Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SMN-News
15 Jun 2022 12:34 PM

Former Directors Of Nv Gebe Approved Internal Audit Plan 2015 And 2019. Head Internal Auditor Failed To Audit The Ict.

PHILIPSBURG: --- Circulating documents have revealed that the Head Internal auditor Ms. Sharine Daniel misled the Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure (Minister of VROMI)  Egbert Jurendy Doran with the answers presented in the House of Parliament on Friday, June 10, 2022, during the question hour Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Jun 2022 11:12 AM

Trust Fund Steering Committee On Working Visit To St. Maarten

Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs attending a Trust Fund Steering Committee meeting in Washington DC on March 7. (File photo)

PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Trust Fund Steering Committee members are currently in St. Maarten for a working visit.

  Prime Minister Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
14 Jun 2022 11:41 PM

Ottley Presents Stakeholders With Plan For Chronic Diseases

From left: Nicola Taylor, programme director for PAHO, Minister of VSA Omar Ottley, Dr Erica Wheeler PAHO rep for T&T and Dutch Caribbean and Dr Paul Edwards.

PHILIPSBURG--The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA has finalised a new ten- year strategic plan for chronic diseases. This plan is call Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
14 Jun 2022 08:54 PM

El Ministro De Salud Pblica Ottley Presenta Ncd Map A Las Partes Interesadas

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) El Ministerio de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo (Ministry VSA) finaliz un nuevo plan estratgico de 10 aos para enfermedades crnicas.

Se denomina Plan de Accin Multisectorial para la Prevencin y el Control de las Enfermedades No Transmisibles (MAP ENT) 2021-2030. El NCD MAP fue presentado a los Ministerios de Educacin, Cultura, Juventud y Deportes, El Ministerio de Vivienda Pblica, Medio Ambiente, Planificacin Territorial e Infraestructura, y al Ministerio de Finanzas por el Ministro de VSA Excmo Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
14 Jun 2022 11:48 AM

Sjis Abre Casa De Crianza

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – SJIS abri su hogar de acogida para nios de 13 a 18 aos el pasado viernes 13 de junio del 2022. La ministra de Justicia, la honorable Anna Richardson, junto con la directora de la Fundacin de Desarrollo de St. Maarten (SMDF), Makhicia Brooks, el miembro de la junta de SJIS, Ajamu Baly, el pastor Cuvalay y Foster Care Read more

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Source: SMN-News
14 Jun 2022 09:40 AM

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):---  The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (Ministry VSA) has finalized a new 10-year strategic plan for chronic diseases.

It is called the Multisectoral Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD MAP) 2021-2030. The NCD MAP was presented to the Ministries of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports, the Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Finance by the Minister of VSA Hon Read more

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Source: SMN-News
14 Jun 2022 08:48 AM

~Contributions accepted to complete~

PHILIPSBURG:--- SJIS opened its Foster Home for children ages 13 through 18 last Friday, June 13, 2022. Minister of Justice the honorable Anna Richardson together with St. Maarten Development Foundation (SMDF) director Makhicia Brooks, SJIS Board Member Ajamu Baly, Pastor Cuvalay, and Foster Care Coordinator Meredith Concincion cut the ribbon marking the official opening of the home.
Currently, 5 children have been placed at the new home which will be able to house 20 children when it is operating at capacity.
SMDF has been instrumental in making it possible for SJIS to make this significant step towards establishing a home for minors placed under supervision Read more

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Source: 721 News
14 Jun 2022 07:32 AM

Emmanuel: Lawrence The Latest Local To Bite From Poisonous Tree Of Government

Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel on Monday likened the National Alliance led government to a tree of poisonous fruit from which too many St. Maarten professionals have taken a bite and fallen victim. This is a very bad government that shuns responsibility, lies, passes the buck to others and destroys the lives of local people to protect their agendas, MP Emmanuel said Read more

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Source: SMN-News
14 Jun 2022 06:22 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Sint Maarten Trust Fund Steering Committee members are currently in Sint Maarten for a working visit. The Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs hereby extends a warm welcome to the Steering Committee as they return to Sint Maarten to discuss the implementation of Trust Fund initiatives, opportunities for improvement, as well as plans of action for potential upcoming projects.

The Steering Committee is made up of former Sint Maarten Prime Minister, Mr. Marcel Gumbs (representing the Government of Sint Maarten), former Dutch State Secretary, Mr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
14 Jun 2022 12:25 AM

Sxm Ser Anfitrin De La 6Ta Cumbre Anual Caribavia De 3 Das

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El enfoque principal de la Conferencia CaribAvia de este ao es el redesarrollo de rutas para traer de vuelta los puentes areos al Caribe en grandes cantidades y cerrar la brecha entre las juntas de turismo y los aeropuertos.

Este ao se cumplen seis aos desde que el grupo de expertos en aviacin del Caribe y desarrolladores de productos tursticos comenz a reunirse para fomentar mejoras en la industria de la aviacin y el turismo en la regin del Caribe.

Los comentarios de apertura sern pronunciados hoy martes 14 de junio en Simpson Bay Resort Ballroom por la honorable Primera Ministra de St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
14 Jun 2022 12:12 AM

Emmanuel: Lawrence, El ltimo Local En Morder El rbol Venenoso Del Gobierno

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El miembro independiente del parlamento, Christophe Emmanuel, compar el lunes al gobierno liderado por la Alianza Nacional con un rbol de fruta venenosa del que demasiados profesionales de St. Maarten han tomado un mordedura y han sido vctima cada. Este es un gobierno muy malo que evita la responsabilidad, miente, pasa la pelota a otros y destruye la vida de la poblacin local para proteger sus agendas, dijo el parlamentario Emmanuel. Maldad y venganza en su forma ms autntica, agreg.

El parlamentario se vio impulsado a hacer su declaracin en base a la renuncia pendiente informada del Ministro de TEATT, Roger Lawrence Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Jun 2022 10:35 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Redeveloping routes to bring back airlifts to the Caribbean in high numbers and bridging the gap between tourism boards and airports are the primal focus of this years CaribAvia Conference.

This year marks six years since the group of Caribbean aviation experts and tourism product developers started gathering to foster improvements in the aviation industry and tourism for the Caribbean region.

Opening remarks will be delivered today Tuesday, June 14th at the Simpson Bay Resort Ballroom by the honorable Prime Minister of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 Jun 2022 06:48 PM

La Nueva Campaa Pblica/Privada De Shta Save The Summer De Expedia Logra Un Apoyo Rcord En Toda La Isla

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro interino de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Telecomunicaciones y Transporte (TEATT), Omar Ottley, y la SHTA firmaron un acuerdo acelerado. La Asociacin de Comercio y Hospitalidad de St Maarten (SHTA) lanzar una campaa de Expedia junto con la Oficina de Turismo de St. Maarten (STB).

El acuerdo de campaa fue firmado oficialmente el jueves 9 de junio por el Ministro Omar Ottley en presencia del miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de SHTA Ricardo Prez, la Directora May-ling Chun y la Jefa de Seccin del Departamento de Marketing Gianira Arrindell de STB Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Jun 2022 02:06 PM

~ Candidates are being reviewed for nominations~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence who has been out on medical leave for the past months has informed his party leader and the Council of Ministers that he intends to submit a letter of resignation today Monday, June 13th, 2022 due to extended medical leave.
The Council of Ministers had expected the Minister to return to work last Monday, June 6th, 2022 but the Minister it is understood invited his party leader MP Rolando Brison and the Prime Minister of St Maarten Silveria Jacobs and informed them that he plans to resign and place his focus on his medical health.
Minister Lawrence was appointed the Minister of TEATT who replaced now Member of Parliament Ludmilla de Weever on August 26th, 2021 Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 Jun 2022 11:39 AM

La Primera Ministra Silveria E. Jacobs Se Rene Con El Prfet Dlgu Berton

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – El mircoles 8 de junio del 2022, la Honorable Primera Ministra Silveria E. Jacobs y una delegacin que inclua al Jefe de Polica Carl John, al Inspector Jefe Benjamin Gout, al Jefe del Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores Patrice Gumbs y personal de apoyo asistieron a una reunin de cooperacin de alto nivel con el Prfet dlgu recientemente designado para San Martn y San Bartolom Vincent Berton junto con el Secretario General Julien Marie, el Comandante de la Gendarmera Maxime Wintzer-Weheking y el Director Territorial de la Agencia Regional de Salud (ARS) Paul Guibert.

La reunin de cooperacin fue planeada para actualizar sobre la situacin de salud actual en relacin con COVID-19, la posibilidad de colaboracin en la distribucin de agua, preparacin para desastres y varios temas que formarn parte de las reuniones binacionales del cuarto trimestre.

Durante la reunin, ambas delegaciones discutieron el estado del COVID-19 en ambos lados de la isla, que se mantiene bastante estable con hospitalizaciones mnimas Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Jun 2022 09:13 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- An expedited agreement was signed by the acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Telecommunication and Transport (TEATT) Omar Ottley and the SHTA. The St Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA) will launch an Expedia campaign in conjunction with the St. Maarten Tourism Bureau (STB).

A campaign agreement was officially signed on Thursday, June 9th by Minister Omar Ottley in the presence of Executive Board member Ricardo Perez of the SHTA, Director May-ling Chun, and Section Head Marketing Department Gianira Arrindell of STB Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Jun 2022 09:11 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs and a delegation including the Chief of Police Carl John, Chief Inspector Benjamin Gout, Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs Patrice Gumbs, and support staff attended a high-level cooperation meeting with recently appointed Prfet dlgu for Saint Martin and St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
12 Jun 2022 11:51 PM

Save The Summer Expedia Campaign Raises Record Island-Wide Support

From left: STB Marketing Department Section Head Gianira Arrindell, STB Director May Ling Chun, acting TEATT Minister Omar Ottley and SHTA Executive Board member Ricardo Perez.


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Source: The Daily Herald
12 Jun 2022 03:53 PM

Frantz Gumbs, Daniel Gibbs, Advance To Second Round Of Legislative Elections

      Frantz Gumbs                                        Daniel Gibbs

MARIGOTParliamentary candidates Frantz Gumbs and Daniel Gibbs have qualified for the second round of the French Legislative Elections to be held June 18 following results of voting on both islands in the first round on Saturday evening.

  The two front runners are vying for the Dput seat in the National Assembly to represent the constituency of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
10 Jun 2022 03:54 PM

The Opinion Of Suzy Down The Road

Dear Editor,

Permit me to inject to the article from LADY SPADE as she hit the nail on the head, which entice me to grab a pen.

That this issue of demolition at the Airport Road is a personal matter is clear as daylight. The Minister, whom I choose no longer to address as HONORABLE, is of bad faith and he needs to resign. The Members of Parliament are fast asleep. It seems that they are lacking integrity.

It is incomprehensive how they allowed the Minister of VROMI to get away with such a blunder Read more

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Source: 721 News
10 Jun 2022 03:51 PM

World Bank Visits Island For First Mission Week In Regards To Mental Health Project

Philipsburg, St. Maarten The minister of VSA discusses plans for the execution of activities associated with the mental health project.

Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Mr. Omar Ottley, welcomed World Bank representatives Ana Holt, Johanne Angers, Marcelo Bortman, and Alyssa Khan to his office to discuss the delegations trip Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Jun 2022 01:08 PM

Law On Importation On Over-The-Counter Medication Are Outdated.

~ The law has a kink that has to be addressed --- Ottley.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of VSA Omar Ottley and the Inspectorate told members of parliament on Friday that St. Maarten is working with an old Dutch law that is outdated when it comes to the importation of medicine.
The Members of Parliament committee on health discussed the:- 
1) the re-introduction of semi-pharmaceutical products like Vicks, Bengay, alcolado, and others into supermarkets
2) the legalization of CBD products in St Maarten.

During the debate, the minister said the law has a kink and he can only deal with the problems based on the law available to him Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Jun 2022 12:51 PM

Moko Fest To Be Held On St. Martin.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Sunday, 3 July 2022, the Funtopia Youth Initiative Foundation will be hosting MOKO FEST the first-ever of its kind, an Afro-Caribbean festival that brings the Moko Jumbie and the Art of Stilt Walking to the forefront in St. Martin. This event was inspired by the worldwide growing popularity of Afropunk culture, which is a fusion of fashion, food, music, and entertainment that is heavily influenced by artists of the African diaspora and creatives in celebration of the lived black experience Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Jun 2022 11:58 AM

El Banco Mundial Visita La Isla Para La Primera Semana De La Misin Con Respecto Al Proyecto De Salud Mental

Philipsburg, St. Maarten El ministro de VSA discute los planes para la ejecucin de las actividades asociadas con el proyecto de salud mental. El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Sr. Omar Ottley, dio la bienvenida a los representantes del Banco Mundial, Ana Holt, Johanne Angers, Marcelo Bortman y Alyssa Khan a su oficina para discutir el viaje de la delegacin Read more

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