Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SMN-News
19 Jun 2022 09:38 PM

PHILIPSBURG;--- On Friday, June 17th, 2022, the Court of First Instance rendered its decision denying a request to suspend the decision of the Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson regarding the detention and deportation of a woman of Venezuelan nationality who has been residing on St. Maarten illegally for the past three years.

The woman's Attorney Mr. Remco Stomp, in his petition to Court claimed that the situation in Venezuela is inhumane and that his client has pressing interest in remaining on St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Jun 2022 08:24 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Gracita Arrindell states: Sint Maarten took note of the recent public notices issued by the cabinet of the Governor of Sint Maarten in search of a new location to establish a Governors mansion. The criteria for the proposed structures are listed in full-page newspaper advertisements.
Twelve years after assuming our new status as Country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, new location is sought for housing of the Governor of Sint Maarten from which to execute his/her constitutional duties.
Arrindell states: the quest to find a more centrally located office and residence for the Governor to welcome local, international and other invited guests and dignitaries is warranted Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Jun 2022 06:10 PM

Discurso De Apertura Del Premio De La Juventud Del Gobernador A La Excelencia

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Damas y caballeros, Buenas noches y bienvenidos a todos los que se unan a nosotros para el tercer Premio Anual de la Juventud del Gobernador a la Excelencia.

Bienvenida, Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs, Ministros, miembros del comit de evaluacin, finalistas, padres, nominadores y todos los presentes con nosotros en la audiencia y en lnea.

Este es nuestro tercer Premio Anual de la Juventud del Gobernador a la Excelencia Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Jun 2022 05:16 PM

Revan: El Da De Las Elecciones Debera Ser Un Da Feriado Nacional

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El empresario y locutor de radio Khalil Revan cree firmemente que el da de las elecciones parlamentarias, comnmente llamado Da de las elecciones, debe ser un feriado nacional para proteger la dignidad y la integridad del proceso electoral del pas. Sostiene que al hacer del da un feriado nacional, se garantiza que todos los ciudadanos elegibles obtengan una oportunidad justa e igualitaria de votar y participar en el proceso electoral sin influencias, prohibiciones, reservas o discriminacin no deseadas.

Con demasiada frecuencia hemos escuchado los gritos de los trabajadores el da de las elecciones de que su empleador inhibe sus tiempos y oportunidades de votacin Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Jun 2022 03:37 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening and welcome to all joining us for the third annual Governors Youth Award For Excellence.

Welcome Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, Ministers, evaluation committee members, finalists, parents, nominators and to all present with us in the audience as well as online.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is our third annual Governors Youth Awards For Excellence Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Jun 2022 03:23 PM

La Primera Ministra Silveria E. Jacobs Viaja A Aruba Para Reuniones De Consulta De Cuatro Pases

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – Hoy, domingo 19 de junio del 2022, la Honorable Primera Ministra Silveria E. Jacobs, el Honorable Ministro de Finanzas Ardwell Irion y su personal de apoyo viajarn a Aruba para asistir a reuniones de consulta de cuatro pases con los Primeros Ministros de Aruba y Curazao y la secretaria de Estado Alexandra van Huffelen Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Jun 2022 02:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Today, Sunday, June 19th, 2022, the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs, the Honorable Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion, and their support staff are traveling to Aruba to attend four-country consultation meetings with the Prime Ministers of Aruba and Curaao and State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen. These consultation meetings which begin on Monday, June 20th, will serve as the platform to confirm the direction necessary in order to answer the questions and concerns expressed by the Parliaments of the Kingdom through their various reports on the Consensus Kingdom Law on the Entity for Reform and Development (COHO).

In preparation for these consultation meetings, technical teams of the countries traveled to Curaao in May for pre-discussion where they identified the areas for which further discussion and consensus are necessary on a political level Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Jun 2022 01:47 PM

~ Gumbs and Lake ticket received 3 times the vote than Former President Daniel Gibbs and Thomas Greaux~

MARIGOT:--- Voters on St. Martin and St. Barthelemy sent a clear message to the former president of the Collectivity of Saint Martin Daniel Gibbs and his suppliant when they voted massively for the Frantz Gumbs and Melisa Lake ticket.
Of the 24.6% of the voters that cast their votes on Saturday Frantz Gumbs and Melisa Lake received 3,921 (67.21% ) votes Read more

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Source: SMN-News
17 Jun 2022 01:21 PM

Minister Ottley, Szv And Svb Curaao Share Insights On Improving Insurance Access.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of VSA, Mr. Omar Ottley recently visited the offices of the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) in Curaao as part of a regional stakeholder tour. Minister Ottley was accompanied by the Director of Social & Health Insurances (SZV) Mr. Glen A. Carty and his delegation, addressing topics such as voluntary insurance for sole-proprietors, legislative changes, and medical care packages Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Jun 2022 11:36 AM

El Ministro Ottley, Szv Y Svb Curaao Comparten Perspectivas Sobre Mejorar El Acceso A Los Seguros

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro de VSA, Sr. Omar Ottley visit recientemente las oficinas del Social Insurance Bank (SVB) en Curazao como parte de una gira regional de partes interesadas. El Ministro Ottley estuvo acompaado por el Director de Seguros Sociales y de Salud (SZV) Sr. Glen A. Carty y su delegacin, abordando temas como el seguro voluntario para propietarios nicos, cambios legislativos y paquetes de atencin mdica.

La reunin con SVB fue muy fructfera, ya que pudimos analizar y comparar detalles sobre los paquetes de atencin mdica bsica y el prximo seguro general de Sint Maarten Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Jun 2022 07:30 PM

Las Asociaciones De Ftbol R.I.S.C Takers Y Street Kings Visitan La Prisin Y La Casa De Detencin De Point Blanche

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El mircoles 15 de junio, dos asociaciones de ftbol, los ‘R.I.S.C Takers’ y ‘Street Kings’ visitaron la prisin de Point Blanche para jugar partidos de demostracin con los reclusos. Los R.I.S.C Takers es una asociacin de ftbol local que promueve la participacin en el ftbol de todos los niveles y edades en la isla. La asociacin Street Kings es una asociacin de ftbol holandesa formada por futbolistas profesionales con el objetivo de promover y alentar de manera similar la participacin en el deporte del ftbol en todo el mundo.

Los Street Kings, dirigidos por Edward van Gils, llegaron a la isla el martes 14 de junio y han estado recorriendo escuelas en ambos lados de las islas Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Jun 2022 06:41 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, June 15th, two soccer associations, the R.I.S.C Takers and Street Kings visited the Point Blanche prison to play demonstration matches with the inmates. The R.I.S.C Takers is a local soccer association that promotes participation in soccer of all levels and ages on the island. The Street Kings association is a Dutch soccer association consisting of professional soccer players with the goal to similarly promote and encourage participation in the sport of soccer around the world Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Jun 2022 05:50 PM

El Club De Leones De Sint Maarten Promueve El Proyecto De Alfabetizacin Readers Make Great Leaders

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Recuerden siempre, Lectores, sean grandes lderes. Garrison Keillor dijo: Un libro es un regalo que puedes abrir una y otra vez.

Con esto en mente, el Comit de Educacin y Juventud del Club de Leones de Sint Maarten emprendi un Proyecto de concientizacin sobre la lectura en un esfuerzo por retribuir a nuestra comunidad, particularmente a nuestros jvenes estudiantes. El objetivo del proyecto era aumentar el amor por la lectura poniendo a disposicin de nuestros lectores ms jvenes interesantes libros de cuentos Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Jun 2022 01:10 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Always remember, Readers, Make Great Leaders. Garrison Keillor said, A book is a gift you can open again and again.

With this in mind, the Youth & Education Committee of the Sint Maarten Lions Club undertook a reading awareness Project in an effort to give back to our community, particularly our young students. The aim of the project was to increase the love of reading by making interesting story books available to our youngest readers. The target group of this project was playschool age (0-3) and students up to Grade two (age 8).

In order to have greater involvement in our corporate businesses, the Sint Maarten Lions Club invited them to support this Project by offering them to place collection boxes in strategic areas where their employees could donate new or used storybooks.

Businesses were offered an alternative option to donate towards this worthy cause Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Jun 2022 11:21 AM

Ministro Ottley Firma Para Cambiar Las Pruebas De Manejo Del Permiso De Conducir.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten La legislacin exige que los exmenes de manejo obligatorios para la licencia de conducir se realicen utilizando nicamente vehculos de transmisin manual pronto ser cosa del pasado.

El ministro interino del TEATT, Omar Ottley, firm recientemente el LBHAM para modificar los exmenes existentes (landsbesluit inrichting rijexams) Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Jun 2022 09:57 AM

Moment Of Silence For Accident Victims, Motorists Are Urged To Use Roads Safely

The scene of the accident.

PHILIPSBURG--Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Justice Minister Anna Richardson urged motorists during the live Council of Ministers press b Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Jun 2022 08:44 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Legislation requiring mandatory driving license road tests to be carried out using only manual transmission vehicles will soon become a thing of the past. Acting TEATT Minister Omar Ottley recently signed the LBHAM to amend the existing (landsbesluit inrichting rijexams). The existing legislation mandates that the road test for prospective drivers be carried out in manual transmission vehicles only.
However, once the relevant departments and the Council of Advice vet the proposed amendment to the LBHAM, persons taking their driving exams can decide if they want to take their road test using an automatic or manual transmission vehicle.
Ottley said, "The challenges experienced by persons taking driving examinations were reviewed by the Ministry Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Jun 2022 12:05 AM

Jacobs Explains Cut For Ministers, Mps, Says More Than 25% Was Cut

PHILIPSBURG--Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs on Wednesday explained the reduction in the employment benefits of Ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs), noting that more than 25% had been cut when all the checks and balances are considered.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Jun 2022 11:24 PM

Trust Fund Approves $26.8M To Rebuild Two Schools, Library

Sitting (from left): St. Maarten Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Rodolphe Samuel; St. Maarten NRPB Director Claret Connor; World Bank Caribbean Countries Director Lilia Burunciuc; and St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Jun 2022 09:18 PM

Scdf Dice Que Espera Ansiosamente La Nueva Convocatoria De La Reunin Pblica

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La Fundacin para el Desarrollo del Carnaval de St. Maarten (SCDF, por sus siglas en ingls) dijo el mircoles que espera ansiosamente que se vuelva a convocar la reunin pblica del Parlamento para finalmente abordar los asuntos que la fundacin cree que la mayora de los parlamentarios y el pblico en general no saban o estaban mal informados de alguna manera.

La fundacin dijo que solicit especficamente una reunin pblica muy formal porque se trata de cuestiones sensibles al tiempo y decisiones que se tomaron que han colocado al SCDF en posiciones precarias Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Jun 2022 08:48 PM

Seguros Nagico Dona Marcador Electrnico A Deportes

L.B SCOTT ROAD – Se erigi un marcador electrnico de bisbol/softbol en el John Cooper Jose Lake Ball Park, como una donacin a los deportes por parte de NAGICO Insurances, para conmemorar nuestro 40. aniversario.

Hemos estado ejecutando varios proyectos este ao, para mostrar nuestro agradecimiento a la comunidad, por su patrocinio y apoyo durante los ltimos 40 aos.

Estamos celebrando 40 aos como empresa y no podramos haber logrado este hito sin el apoyo y el patrocinio de nuestros clientes y la comunidad, esto es algo que no perderemos de vista y por lo que estamos verdaderamente agradecidos Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Jun 2022 07:17 PM

Ministro Ottley Aumentar Canasta De Productos A 72 Artculos Y Regularizar El Precio Del Pan.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten La Canasta de Bienes controlada por el Gobierno aumentar a 72 artculos por el Ministerio de Asuntos Econmicos de Turismo, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT).

El TEATT tambin ha revisado la poltica de control del costos y peso del Pan. Su objetivo es garantizar que el control de precios del pan no excluya las hogazas de pan importadas en la misma categora de peso. Segn el Ministro en funciones del TEATT, Omar Ottley, La Canasta de Bienes o Productos fue actualizada por ltima vez hace 14 aos Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Jun 2022 02:04 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- An electronic Baseball/ Softball scoreboard was erected at the John Cooper Jose Lake Ball Park, as a donation to sports by NAGICO Insurances, to commemorate our 40th anniversary.

We have been executing several projects this year, to show our gratitude to the community, for their patronage and support for the past 40 years.

We are celebrating 40 years as a company and we could not have achieved this milestone without the support and patronage of our clients and the community, this is something that we will not lose sight of, and are truly grateful for, Eric Ellis Managing Director and Head of NAGICO St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Jun 2022 12:42 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Basket of Goods controlled by the Government will increase to 72 items by the Ministry of Tourism Economic Affairs, Transportation & Telecommunication (TEATT).

TEATT has also revised the cost and weight control policy on Bread. Its goal is to ensure that price control on Bread does not exclude imported loaves of Bread in the same weight category.
According to the acting Minister of TEATT, Omar Ottley, The Basket of Goods or Commodity goods was last updated 14 years ago Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV