Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: The Daily Herald
07 Jun 2022 11:41 PM

Minister Ottley Issues Decrees For New Mental Health Care Clinic

By Jacqueline Hooftman

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley (United Peoples Party) has followed the court order of May 3 one month later and issued a ministerial decree for healthcare institution PsyCare BV and two BIG-registered psychiatrists.

Read more

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Source: SMN-News
07 Jun 2022 08:32 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday, May 30th, a United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) delegation consisting of the Director of the UNOPS Multi-Country Office for Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dutch and English-speaking Caribbean countries, the Head of Programs, and the Principal Technical Advisor for Infrastructure and Project management met with the Council of Ministers (CoM) for the kick-off to the first official work visit by UNOPS to Sint Maarten for the prisons new construction project Read more

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Source: 721 News
07 Jun 2022 03:08 PM

Mp Wescot Reiterates Her Call To Government For More Transparency And Dialogue.

While the St. Maarten government calls for unity, it is the biggest polarizer.

The MP notes with much concern that another week has gone by and there is no news about the Minister of TEATT and his return to office.
The minister disappeared from the public view without so much as a notice to the general public. And the Council of Ministers of Sint Maarten seems to have no issue with the situation. Yet, there are so many important matters pending at the Ministry of TEATT.

While the Ministers absence is one thing and in my view unacceptable that the community and the parliament are left in the dark, more flabbergasting is the fact that this ministry is responsible for the prices of goods and the price of fuel and the government seemingly could care less that weeks have passed since the minister announced relief for the consumers due to the high gas prices.

MP Wescot recalled that before the minister went on an assumed leave, he announced the reduction of the cost of fuel for the consumer Read more

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Source: SMN-News
07 Jun 2022 01:34 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The St Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation brightened the day and put smiles on the faces of about 275 mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers on Sunday when it donated 300 packages containing goodies plus 300 bags of 10kg Love Rice during its triple celebration held at the Belair Community Center on Sunday.

The annual celebration, which is to mark Tzu Chi Day, Mothers Day, and Buddha Day, was held in collaboration with Leaders for Change and the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor VSA, a first-time collaboration for Tzu Chi.

Culture Department Head Clara Reyes and Tzu Chi volunteer Yamile Bastidas guided the event, with Reyes serving as Master of Ceremonies and Bastidas, who translated in Spanish.

A capacity-filled hall at the Belair Community Center, with practically all seats filled and standing space taken up, was on hand to experience the event.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Highlights of the event included a humble foot washing and tea offering ceremony, where children got an opportunity to wash the feet of their mothers in a show of respect Read more

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Source: SMN-News
07 Jun 2022 11:26 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday, June 3rd, the Minister of VSA, Honorable Omar Ottley, joined Dr. Felix Holiday, Director of St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC), and Ms. Erika Van der Horst at St. Maarten General Hospital (SMGH) Operations Contract Manager to witness the 530 cubic meters pour of concrete for sections 4 and 5 of the foundation. The pour represented a significant step in the progress of the SMGH project.

Over the past six years, there have been concerns about the lack of progress on the project Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
07 Jun 2022 09:56 AM

Smmc Acoge La Visita De La Secretaria De Estado Van Huffelen

CAY HILL, Sint Maarten – El jueves 26 de mayo, El Centro Mdico St. Maarten (SMMC) recibi la visita de la Secretaria de Estado de Relaciones del Reino y Digitalizacin, Alexandra van Huffelen, y su delegacin de los Pases Bajos.

El propsito de la visita fue brindarle a la Secretaria de Estado una descripcin general de los servicios ampliados de SMMC, el estado de las actualizaciones esenciales y el Hospital General St. Maarten (SMGH) proyecto de construccin que incluye el progreso y los desafos en la construccin debido a los desarrollos internacionales.

El Honorable Ministro de VSA Omar Ottley, el Sr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
07 Jun 2022 09:49 AM

Szv Preparacin Para La Construccin Del Edificio De Oficinas & Unidad De Bienestar

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El Gobierno de Sint Maarten ha firmado un memorando de entendimiento con SZV para transferir 6,400 M2 de terreno arrendado en Cay Hill al Social & Seguros de Salud (SZV) para comenzar con la fase 1 del desarrollo del rea del Complejo Deportivo Raoul Illidge (RISC). La fase uno (1) incluye la construccin del edificio de oficinas SZV, la solucin de estacionamiento y un edificio de bienestar comunitario.

El nuevo edificio de oficinas estar preparado para el futuro Read more

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Source: 721 News
07 Jun 2022 06:54 AM

First Round Of Npower Workshops Considered A Success

Some 49 different local non-profit organizations (NPOs), one government department and one private organisation benefited from the first round of capacity build workshops organised by NPOwer, a project of Foresee Foundation (4C). The workshops were financed by St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) and Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben.

The first round of 11 capacity building workshops were held between March and May and superseded the expectations of NPOwer. With a 90 percent attendance rate, the workshops had 172 unique local registrations with a total of 81 persons directly benefiting from the workshops and with 12 persons qualifying to earn a capacity building certificate for their respective organisation.

The workshops were evaluated on a 4-point scale where 4 represents excellent, 3 being good, 2 being fair and 1 being needs improvement Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
06 Jun 2022 11:56 PM

Justice Ministry Needs More Qualified Staff, Report Says

PHILIPSBURG--The staffing of the Ministry of Justice with qualified civil servants is still very meagre, the St. Maarten Progress Committee concluded in its latest report. Minister of Justice Anna Richardson is advised to appoint a full-time secretary general and to do what is necessary to improve the ministrys functioning.

Read more

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Source: SMN-News
06 Jun 2022 06:07 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The people and the Government of Sint Maarten will be commemorating the 37th Anniversary of Flag Day, on June 13th, 2022. The annual commemoration of Sint Maarten Flag Day will take place from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, on the premises of the Government Administration Building in Philipsburg.

The main feature of this years activities will be a Patriotic School Parade, which will be led by the three primary schools in Philipsburg namely, Sister Borgia, St. Joseph, and Oranje School Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
06 Jun 2022 06:07 PM

Actualizacin Del Puente Causeway: Piezas Recibidas Y Tcnicos Que Llegarn Al Final De La Semana Para Reparaciones

PORT ST. MAARTEN Est previsto que los tcnicos de Hollandia en los Pases Bajos llegaron el fin de semana con piezas y equipos adicionales para realizar reparaciones en el Puente de Causeway.

Actualmente, la seccin del centro de giro de ltima generacin del Puente Causeway permaneca cerrada al trfico martimo hasta nuevo aviso, dijo la Autoridad de la Laguna de Simpson Bay (SLAC, por sus siglas en ingls). Se espera que los trabajos de reparacin tarden cinco das en completarse.

El Puente Causeway, que se inaugur a finales del 2013 al trfico vehicular y martimo, utiliza tecnologa avanzada y compleja en comparacin con el Puente de Simpson Bay.

Con base en una investigacin preliminar sobre el origen del problema, las pruebas continuas realizadas por el equipo de SLAC, que ha estado trabajando diligentemente, han determinado que los sensores de falla del sistema hidrulico son la causa principal de que el puente no pueda abrirse.

Si uno o ms sensores no funcionan, esto coloca las operaciones del puente en modo predeterminado para protegerlo de daos.

El Director Ejecutivo (CEO) de Port St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
06 Jun 2022 04:14 PM

Mp Emmanuel Llama A Pm A Revelar Nuevas Condiciones

~ Dice que la discriminacin tambin est en juego ~

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El diputado independiente Christophe Emmanuel dijo el lunes que la Primera Ministra de St. Maarten est demostrando una vez ms que no se puede confiar en ella al continuar ocultando informacin crucial a la gente de St. Maarten. Ms evidencia de que no se puede confiar en ellos, dijo el parlamentario.

El parlamentario se refera a lo que llam la retencin deliberada de la primera ministra sobre lo que dice son nuevas condiciones de la secretaria de Estado Alexandra van Huffelen adjuntas a la posible reduccin o eliminacin de los recortes del 12,5% en los ingresos y beneficios de los trabajadores Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
06 Jun 2022 02:19 PM

Frans Sugiere Posibles Formas De Ofrecer Alivio Econmico A Los Ciudadanos

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El ex miembro del parlamento Frans Richardson sugiri durante el fin de semana varias formas en que el gobierno de St. Maarten podra ofrecer un alivio econmico real y significativo a la gente de St. Maarten si se implementa por un perodo de dos aos. Dijo que es incomprensible que casi todas las naciones del Caribe puedan encontrar formas, creativas o directas, de ofrecer alivio a sus ciudadanos, mientras St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
05 Jun 2022 11:24 PM

Sarah: Another Week, Still No Word On LawrenceS Absence

UD MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams said on Sunday that she has noted with much concern that another week has gone by and there is still no news about Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Roger Lawrence and his return to office Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Jun 2022 08:30 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- PPA leader Gracita Arrindell said in a press release that on Monday, June 6th we bid farewell to a son of the soil, Reynold A. Groeneveldt affectionately known as Groen. Grateful to celebrate his public life and outstanding service to the country as an attorney at law, first acting Governor, and an experienced constitutional expert Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Jun 2022 07:14 PM

~While the St. Maarten government calls for unity, it is the biggest polarizer.~

PHILIPSBURG:---The MP notes with much concern that another week has gone by and there is no news about the Minister of TEATT and his return to the office.

The minister disappeared from the public view without so much as a notice to the general public. And the Council of Ministers of Sint Maarten seems to have no issue with the situation. Yet, there are so many important matters pending at the Ministry of TEATT.

While the Ministers absence is one thing and in my view unacceptable that the community and the parliament are left in the dark, more flabbergasting is the fact that this ministry is responsible for the prices of goods and the price of fuel, and the government seemingly could care less that weeks have passed since the minister announced relief for the consumers due to the high gas prices.

MP Wescot recalled that before the minister went on an assumed leave, he announced the reduction of the cost of fuel for the consumer Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
02 Jun 2022 11:34 PM

Gebe: No Disconnections, No Late Fees Until September

Commercial Manager Iris Arrindell speaking to staffers.

~ GEBEs main branch to open from 6:30am to 4:30pm ~

PHILIPSBURG--Utilities company GEBE appears to be giving consumers until September with no late fees and no disconnections.
The company, which will reopen for physical payments as of Monday, June 6, announced in an update that there will be no disconnections until September and no late fees will be charged to bills until September.
According to the update published on the company's Facebook page, GEBE's Philipsburg branch will reopen to the public on June 6 from 6:30am to 4:30pm Mondays through Fridays, and on Saturdays from 8:00am to 12:00 noon Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 Jun 2022 11:47 AM

Businessman Has No Building Permit, Vendors License Issued To Someone Else. (Updated)

~ Cover letter and drawings were booked in at Simpson Bay  Public Service center, Rollocks is a repeat offender of constructing without a building permit.~

PHILIPSBURG: --- The local businessman that was operating in Simpson Bay whose business operations were torn down on Wednesday morning was not in a possession of a building permit nor was an application made at the Department of Permits within the department of VROMI.

The Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran told reporters on Wednesday that no application for a permit was filed and that he supports the decision of his staff Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 Jun 2022 10:08 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, June 1st, 2022, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Omar Ottley had the honor of welcoming the return of COPA airlines to Sint Maarten.

The airline provides a vital service to Sint Maarten by offering direct flights to Central America, which broadens our reach to that market Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
01 Jun 2022 11:31 PM

New Parts For Causeway Bridge, Dutch Engineers To Arrive Shortly

 From left: PSG CEO Alexander Gumbs, Mike Williams and Facilities Manager Benjamin Ortega touring the engine room underneath the causeway bridge.

PHILIPSBURG--Technicians of construction company Hollandia Infra BV in the Netherlands are scheduled to arrive at the end of the week with additional parts and equipment to carry out Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
01 Jun 2022 11:26 PM

Copa Airlines Returns To St. Maarten After Two-Year Interruption Of Flights

From left: Cultural performers, Captain Marcelo Gallino and Copa Airlines crew, Vice President Valerie Damaseau, Minister of VSA Omar Ottley, more Copa Airlines crew members, Management of Halley Aviation Services, Ariana and Priscilla Halley and St. Maarten Tourist Bureau Rep Gianira Arrindell.

SIMPSON BAY--It was a festive atmosphere Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Jun 2022 09:13 PM

POINTE BLANCHE:--- Technicians from Hollandia in the Netherlands are scheduled to arrive at the end of the week with additional parts and equipment to carry out repairs to the Causeway Bridge.
Currently, the state-of-the-art turning center section of the Causeway Bridge remains closed to maritime traffic until further notice, the Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority (SLAC) said on Wednesday. The repair works are expected to take five days to complete.
The Causeway Bridge which was opened in late 2013 to vehicular and maritime traffic utilizes complex advanced technology when compared to the Simpson Bay Bridge Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Jun 2022 05:36 PM

CAY HILL:--- On Thursday, May 26th, St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) hosted a visit by State Secretary of Kingdom Relations and Digitalization Alexandra van Huffelen and her delegation from the Netherlands. The purpose of the visit was to provide the State Secretary with a general overview of SMMCs expanded services, the status of the essential upgrades, and the St. Maarten General Hospital (SMGH) construction project including the progress and challenges in construction due to international developments Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Jun 2022 01:11 PM

~Government to transfer lease land to SZV, MOU signed.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Government of Sint Maarten has signed an MOU with SZV to transfer 6400 M2 of lease land in Cayhill to Social & Health Insurances (SZV) to commence with phase 1 of the development of the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex (RISC) area. Phase one (1) includes constructing the SZV office building, parking solution, and a community wellness building.
The new office building will be future-ready. Were offering more digital services now, and well be ready for the global changes 10 20 years from now Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV