Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Jun 2020 05:19 PM

Public Weather Forecast For St. Maarten

DATE ISSUED: Monday, June 22, 2020 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC)

VALID UNTIL: Tuesday midday (12:00 LST) June 23, 2020

WEATHER: This afternoon through Tuesday midday: Fair to partly cloudy, hazy and breezy.

Forecast High:32C / 90FForecast Low:28C / 82F

Sunset Today:6:51 P.M.Sunrise Tomorrow:5:38 A.M.

SURFACE WINDS: This afternoon through Tuesday midday: Easterly with a gentle to moderate of 10 to 18 mph, and possible higher gusts.


An influx of thick Saharan dust will cause hazy and dusty conditions across the Caribbean island chain Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Jun 2020 03:33 PM

Anguilla Heating Up For Elections Just A Week Away

AUF district and island-wide candidates.

APM district and island-wide candidates.

ANGUILLA--June 29 is Election Day in Anguilla and the 32 candidates are involved in public meetings and debates. The Anguilla National Youth Council is doing a very good job in organising political debates on a nightly basis. During the past week the representatives from each district have debated with their opponents on questions based on youth and sustainable development. The debates were of a high standard and gave the population the opportunity to hear their candidates opinions on vital concerns Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Jun 2020 10:40 PM

Heyliger-Marten: Local Lenders Must Show Confidence In Local Businesses

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten At a time when local and global economies are facing economic hardship and the US stock market is showing instability, Faction Leader for the United People’s Party in Parliament, the
honourable Grisha Heyliger-Marten says, “it is unbelievable to learn that NV GEBE is unable to secure financing from local lending agencies for its projects.”

GEBE is a local Utility company who has shown remarkable resilience through hard times Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Jun 2020 10:29 PM

El Aeropuerto Reabrir El Da De La Emancipacin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La Ministra de TEATT, Ludmila de Weever, declar que el pas est listo para recibir viajeros de Europa y Amrica del Norte a partir del 1ro de julio, lo que coincide con nuestra celebracin del Da de la Emancipacin. Se alienta a la comunidad a seguir adhirindose a los protocolos adecuados de distanciamiento social, salud y seguridad, as como a las pautas establecidas para las empresas a fin de mantener un Sint Maarten libre de COVID-19.

La Ministra de Weever public los “Requisitos de ingreso en viajes” a todas las partes interesadas que describen los protocolos de seguridad y salud, los requisitos de prueba y los procedimientos de evaluacin de salud, entre otros para los visitantes que llegan al Aeropuerto Internacional Princess Juliana Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Jun 2020 10:07 PM

El Diputado Buncamper Cuestiona El Recorte Salarial A Los Empleados De Las Towers De Mullet Bay

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El viernes 19 de junio del 2020, el miembro del Parlamento Claudio Buncamper envi una carta a la Ministra de TEATT, (Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Telecomunicaciones y Transporte) Rudmila de Weever, y al ministro de VSA (Salud Pblica, Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales) Richard Panneflek, solicitandole una aclaracin sobre la informacin obtenida sobre los salarios de los trabajadores en las Torres de Mullet Bay.

El diputado Buncamper mencion en sus cartas a los ministros que la informacin obtenida se refiere, entre otros asuntos, a los salarios de los trabajadores de las torres en Mullet Bay, que se haban reducido en un 50% desde marzo del 2020 y reclamaciones de un propietario de tiempo compartido en particular que parte de las tarifas de mantenimiento se utilizan para asegurar la propiedad, mientras que no se realizaron pagos de seguros despus de que la propiedad fuera daada por los huracanes Irma y Mara en septiembre del 2017.

El parlamentario tambin pregunt si la compaa haba solicitado asistencia financiera de nmina a travs del plan SRRP y si se concedi esta solicitud Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Jun 2020 05:54 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday, June 22, 2020, at 7:00 am, Sint Maarten time, Chris van Dam, Member of the Dutch Second Chamber, will be presenting a motion to the Second Chamber in which he is requesting the Dutch Government to establish that the prison system of Sint Maarten is taken over completely by the Kingdom Council of Ministers for a period of five (5) years at the expense of Country Sint Maarten.
Mr. van Dam sent a copy of this motion to our Members of Parliament with a letter explaining his reasons for submitting it Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Jun 2020 04:11 PM

Will Parliament And Government Allow Dutch Takeover Of The Prison?

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – On Monday, June 22, 2020 at 7:00 am, Sint Maarten time, Chris van Dam, Member of the Dutch Second Chamber, will be presenting a motion to the Second Chamber in which he is requesting the Dutch Government to establish that the prison system of Sint Maarten be taken over completely by the Kingdom Council of Ministers for a period of five (5) years at the expense of Country Sint Maarten.

Mr. van Dam sent a copy of this motion to our Members of Parliament with a letter explaining his reasons for submitting it Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Jun 2020 03:18 PM

Pfp Enva Preguntas Viejas Y Nuevas A Doran

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El 16 de junio del 2020, los miembros del Parlamento del Partido Fuerza del Progreso (PFP) Melissa Gumbs y Raeyhon Peterson presentaron preguntas al Honorable Ministro de Vivienda Pblica, Planificacin Territorial, Medio Ambiente e Infraestructura (VROMI) Egbert C Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2020 05:12 PM

La Ministra De Justicia Y El Ministro De Vsa Se Reunieron Para Discutir El Camino A Seguir.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Gobierno de Sint Maarten, bajo los auspicios del Ministerio de Justicia y el Ministerio de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo (VSA), se reunieron a puerta cerrada el lunes 15 de junio del 2020, con el nico objetivo de meditar sobre los planes para apoyar la iniciativa de La ministra de Justicia, Anna E Richardson. Los Funcionarios clave de ambos ministerios y sus respectivos asesores legales tambin asistieron a la reunin.

Desde el inicio para ejecutar las percepciones de la LTU (Ordenanza sobre Admisin y Expulsin) y la LAV (Ordenanza sobre Trabajo Extranjero), en lo que se refiere a la proteccin de nuestras fronteras, se ha encargado un Comit de Fuerza Especializada para tomar la iniciativa.

Tanto la Ministra de Justicia, Anna Richardson, como el Ministro de VSA, Richard Panneflek, se hicieron eco de los sentimientos del Consejo de Ministros de que la ejecucin de esta iniciativa debe realizarse de acuerdo con los derechos humanos internacionales y el mantenimiento de la dignidad para todos Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2020 04:57 PM

La Oficina De Servicios De Inmigracin Y Proteccin Fronteriza Reabri El Mircoles Con Cita Previa

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Gabinete del Ministerio de Justicia, en nombre de la Ministra de Justicia, Anna Richardson, declar el martes que los Servicios de Inmigracin y Proteccin Fronteriza abri al pblico en general el mircoles 17 de junio del 2020 solo con citas.

La oficina est abierta de lunes a jueves de 8:30 a.m hasta las 11:45 a.m Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2020 04:51 PM

Ministerio De Justicia: Titulares De Permisos De Residencia (Temporales) Relacionados Con El Cierre Temporal De La Oficina De Inmigracin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Gabinete del Ministerio de Justicia, en nombre de la Ministra de Justicia, Anna Richardson, emiti la siguiente declaracin en lo que respecta a los titulares de permisos de residencia temporal en relacin con el cierre provisional de la Oficina de Inmigracin debido al Estado de Emergencia COVID-19.

La Ministra de Justicia dice: Considerando que las leyes de inmigracin se aplican estrictamente Considerando el cierre temporal de la Oficina de Inmigracin debido al Estado de Emergencia COVID-19, que ha sido declarado por Decreto Nacional del 4 de abril del 2020, no Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2020 02:56 PM

Pfp Solicita Claridad A La Ministra De Justicia Sobre El Anuncio De Inmigracin Ilegal

Preocupados por el cumplimiento de las normas internacionales de los derechos humanos

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Los miembros del parlamento del PFP, Melissa Gumbs y Raeyhon Peterson, enviaron preguntas a la Ministra Anna Richardson, tras el anuncio de que las leyes de inmigracin del pas se haran cumplir estrictamente, y alentaron a aquellos sin permisos de residencia a abandonar voluntariamente la isla o enfrentar detencin y deportacin.

La faccin ha declarado pblicamente que el desenfrenado problema de inmigracin ilegal del pas ha necesitado desesperadamente atencin durante ms de diez aos y ambos parlamentarios elogian a la Ministra por al menos tomar la iniciativa de comenzar la discusin para manejar este tema Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Jun 2020 01:53 PM

Aeropuerto Para Reabrir El Da De La Emancipacin

Philipsburg - La ministra de TEATT, Ludmila de Weever, declar que el pas est listo para recibir viajeros de Europa y Amrica del Norte a partir del 1 de julio, lo que coincide con nuestra celebracin del Da de la Emancipacin. Se alienta a la comunidad a seguir adhirindose a los protocolos adecuados de distanciamiento social y salud y seg Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Jun 2020 07:11 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of TEATT Ludmila de Weever stated that the Country is ready to receive travelers from Europe and North America as of July 1st, which coincides with our celebration of Emancipation Day. The community is encouraged to continue adhering to the proper social distancing and health and safety protocols as well as the established guidelines for businesses in order to maintain a COVID-19 free Sint Maarten.

Minister de Weever released the Travel Entry Requirements to all stakeholders that outline the safety and health protocols, testing requirements and health screening procedures, among others for visitors arriving at Princess Juliana International Airport Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Jun 2020 05:22 AM

Buncamper Questions Ministers On The Towers Employees Salary Cut

PHILIPSBURG--United St. Maarten Party (US Party) Member of Parliament (MP) Claudius Toontje Buncamper sent letters to Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Ludmila de Weever and Minister of Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Jun 2020 05:15 AM

School Repairs To Start In October

The Sister Marie Laurence Primary School in Middle Region.

PHILIPSBURG--Sister Marie Laurence Primary School, Charles Leopold Bell Primary School, and Leonald Connor Primary School are among a set of prioritised schools where repair work will start in October, Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs told Members of Parliament (MPs) on Friday during a Parliament meeting that discussed the implementation of programmes under the St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Jun 2020 02:30 AM

Airport To Reopen On Emancipation Day

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Ludmila de Weever announced in a press release on Friday night that Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) will be open to travellers from Europe and North America as of July 1, which is Emancipation Day.

Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Jun 2020 10:54 PM

Airport To Re-Open On Emancipation Day

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Minister of TEATT Ludmila de Weever stated that the Country is ready to receive travelers from Europe and North America as of July 1 st , which coincides with our celebration of Emancipation Day. The community is encouraged to continue adhering to the proper social distancing and health and safety protocols as well as the established guidelines for businesses in order to maintain a COVID-19 free Sint Maarten.

Minister de Weever released the Travel Entry Requirements to all stakeholders that outline the safety and health protocols, testing requirements and health screening procedures, among others for visitors arriving at the Princess Juliana International Airport Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Jun 2020 10:44 PM

Mp Buncamper Questions Salary Cut Of Towers At Mullet Bay Employees

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – On Friday, June 19, 2020 Member of Parliament Claudius Buncamper sent a letter to the Minister of TEATT, (Tourism, Economic Affairs, Telecommunications and Transportation) Rudmila de Weever, and the minister of VSA (Public Health, Labor and Social Affairs) Richard Panneflek, requesting clarification on information obtained regarding salaries of the workers at the Towers of Mullet Bay.

MP Buncamper mentioned in his letters to the ministers that the information obtained concerns, among other matters, the salaries of the workers of the Towers at Mullet Bay which had been cut by 50% since March 2020 and claims by a particular timeshare owner that part of the maintenance fees is used for insuring the property, while no insurance pay-outs were made after the property was damaged by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017.

The MP also queried whether the company had requested financial payroll assistance through the SRRP plan and if this request was granted Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Jun 2020 08:18 PM

Current Government Lives Up To Agreements Made By Former Government

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – I was pleasantly surprised and extremely pleased to hear the Honorable Prime Minister declare during the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on June 17, 2020, that her Government is living up to the agreements made by the Marlin-Romeo Government. The PMs exact words were: Government has done everything, and I mean everything, to live up to conditions set on us by previous agreements set by previous governments, we have maintained those agreements.

For the past eight months I have been waiting for the Jacobs Government to chart a new direction for Sint Maarten because the past opposition in Parliament, she was very much the agreements that the Marlin-Romeo Government had reached with the Dutch and the World Bank Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Jun 2020 06:38 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- I was pleasantly surprised and extremely pleased to hear the Honorable Prime Minister declare during the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on June 17, 2020, that her Government is living up to the agreements made by the Marlin-Romeo Government. The PMs exact words were: Government has done everything, and I mean everything, to live up to conditions set on us by previous agreements set by previous governments, we have maintained those agreements.
For the past eight months I have been waiting for the Jacobs Government to chart a new direction for Sint Maarten because the past opposition in Parliament, she was very much the agreements that the Marlin-Romeo Government had reached with the Dutch and the World Bank Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Jun 2020 06:35 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday, June 19, 2020, Member of Parliament Claudius Buncamper sent a letter to the Minister of TEATT, (Tourism, Economic Affairs, Telecommunications, and Transportation) Ludmila de Weever, and the minister of VSA (Public Health, Labor and Social Affairs) Richard Panneflek, requesting clarification on information obtained regarding salaries of the workers at the Towers of Mullet Bay Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
19 Jun 2020 05:23 PM

Public Weather Forecast For St. Maarten

DATE ISSUED: Friday, June 19, 2020 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC)

VALID UNTIL: Saturday midday (12:00 LST) June 20, 2020

WEATHER: This afternoon through Saturday midday: Fair to partly cloudy and breezy, becoming slightly hazy with a few brief showers possible.

Forecast High:32C / 90F Forecast Low:27C / 81F

Sunset Today:6:50 P.M. Sunrise Tomorrow:5:38 A.M.

SURFACE WINDS: This afternoon through Saturday midday: Easterly with a gentle to moderate breeze of 10 to 18 mph, and higher gusts possible.


The Atlantic high pressure system will generate mostly gentle winds across the region Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
19 Jun 2020 05:05 AM

The Collectivit And Ple Emploi Sign Agreements For Training Job Seekers

President Daniel Gibbs (centre) and Ple Emploi Regional Director Olivier Pelvoizin (right) sign the agreements.

MARIGOT--President of the Collectivit Daniel Gibbs signed three ag Read more

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