lee and SZV Director Glen Carty have signed the first ever Performance Agreement between a Minister and the Director since the founding of the Social & Health Insurances SZV after 10-10-10. This performance agreement is a legal obligation and is directly tied to the operational budget of the SZV, which was submitted by Director Carty by the yearly legal deadline, which was also a first for SZV.
Key elements of the performance agreement call for; an enhanced digital medical referral process, benchmarked results for the safe investment of social funds that must have a measurable standard, medical care quality reviews, improved customer satisfaction and bi-annual reports on the terms in the agreement issued with input from the Supervisory Board.
This performance agreement is the result of months of work to establish what is a landmark document that can act as a model for future Ministers and Directors to follow Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Sep 2016 06:41 AM

Gibson: 2M In Casino Taxes Collected, Promise Kept To Not Increase Road Tax

PHILIPSBURG--Finance Minister Richard Gibson said on Wednesday that Government has again proven that a promise made is a promise kept, with the recent collection of NAf. 2 million of arrears in casino taxes.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Sep 2016 06:25 AM

Stoning Disrupts Belvedere Meeting

PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP) district meeting in Belvedere Wednesday was interrupted around 9:15pm by unknown persons throwing rocks at the crowd at the meeting. As one of the candidates took to the podium large rocks reportedly started to hit the attendees.

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Source: 721 News
22 Sep 2016 04:05 AM

Parlamentaria Leona Marlin Romeo Encabeza Llamado De Reunión Pública Urgente Del Parlamento

Traducido por Máximo Castro

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten.- La miembro del Parlamento, Leona Marlin-Romeo declaró el lunes que una solicitud ha sido hecha a la Presidenta del Parlamento para que convoque de manera urgente a una reunión pública, en relación con el proyecto “La perla de China en Belair.

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Source: 721 News
22 Sep 2016 02:30 AM

Unknown Culprits Attacked Smcp Candidates And Supporters With Rocks During The Public Meeting On Thursday Night

~SMCP attacked at Belvedere public meeting -party refuses to be silenced~

BELVEDERE, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Christian Party condemns in the strongest possible terms the use of projectiles and missiles that were hurled at party candidates during a meeting in Belvedere on Thursday night.

At about 9:15 pm huge rocks were flung over the perimeter fence of the Belvedere Community Centre from a dark area sending party supporters and onlookers scampering for cover Read more

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Source: 721 News
22 Sep 2016 02:30 AM

Unknown Culprits Attacked Smcp Candidates And Supporters With Rocks During The Public Meeting On Wednesday Night

~SMCP attacked at Belvedere public meeting -party refuses to be silenced~

BELVEDERE, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Christian Party condemns in the strongest possible terms the use of projectiles and missiles that were hurled at party candidates during a meeting in Belvedere on Wednesday night.

At about 9:15 pm huge rocks were flung over the perimeter fence of the Belvedere Community Centre from a dark area sending party supporters and onlookers scampering for cover Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Sep 2016 08:55 PM

Y2x Crew: This Week Is All About Girl Power

CONCORDIA – Recent guests on Fresh with the Y2X Crew, Member of Parliament (MP) Cornelius de Weever, René Violenus of the National Alliance (NA), Joslyn Richardson of One St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Sep 2016 06:51 PM

Alzheimer's Day Recognized On St. Maarten Wednesday

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day, President of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams signed the declaration of The Global Parliamentary Action Group on Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

By signing, the President of Parliament has committed to: initiate and support efforts in St. Maarten focused on incr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Sep 2016 06:40 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Today, September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day, President of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams signed the declaration of The Global Parliamentary Action Group on Alzheimer’s & Dementia.
By signing, the President of Parliament has committed to initiate and support efforts in St. Maarten focused on increasing Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Sep 2016 06:35 PM

Jci Live Parliamentary Procedures Training

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - JCI LIVE Soualiga, a local chapter of the worldwide leadership training organization called Junior Chamber International, is continuously contributing to the development of our community through their sustainable projects.

On Saturday the 10th of September 2016 JCI LIVE Soualiga hosted a fundraiser in the form of a training on parliamentary procedures.

This training was given by former Prime Minister and JCI senator Mr. Marcel Gumbs and former Minister of Justice who is also a JCI senator Mr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Sep 2016 06:23 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- JCI LIVE Soualiga, a local chapter of the worldwide leadership training organization called Junior Chamber International, is continuously contributing to the development of our community through their sustainable projects. On Saturday the 10th of September 2016 JCI LIVE Soualiga hosted a fundraiser in the form of a training on parliamentary procedures. This training was given by former Prime Minister and JCI senator Mr. Marcel Gumbs and former Minister of Justice who is also a JCI senator Mr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Sep 2016 05:26 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of EYCS Silveria Jacobs made some clarification on the “One Tablet per child or ITT” in the classroom which had a name that is misleading, and as such her committee chose to change the name to i-step. (Inspiring Students with Technology in Education Project) Minister Jacobs said that the name “One tablet per child” gave children and even parents the perception that each student would have gotten a tablet to take home or even in the classroom or the project is just about tablets Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Sep 2016 03:53 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VSA Emil Lee now has to deal with an injunction filed by VAMED the contractor who wrote the concept for USZV for the construction of the New Hospital. Minister Lee made the announcement on Wednesday at the Council of Minister's press briefing. Minister Lee said they are now faced with a hiccup but then said it’s more of a nuisance because they went through the process and ensured that all “I” have been dotted and all “T” crossed.
Minister Lee said this is the first time they have seen a losing bidder resort to court to try and change the outcome of the bidding process.
He said when he reviewed the process and the timeline he saw some very interesting things, he said it's either observations or coincidences.
As he laid out what he discovered Minister Lee said when he met with the board of USZV in December 2015 when Dr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Sep 2016 01:42 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---Minister of Finance Richard Gibson Sr announced on Wednesday at the Council of Minister's press briefing that he made a promise when he first took office almost nine months ago and he can now report that the promise he made when he reported to parliament is a promise he kept. Gibson said that when he reported to parliament regarding the legislation the former government had prepared to increase the number plate fees, he told parliament that he would scrap that legislation and go after the casinos so that they could pay their dues, instead of shifting the burden on the entire population.
The finance Minister said an agreement was signed on Tuesday with the Receivers office Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Sep 2016 12:53 PM

Cantave Visits Mlk On School Book Tour

PHILIPSBURG – The group 8 students of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School had a special guest speaker on Tuesday morning, September 20.

Ralph Cantave, author of Words of Change visited the school to inspire the students and to speak to them about his book.

“Ralph is truly inspiring for other youth and I felt it best to invite him to our school to speak to our students,” remarked School Manager of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School Stuart Johnson.

“I am ecstatic he visited our school first and I look forward to continuing our long healthy working relationship with our country’s young book author,” Johnson added.

Cantave took the opportunity to speak to the students about the current political structure and developments Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Sep 2016 12:51 PM

Carnival Fascination Volunteers In Cleaning Great Bay Beach

PHILIPSBURG – September 17 is allocated as International Coastal Cleanup Day, and Carnival Cruise Line’s vessel, Carnival Fascination, gave back to the St. Maarten community via a beach cleanup.

Fourteen crew members of the Carnival Fascination volunteered their free time on the island to assist in cleaning Great Bay Beach from the Walter Plantz Square to the Great Bay Hotel parking lot on the internationally recognized day for coastal cleanups.

The energized crew decided to enjoy a nice walk back to the ship alongside the Great Bay Beach after the cleanup.

Port Agent for Carnival Cruises, S.E.L Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Sep 2016 10:30 AM

C-Tec And Expo 2016 Committee Calls For Presenters And Exhibitors

CAY HILL – With the 2nd Caribbean Technology in Education Conference (C-TEC) and EXPO 2016 on its way, the organizing committee is inviting interested persons and businesses to be presenters of workshop sessions or exhibitors of their company’s products.

C-TEC and EXPO 2016 is calling on all local tech savvy St. Maarten people to showcase and share their knowledge in their area of expertise. This is a professional development opportunity that will shine on your CV or resume. C-TEC and EXPO 2016 organizers are especially looking for subject area teachers, who can demonstrate how technology is revolutionizing their discipline.

The C-TEC 2016 conference program will feature local, regional and international educators addressing the integration of technology in classrooms, including latest trends in the areas of blended learning, social media, STEM education and other topics through cutting-edge sessions Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Sep 2016 10:00 AM

Smcp Issues National Call To Prayer

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Hundreds of people are expected to participate in a national prayer vigil that has been organized by the St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP).

The prayer vigil takes places on Thursday September 22, 2016 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm and calls for all civic-minded individuals to join with the party in praying for a safe parliamentary election and for the success of St Read more

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