Amendment For Regulating Overtime Pay To Officers Made A Point Of Action By Minister Of Justice Anna Richardson
Philipsburg, Sint Maarten On Thursday, April 29, 2021, the Minister of Justice, Ms. Anna E. Richardson held a meeting with the Chief of Police Force, Mr. Carl John, and Attorney at Law, Ms. Peggy-Ann Brandon, to discuss the topic of regulating overtime compensation for both the Police and Immigration Officers.
The objective of the meeting was to identify the obstacles being faced with the current protocol and to explore the steps needed to be taken to ensure that the officers of the KPSM and the Immigration and Border Protection Services(IBPS)are fairly compensated for overtime hours.
The meeting held last week was requested by Minister Richardson as a follow-up to the phase one approach aimed at tackling the matter of overtime compensation.
Upon taking office, Minister Richardson immediately focused on taking steps and measures to regulate all aspects of concern within the Ministry of Justice Read more
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