Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SMN-News
10 Jun 2022 11:14 AM

No Audit On GebeS It System Over The Years.

~ Seven Seas does not pay the fuel clause.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran told members of parliament on Friday during the question hour that GEBE Internal Audit Department is not equipped to conduct an audit of the IT Department of NV GEBE and that the company would have to outsource such a task.
It should be noted that Sharine Daniel has headed the Internal Audit Department of NV GEBE for close to 12 years and only now since the companys servers were hacked by the black byte ransomware, Daniel has said that her department is not equipped for such a task Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Jun 2022 11:06 AM

Mp Wescot-Williams: Se Lo Dejamos A Ellos, Quienes Lo Crearon En Primer Lugar.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Nos hemos acostumbrado a una pequea bacanal cada temporada de carnaval, y me sent aliviada de que, excepto por algunas fallas aqu y all, no lo habamos hecho tan mal despus de una pausa de 2 aos, coment la parlamentaria en una reunin convocada apresuradamente a la que decidi no asistir.

Al recordar el manejo del presupuesto, la parlamentaria Wescot agreg que no podemos olvidar que la primera salva se dispar cuando una parte de la coalicin hizo una llamada enmienda insignificante al presupuesto del 2022 y coloc el subsidio del carnaval del Departamento de Turismo.

Sea como fuere, se llev a cabo el Carnaval, pero como ahora parece, no todo fue bien.

Recibimos una solicitud de la fundacin del Carnaval para una reunin pblica urgente para discutir temas pendientes, etc.

Elegir solicitar una reunin pblica en s mismo fue interesante ya que el formato de las reuniones con terceros generalmente lo determina la presidenta del parlamento Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Jun 2022 10:39 AM

PHILIPSBURG:---  Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Mr. Omar Ottley, welcomed World Bank representatives Ana Holt, Johanne Angers, Marcelo Bortman, and Alyssa Khan to his office to discuss the delegations trip. The group is currently here on the travel they refer to as a mission. The aim of this trip is to gain perspective and insight into St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Jun 2022 10:30 AM

Se Realizar Desfile Patritico Escolar Como Evento Principal Por La Conmemoracin Del 37 Aniversario Del Da De La Bandera

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El pueblo y el Gobierno de Sint Maarten conmemorarn el 37. aniversario del Da de la bandera, el 13 de junio del 2022. La conmemoracin anual del Da de la bandera de Sint Maarten se realizar de 8:00 am a 11:00 am, en las instalaciones del Edificio de la Administracin Gubernamental en Philipsburg.

La caracterstica principal de las actividades de este ao ser un desfile escolar patritico que estar dirigido por las tres escuelas primarias de Philipsburg, a saber, Sister Borgia, St Joseph y Oranje School Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Jun 2022 10:12 AM

El Ministro Ottley Comenz Su Consejo Antipandillas Y Positivismo Ante Su Recorrido Escolar En St. Dominic High

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El martes 10 de junio, el Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Laboral, Omar Ottley inici su gira escolar Anti-pandillas y consejos positivos. El Ministro Ottley tuvo el honor de hablarles a los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria St. Dominic. A l se unieron miembros de Asuntos Familiares y Humanitarios de Desarrollo Comunitario y el ex detenido convertido en empresario, cantante y activista social, el Sr Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
09 Jun 2022 11:19 PM

Mps Approve SarahS Proposal For Govt. To Decide When Plastic Ban Takes Effect

Initiative taker Sarah Wescot-Williams.

PHILIPSBURG--Members of Parliament (MPs) on Thursday unanimously approved a proposal tabled by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams to give government the authority to determine when the ban on single-use plastics, plastic straws and Styrofoam goes into effect Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
09 Jun 2022 11:16 PM

Mps Question Abrupt Change In Public Meeting About Carnival

St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation board.

PHILIPSBURG--Members of Parliament (MP) question a hasty adjustment of a public meeting, which was to discuss pressing issues with the future of Carnival, to a closed-door meeting on Thursday.
MPs were informed by President of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten th Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Jun 2022 09:33 PM

La Ministra De Justicia Anna E. Richardson Repasa La Fructfera Visita De Trabajo De Unops A Sint Maarten

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten El lunes 30 de mayo, una delegacin de la Oficina de Servicios para Proyectos de las Naciones Unidas (UNOPS) compuesta por el Director de la Oficina Multipas de UNOPS para Costa Rica, Panam y los pases del Caribe de habla inglesa y holandesa, el Jefe de Programas, y el Asesor Tcnico Principal de Infraestructura y Gestin de Proyectos se reuni con el Consejo de Ministros (CoM) para dar inicio a la primera visita oficial de trabajo de UNOPS a Sint Maarten para el nuevo proyecto de construccin de la prisin.

En nombre del Gobierno de Sint Maarten, UNOPS recibi una clida bienvenida de la Primera Ministra Silveria E Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Jun 2022 08:09 PM

El Ministro Ottley Presenci El Vertido De 530 Metros Cbicos De Hormign En El Proyecto Smgh

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El viernes 3 de junio, el Ministro de VSA, Honorable Omar Ottley, se uni al Dr. Felix Holiday, Director de St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) y Sra. Erika Van der Horst Gerente General de Contrato de Operaciones del St. Maarten Hospital (SMGH) para presenciar el vaciado de 530 metros cbicos de concreto para las secciones 4 y 5 de la cimentacin Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Jun 2022 08:03 PM

~MP Wescot-Williams: We left it up to them who created it in the first place."~

 PHILIPSBURG:--- We have become accustomed to a little bacchanal every carnival season, and I was relieved that except for a few glitches here and there, we had not done too badly after a 2-year hiatus, the MP commented on a hastily-convened meeting, which she decided not to attend.

Recalling the budget handling, MP Wescot added that we cannot forget that the first salvo was fired when a part of the coalition made a so-called insignificant amendment to the budget 2022 and placed the carnival subsidy under the Tourism Department. Be that as it may, Carnival took place, but as it now appears, all was not well .

We received a request from the Carnival foundation for an urgent public meeting to discuss pending issues etc.

Choosing to request a public meeting in itself was interesting as the format of meetings with third parties is usually determined by the chair of parliament Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Jun 2022 07:57 PM

Primera Ronda De Talleres Npower Considerada Un xito

PHILISPBURG, Sint Maarten – Unas 49 organizaciones sin fines de lucro (NPO) locales diferentes, un departamento gubernamental y una organizacin privada se beneficiaron de la primera ronda de talleres de desarrollo de capacidades organizados por NPOwer, un proyecto de Foresee Foundation (4C). Los talleres fueron financiados por St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) y Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben.

La primera ronda de 11 talleres de desarrollo de capacidades se llev a cabo entre marzo y mayo y super las expectativas de NPOwer Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Jun 2022 06:49 PM

Programa De Apoyo A La Crianza Positiva En Desarrollo

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La semana pasada se llevaron a cabo varias entrevistas y discusiones de grupos focales como parte del proceso de desarrollo de un Programa de apoyo a la crianza positiva (PPSP) en Sint Maarten. El programa se pondr a prueba a finales de este ao y tiene como objetivo ayudar a los padres y cuidadores a aumentar su conocimiento y comprensin de las prcticas positivas de desarrollo infantil, mejorar la comunicacin, aumentar las oportunidades de vinculacin entre padres y cuidadores y reducir las practicas de crianza agresivas.

El Ministro de Educacin, Cultura, Juventud & Deporte (MECYS), Dres Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Jun 2022 06:11 PM

~Innovative and financially sound businesses are key to economic recovery and growth~

PHILIPSBURG:---  In the past five (5) years, St. Maarten has seen unprecedented challenges. From the devastation of Hurricane Irma to the ongoing pandemic, the community has seen severe socio-economic challenges. As a learning organization, the Ministry of Finance strives to develop its staff and community through education in areas of finance and innovation as it is critical to economic resilience and development, both personally and for the nation.

For this reason, the Ministry has helped to steer a variety of programs such as the Enterprise Support Project, which among other things provides loans and grants to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to stimulate capital investments in this core group of our society Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Jun 2022 01:50 PM


The people and the Government of Sint Maarten will be commemorating the 37th Anniversary of Flag Day, on June 13th, 2022. The annual commemoration of Sint Maarten Flag Day will take place from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, on the premises of the Government Administration Building in Philipsburg.

The main feature of this years activities will be a Patriotic School Parade which will be led by the three primary schools in Philipsburg namely, Sister Borgia, St Joseph, and Oranje School Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Jun 2022 11:26 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Last week several interviews and focus group discussions were held as part of the process of the development of a Positive Parenting Support Program (PPSP) on Sint Maarten. The Program will be piloted later this year and aims to help parents and caregivers increase their knowledge and understanding of positive child development practices, improve communication, increase the opportunities for bonding between parents and caregivers and reduce harsh parenting practices.

The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport (MECYS), Drs Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
08 Jun 2022 11:47 PM

Ministry Disagrees With Cbcs On Application Of Exchange Rate

Finance Minister Ardwell Irion

PHILIPSBURG--The Ministry of Finance is not in agreement with statements made by the Central Bank of Curaao and St. Maarten (CBCS) regarding the application of the exchange rate for the guilder to the United States dollar.

Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
08 Jun 2022 10:53 PM

Tzu Chi Dona 300 Paquetes, 300 Bolsas De Arroz A Mams En Triple Celebracin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten = La Fundacin St Maarten Tzu Chi alegr el da y puso sonrisas en los rostros de unas 275 madres, abuelas y bisabuelas el domingo cuando don 300 paquetes que contenan golosinas ms 300 bolsas de 10 kg “Love Rice” durante su celebracin triple celebrada en el Centro Comunitario de Belair el domingo.

La celebracin anual, que marca el Da de Tzu Chi, el Da de la Madre y el Da de Buda, se llev a cabo en colaboracin con Leaders for Change y el Ministerio de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo VSA, una colaboracin por primera vez para Tzu Chi.

La Jefa del Departamento de Cultura, Clara Reyes, y la voluntaria de Tzu Chi, Yamile Bastidas, guiaron el evento, con Reyes como Maestra de Ceremonias y Bastidas, quien tradujo al espaol.

Un saln lleno de capacidad en el Centro Comunitario de Belair, con prcticamente todos los asientos ocupados y el espacio de pie ocupado, estuvo disponible para experimentar el evento.

Los aspectos ms destacados del evento incluyeron una humilde ceremonia de lavado de pies y ofrenda de t, donde los nios tuvieron la oportunidad de lavar los pies de sus madres en una muestra de respeto Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
08 Jun 2022 09:14 PM

La Diputada Wescot Reitera Su Llamado Al Gobierno Por Ms Transparencia Y Dilogo.

Si bien el gobierno de St. Maarten llama a la unidad, es el mayor polarizador.
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La diputada nota con mucha preocupacin que ha pasado una semana ms y no hay noticias sobre el Ministro del TEATT y su regreso al cargo. El ministro desapareci de la vista del pblico sin ni siquiera un aviso al pblico en general. Y el Consejo de Ministros de Sint Maarten parece no tener ningn problema con la situacin. Sin embargo, hay tantos asuntos importantes pendientes en el Ministerio del TEATT.

Si bien la ausencia del Ministro, en mi opinin, es inaceptable que la comunidad y el parlamento se queden en la oscuridad, ms asombroso es el hecho de que este ministerio es responsable de los precios de los bienes y el precio del combustible y al gobierno aparentemente podra importarle Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Jun 2022 02:14 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Tuesday, June 10th, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Omar Ottley commenced his Anti-gang and positivity advice school tour. Minister Ottley had the honor to speak to the students of the St. Dominic high school. He was joined by members of the Community Development Family and Humanitarian Affairs and Ex detainee turned entrepreneur, singer, and social activist, Mr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Jun 2022 01:28 PM

~ Sick leave extended based on doctors advice.~

PHILIPSBURG:---Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs said in response to questions posed on Wednesday at the Council of Ministers' press briefing regarding the status of the Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence who has been out on sick leave.
Jacobs said the Minister was expected to return to work on Monday, June 6th, 2022, however, she was informed that the Minister had to return to the doctor for further evaluation and it was determined that his medical leave was extended.
The Prime Minister said that based on the extended medical leave the Council of Ministers would have to make a decision on the way forward Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Jun 2022 01:13 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion announced at the Council of Ministers press briefing that he has taken note of the articles on June 2nd and June 5th, 2022 on the use of the official exchange rate by businesses, and the Ministry is not in agreement with the suggestion for a business to unilaterally decide on the exchange rate between the Antillean Guilder and the dollar of the United States of America.

There is a law in place that regulates the exchange rate of the Caribbean guilder (which is now still the Antillean Guilder until the Caribbean Guilder is implemented) and the dollar of the United States of America Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Jun 2022 01:06 PM

Exclusive: No Information From Prosecutors Office Regarding Lance Thomas Case --- Minister Of Justice.

~ Former Interim Prison Director signed MOU with MHF and authorized Thomass detention.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Justice Anna Richardson said in response to questions posed by SMN News that the Prosecutors Office is not divulging any information regarding the investigation into the death of mental health patient Lance Thomas Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Jun 2022 12:34 PM

~ Head of Inspections of VROMI received the third parcel of leased land before the draft policy.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran said in response to questions about the government lease land that was given to the head of the Inspections of VROMI in Fort Willem in August 2021 that there are several persons that have multiple pieces of land and that the civil servant is not the only one.
SMN News asked the Minister if the draft policy he is working on after a motion was passed in parliament for him to submit a policy to parliament to regulate the issuance of government lease land states that if a person has property in their name, then they will not qualify for government land Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
08 Jun 2022 11:37 AM

El Mes De Los Eventos Del Sjis Foster Care Concluye Con La Festiva Caminata St. Maarten 2 De Junio De 2022

Finaliza la campaa Be The Village, Foster A Child

PHILIPSBURG, Sin Maarten – El sbado 28 de mayo de 2022, nios, padres, voluntarios, personal y simpatizantes salieron a las calles de Philipsburg para marcar el final de la campaa de un mes de duracin “Be The Village, Foster A Child”.

Abriendo la caminata estuvo la banda de tambores Generation New Status de Youmay Dormoy, creando un ambiente festivo propio de un encuentro caribeo y ciertamente justificado para la conclusin de un evento exitoso.

Cortesa de Rudy’s Performing Arts Dance & Expressions, los espectadores disfrutaron de un Flash Mob de baile, mientras que el Rotary Club Sunrise sirvi refrigerios.

Acompaada por la Ministra de Justicia Anna Richardson y el personal, que visit varios eventos durante la campaa, la multitud recorri Front Street y Back Street, mientras que los Stilt Walkers en todo su esplendor brindaron el cierre colorido a una campaa memorable.

La ministra de Justicia Anna E Read more

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