Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Jun 2022 07:40 PM

Brison Se Preocupa Por Los Desafos De Los Beneficiarios De Ayuda Social Con La Apertura/Mantenimiento De Cuentas Bancarias

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – “Es hora de que el Gobierno tenga su propio banco”, que, segn el lder del Partido de los Pueblos Unidos, MP Rolando Brison, aliviar muchos desafos que experimentan las personas dentro de la comunidad cuando intentan abrir nuevas cuentas o mantener las cuentas bancarias existentes.

El diputado Brison ha expresado su preocupacin por las quejas de varios beneficiarios de ayudas sociales, pensiones y otras ayudas gubernamentales de que sus cuentas bancarias seran cerradas por no tener “una forma vlida de ingresos”.

“He visto algunos de estos avisos provenientes del banco a clientes (potenciales), y estoy totalmente incrdulo Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Jun 2022 06:37 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- "It's time for the Government to have its own bank," which, according to Leader of the United Peoples Party, MP Rolando Brison, will alleviate many challenges experienced by persons within the community when they try to open new accounts or keep the existing bank accounts Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Jun 2022 03:06 PM

Mark Mingo Fully Acquitted In Emerald Harbour Fraud Case

PHILIPSBURGFormer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies Mark Mingo has been acquitted on appeal of falsifying invoices and fraud at Port St. Maarten. Co-defendants O'neal Arrindell and for parliamentarian Frans Richardson Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Jun 2022 02:52 PM

~ Former MP Frans Richardson was condemned to 20 months with a 5-year ban on passive rights. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Former Chief Executive Officer of Ports St. Maarten Mark Mingo was fully acquitted by the Court of Appeals on Tuesday.
Mingos life was turned upside down when he was arrested on June 17th, 2017. On Tuesday the former CEO broke down when the verdict was read in open court and he was able to walk out a free man.
The court determined that the prosecution did not have the evidence to support their claim that Mingo overrated over 200 invoices.
Chief Executive Officer Mark Mingo was found guilty in January 2020 by the Court of First Instance he was found guilty of forgery and scamming the Port of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Jun 2022 02:52 PM

~ Former MP Frans Richardson was condemned to 20 months with a 5-year ban on passive rights. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Former Chief Executive Officer of Ports St. Maarten Mark Mingo was fully acquitted by the Court of Appeals on Tuesday.
Mingos life was turned upside down when he was arrested on June 17th, 2017. On Tuesday the former CEO broke down when the verdict was read in open court and he was able to walk out a free man.
The court determined that the prosecution did not have the evidence to support their claim that Mingo overrated over 200 invoices.
Chief Executive Officer Mark Mingo was found guilty in January 2020 by the Court of First Instance he was found guilty of forgery and scamming the Port of St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Jun 2022 09:52 AM

No Concrete Decisions At Kingdom Talks In Aruba

The press conference at the end of the two-day four-countries consultation. From left: St. Maarten Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, Dutch State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen, Aruba Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes and Curaao Prime Minister Gilmar Pisas.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Jun 2022 11:45 PM

Court Allows Woman From Venezuela To Be Expelled

PHILIPSBURG--A woman of Venezuelan nationality and her two children, who have been residing in St. Maarten illegally for the past three years, can be deported, the Court of First Instance decided on Friday. Minister of Justice Anna Richardson had ordered the mothers detention because she was carrying a false Spanish passport when Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2022 10:45 PM

Tribunal Niega Pedido De Suspensin De Orden De Deportacin Y Retorno De Residente Ilegal Condenado Por Delito

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten El viernes 17 de junio del 2022, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia dict su decisin denegando una solicitud de suspensin de la decisin de la Honorable Ministra de Justicia Anna E. Richardson con respecto a la deportacin de un hombre que anteriormente resida legalmente en St. Maarten durante un perodo prolongado de tiempo. El hombre solicit su permiso de residencia permanente, sin embargo, durante el tiempo de trmite de la solicitud del permiso permanente, cometi un delito por el cual cumpli una pena de prisin.

Aunque el hombre en el momento de presentar la solicitud no tuviera antecedentes penales, La Ministra est autorizada por ley a tomar en consideracin los hechos y circunstancias que podran hacer que una persona no sea elegible para la emisin de un permiso de residencia Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2022 10:16 PM

Entrar En Vigencia Este Martes El Alivio En Los Precios De Gasolina

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - El Ministro de Hacienda, Ministra de Justicia y el Ministro en funciones del TEATT, Omar Ottley, les informa al pblico que el tan esperado alivio en los precios de la gasolina entrar en vigencia el martes 21 de junio del 2022. La desgravacin consiste en una reduccin del derecho de importacin (formalmente denomina Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Jun 2022 09:59 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  On Friday, June 17th, 2022, the Court of First Instance rendered its decision denying a request to suspend the decision of the Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson regarding the deportation of a man who previously resided in St. Maarten legally for an extended period of time. The man requested his permanent residence permit, however, during the processing time of the application for the permanent permit, he committed a crime for which he served a prison sentence.

Even though the man at the time of submitting the application did not have a criminal record, the Minister is by law, authorized to take into consideration facts and circumstances that could result in a person not being eligible for issuance of a residence permit Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Jun 2022 08:21 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ministers of Finance, Justice, and the acting Minister of TEATT, Omar Ottley, would like to inform the public that the long-awaited relief on gas prices will go into effect on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.
The relief consists of a reduction in the import duty (formally referred to as excise tax in the price build-up model) from NAf 29 cents to NAf 15.5 cents per liter.
As a result of this, the previously published prices for the sale of gasoline will drop from NAf 3.294 to 3.145 per liter, resulting in a savings of roughly NAf 15 cents per liter.
Considering that the import duty (or excise tax) is not applied to diesel, the price of diesel will remain unchanged at NAF 2.562 per liter Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Jun 2022 07:10 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Third Caribbean Safe School Initiative Ministerial Forum, which will be taking place in Sint Maarten from 28 to 30 June 2022, has recognized youth as a key partner in advancing resilience and reducing risk, and it seeks to encourage youth to collaborate in the identification of emerging issues.

The 2022 Youth Forum under the theme My Island, My Voice, an event within the Third Caribbean Safe School Initiative Ministerial Forum, provided Caribbean youth with a platform in which they can build their leadership skills, and strengthen their capacity to contribute to the Caribbean Safe School Initiative (CSSI) now and in the future.

It is important that we engage youth in matters that concern them Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2022 06:45 PM

Foro Juvenil De Seguridad Escolar, Una Voz Necesaria Para La Resiliencia Educativa

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Tercer Foro Ministerial de la Iniciativa de Escuelas Seguras del Caribe, que se llevar a cabo en Sint Maarten del 28 al 30 de junio del 2022, ha reconocido a los jvenes como un socio clave en el avance de la resiliencia y la reduccin del riesgo y busca alentar a los jvenes a colaborar en
la identificacin de problemas emergentes.

El Foro de la Juventud 2022 bajo el lema Mi isla, mi voz, un evento dentro del Tercer Foro Ministerial de la Iniciativa de Escuelas Seguras del Caribe, brind a los jvenes del Caribe una plataforma en la que pueden desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo y fortalecer su capacidad para contribuir a la Iniciativa Caribea de Escuelas Seguras (CSSI) ahora y en el futuro.

Es importante que involucremos a los jvenes en los asuntos que les conciernen Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2022 06:33 PM

Proyecto Violencia Domstica Y Mediacin Presentado Al Comit De Trust Fondo

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El proyecto Violencia domstica y mediacin, una iniciativa de justicia restaurativa, lanzada por Stichting Justitile Inrichtingen St. Maarten (SJIS) y la Oficina del Fiscal OM Sint Maarten, fue una de las iniciativas presentadas recientemente al comit directivo del Fondo Fiduciario de Recuperacin, Reconstruccin y Resiliencia de Sint Maarten.

El financiador del proyecto, Resources for Community Resilience R4CR, seleccion la iniciativa de justicia restaurativa para presentarla y mostrar su impacto social en la comunidad Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Jun 2022 05:51 PM

Committee For Constitutional Affairs And Decolonization To Meet With Pro Souliga Foundation.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization of Parliament will meet on June 21, 2022.

The Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 9.30 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. Representatives of Pro Soualiga Foundation will be present.

The agenda points are:
1. Questions regarding Pro -Soualiga Foundation and update Pro-Soualiga-Activities (IS/262/2020-2021 dated December 29, 2020)
2. The furtherance of the motion of November 5, 2020
3 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Jun 2022 05:05 PM

Prime Ministers And State Secretary Meet In Aruba

From left to right: St. Maarten Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, Dutch State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen, Aruba Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes and Curaao Prime Minister Gilmar Pisas in Aruba.

ORANJESTAD--The prime ministers of the three Dutch Caribbean countries, Silveria Jacobs of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2022 02:11 PM

El Apoyo Financiero Para Las Pequeas Empresas Se Expande A Medida Que Obna Se Une Al Proyecto Esp

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Las pequeas empresas del pas tienen an ms vas de crecimiento y apoyo con la incorporacin del Ontwikkelingsbank van de Nederlandse Antillen (OBNA) como la institucin financiera ms nueva en asociarse con el Proyecto de Apoyo Empresarial (ESP) del Fondo Fiduciario de Sint Maarten.

Con un acuerdo subsidiario firmado el 30 de mayo del 2022, OBNA se une al Banco di Caribe, Qredits y Windward Islands Bank (WIB) como socios de la ESP.

El crecimiento sostenible de la economa de Sint Maarten no puede ocurrir sin un sector de pequeas empresas vibrante y prspero Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Jun 2022 01:35 PM

St. Maarten Academy Teachers Will Not Be Paid 2022 Vacation Allowance.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Over 100 teachers of the St. Maarten Academy both sections will not be receiving their 2022 vacation allowance confirmed member of the Academy Board Roland Duncan.
Teachers of the St. Maarten Academy were paid their vacation allowance in 2020 and 2021 despite the government having a law that states that no vacation allowance should have been paid from 2020 Read more

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Source: 721 News
20 Jun 2022 02:17 AM

Revan: Election Day Should Be A National Holiday

Businessman and radio host Khalil Revan strongly believes that the day of the Parliamentary Election, commonly called Election Day, must be a National Holiday to protect the dignity and integrity of the countrys election process. He contends that by making the day a National Holiday, it ensures that every eligible citizen gets a fair and equal opportunity to vote and participate in the electoral process without undesired influence, prohibition, reservation, or discrimination.

Far too often we have heard the cries of workers on election day that their employer inhibits their voting times and opportunities Read more

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Source: 721 News
20 Jun 2022 02:02 AM

Mp Akeem Arrindell: Congratulate The Participants & Promoters

Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell would like to Congratulate the Participants & Promoters of “R U Ready” competition which was held in Maho this past Sunday. Having attended the show myself I am very proud to say that our young local promoters & entertainers did an outstanding job with this event. It was a pleasure to see the many youths that came out and performed Read more

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Source: 721 News
20 Jun 2022 01:59 AM

Nagico Insurances Donates Electronic Scoreboard To Sports

Cul de Sac — An electronic Baseball/ Softball scoreboard was erected at the John Cooper Jose Lake Ball Park, as a donation to sports by NAGICO Insurances, to commemorate our 40th anniversary.

We have been executing several projects this year, to show our gratitude to the community, for their patronage and support for the past 40 years.

We are celebrating 40 years as a company and we could not have achieved this milestone without the support and patronage of our clients and the community, this is something that we will not lose sight of, and are truly grateful for, Eric Ellis Managing Director and Head of NAGICO St Read more

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Source: 721 News
20 Jun 2022 01:57 AM

Minister Ottley To Increase Basket Of GoodsTo 72 Items And Regulate Bread Price.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Basket of Goods controlled by the Government will increase to 72 items by the Ministry of Tourism Economic Affairs, Transportation & Telecommunication (TEATT).TEATT has also revised the cost and weight control policy on Bread. Its goal is to ensure that price control on Bread does not exclude imported loaves of Bread in the same weight category.

According to the acting Minister of TEATT, Omar Ottley, The Basket of Goods or Commodity goods were last updated 14 years ago Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Jun 2022 12:22 AM

Frantz Gumbs Elected Dput For St. Martin And St. Barths

Frantz Gumbs

MARIGOT--Frantz Gumbs is the new Dput (Member of Parliament) for St. Martin and St. Barths in the National Assembly, following voting in the second round of the French legislative elections in St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Jun 2022 10:09 PM

La Ministra Richardson Insta A Los Visitantes A Respetar Las Leyes De Inmigracin De St. Maarten

Tribunal de Primera Instancia falla a favor de la Ministra de Justicia

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – El viernes 17 de junio del 2022, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia dict su decisin denegando una solicitud de suspensin de la decisin de la Honorable Ministra de Justicia Anna E. Richardson con respecto a la detencin y deportacin de una mujer de nacionalidad venezolana que reside ilegalmente en St. Maarten desde hace tres aos.

El abogado de la mujer, el Sr. Remco Stomp, en su peticin ante el tribunal afirm que la situacin en Venezuela es inhumana y que su cliente tiene un inters apremiante en permanecer en St Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV