Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: 721 News
05 Apr 2022 01:22 AM

Government Of St. Maarten Congratulates Newly Sworn In Government Of Saint-Martin

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — On behalf of the Government and the People of St. Maarten, the Council of Ministers hereby extends congratulations to newly appointed President of the Collectivit of Saint-Martin Louis Mussington, the Executive Council including the four Vice-Presidents and the elected members of the new Territorial Council on Sunday, April 3, 2022.

As we continue to navigate these challenging times, particularly for our small island, I wish the new Government steadfast resolve as they take on this new role as leader of the government and people of Saint-Martin Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
05 Apr 2022 12:33 AM

Omar Ottley Signs Advice For Minimum Wage Indexation

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley has submitted the request for approval of the indexation of the hourly minimum wage to the Council of Ministers.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
05 Apr 2022 12:32 AM

El Gobierno De St. Maarten Felicita A Los Recin Juramentados En El Gobierno De Saint-Martin

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten En nombre del Gobierno y el Pueblo de St. Maarten, el Consejo de Ministros por la presente felicita al recin nombrado Presidente de la Collectivit de Saint-Martin Louis Mussington, el Consejo Ejecutivo, incluyendo los cuatro Vicepresidentes y los miembros electos de el nuevo Consejo Territorial el domingo 3 de abril de 2022 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
05 Apr 2022 12:29 AM

Sol Celebrates Rebranding Of Three Service Stations

Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs (centre) cuts the ribbon at the Sol-branded Causeway Service Station on Friday, while Sol General Manager Robert-Jan James (left) and Causeway and Simpson Bay Service Stations dealer Macressa Simon assists.

SIMPSON BAY--Sol Antilles on Friday celebrated the rebranding of three service stations: Sol Ca Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Apr 2022 07:28 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  On behalf of the Government and the People of St. Maarten, the Council of Ministers hereby extends congratulations to the newly appointed President of the Collectivit of Saint-Martin Louis Mussington, the Executive Council including the four Vice-Presidents and the elected members of the new Territorial Council on Sunday, April 3, 2022 Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
04 Apr 2022 05:28 PM

Semana De Los Bomberos Walk For Health Walkathon Sbado 9 De Abril.

Colaboracin con Positive, Elektralytes Foundations y St. Maarten Lions Club

CAY HILL, Sint Maarten – La Semana de los Bomberos se acerca rpidamente y la Fundacin de Bomberos de St. Maarten (SXMFFF) en colaboracin con Positive, Elektralytes Foundation y el Club de Leones de St. Maarten organizarn una caminata bajo el lema: Caminata por la Salud, programada para el sbado 9 de abril a partir de las 5:00a.m. El objetivo de esta iniciativa es promover y alentar an ms a la poblacin de St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Apr 2022 02:58 PM

~Collaboration with Positive, Elektralytes Foundations, and St. Maarten Lions Club.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Fire Fighters Week is quickly approaching and the St. Maarten Fire Fighters Foundation (SXMFFF) in collaboration with the Positive, Elektralytes Foundation and the St. Maarten Lions Club will be hosting a walk-a-thon under the theme: Walk for Health, scheduled for Saturday, April 9th, starting at 5 am. The aim of this initiative is to promote and further encourage the population of St. Maarten to practice a healthy lifestyle given the reduced restrictions of the pandemic Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
03 Apr 2022 11:48 PM

Louis Mussington Officially Voted In As New President Of Collectivit

Louis Mussington reacts as the Council unanimously votes for him to be President. Annick Ptrus and Alain Richardson look on.

MARIGOT--Louis Mussington (61) was confirmed as the new President of the Territorial Council at a formal installation ceremony of the new council on Sunday as his Rassemblement Saint-Martinois (RSM) Alternative party is set to govern the Collectivit of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 Apr 2022 05:49 PM

Louis Mussington Se Convierte El Domingo En El Sexto Presidente Del Saint Martin Francs

MARIGOT, San Martn – El fin de semana se llev a cabo la ceremonia de juramentacin de la nueva administracin en el lado norte de la isla.

Con la presencia de dignatarios provenientes de la regin, incluyendo funcionarios electos del lado holands de la isla, Anguila y Guadalupe, los 23 miembros electos del Consejo Territorial (16 de RSMA, 5 de Team Gibbs y 2 de Generation Hope) juraron su cargo en el presencia de invitados, familiares y amigos el domingo por la maana.

El gobierno ejecutivo entrante, encabezado por el recin juramentado presidente de la Collectivit, Louis Mussington, est compuesto por 7 personas.

Sin embargo, antes de la presentacin del presidente, Louis Mussington y los 23 miembros del Consejo Territorial fueron presentados oficialmente al pblico.

Despus de la presentacin, el recin elegido presidente Louis Mussington fue votado unnimemente por 23 miembros del Consejo a favor de cero.

Ahora es la sexta persona en ocupar el cargo de presidente de la Collectivit Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 Apr 2022 05:23 PM

Louis Mussington Becomes The 6ThPresident Of French Saint Martin On Sunday

MARIGOT, Saint Martin – The swearing in ceremony of the new administration on the northern side of the island took place at the weekend.

Attended by dignitaries coming from the region including elected officials from the southern side of the island, Anguilla and Guadeloupe, the 23 elected Members of the Territorial Council (16 from RSMA, 5 from Team Gibbs and 2 from Generation Hope took oath of office in the presence of invited guests, family and friends Sunday morning.

The incoming executive government, which is spearheaded by the newly sworn in President of the Collectivit, Louis Mussington comprises 7 persons.

However, prior to the introduction of the President, Louis Mussington, the 23 Members of the Territorial Council were officially presented to the public.

Following the presentation, the newly elected President Louis Mussington was unanimously voted in by a vote of 23 Members of the Council to zero.

He is now the 6thperson to hold the position of President of the Collectivit Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Apr 2022 05:18 PM

~President elect acted emotionally when he was declared President of the COM, Gibbs presented a list to form the executive council.~

MARIGOT:---Leader of the Rassemblement Saint Martin and Alternative Loui Mussington that merged for the March 27th, 2022 run-off territorial election was elected unanimously as the President of the Collectivity of Saint Martin on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 at the installation (swearing-in) ceremony.

When the announcement was made that all twenty-three members of the incoming council voted in favor of Mussington as the President-elect he reacted emotionally as he did not expect the opposition members of the council to support him as the newly elected president of the council Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
02 Apr 2022 08:13 PM

Empleados Privados Asegurados Que Ganan Hasta Naf 120,000 Pronto Cambiar Al Seguro Szv.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El 31 de marzo de 2022, el Parlamento de Sint Maarten aprob la enmienda del seguro de accidentes de la Ordenanza Nacional (OV) y el seguro de enfermedad de la Ordenanza Nacional (ZV), ajustando los lmites salariales. Esto significa que los empleados que ahora tienen un seguro privado y salarios anuales entre NAF 67,816.32 y NAf 120,000, pueden calificar para el seguro de accidentes y seguro mdico de SZV. La modificacin de la ley no afectar a las personas que ahora ya estn aseguradas por SZV.

El ministro de VSA, Omar Ottley, coment: Este cambio legislativo tan necesario es otro hito importante para nosotros como pas y para proteger el acceso a la atencin mdica de nuestra gente Read more

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Source: 721 News
01 Apr 2022 08:17 PM

Private Insured Employees Earning Up To Naf 120,000 Will Soon Switch To Szv Insurance.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On March 31, 2022, Parliament of Sint Maarten approved the amendment of the National Ordinance accident insurance (OV) and National Ordinance sickness insurance (ZV), by adjusting the wage limits. This means that employees who now have private insurance and annual wages between NAF 67,816.32 and NAf 120,000, may qualify for accident insurance and medical insurance from SZV. The amendment in the law will have no impact on persons who are now already SZV insured Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 03:26 PM

Minister Lawrence Does Not Have Special Mandate.

~Information can be shared in closed-door meetings to avoid liabilities.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence told the parliament of St. Maarten that he does not have a special mandate when it comes to the government-owned company Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE). The Minister said that the shareholder decided that he would be attending parliament to respond to questions posed by parliament and to also handle the dismissal of the Chief Operations Officer Michel Hyman, while he would keep the shareholder updated Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 01:03 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On March 31, 2022, the Parliament of Sint Maarten approved the amendment of the National Ordinance accident insurance (OV) and National Ordinance sickness insurance (ZV), by adjusting the wage limits. This means that employees who now have private insurance and annual wages between NAF 67,816.32 and NAf 120,000, may qualify for accident insurance and medical insurance from SZV. The amendment in the law will have no impact on persons who are now already SZV insured.

Minister of VSA, Omar Ottley commented: This much-needed legislative change is another important milestone for us as a country and protecting the access to health care for our people Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 11:49 AM

No Information Provided To Parliament Regarding The Dismissal Of PjiaeS Coo.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Council of Ministers and Minister of TEATT did not expect the dismissal of the Chief Operating Officer of PJIAE  Michel Hyman since the shareholder requested information from the Holding Board of PJIAE. Due to the sensitivity of the case and possible court cases, the Minister told the parliament of St. Maarten he is unable to share detailed information.

Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence told the Parliament of St. Maarten that documentation regarding the dismissal of Michel Hyman Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 10:32 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Independent Member of Parliament Christopher Emmanuel expressed disappointment with the Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence.
Emmanuel said that in December 2021 and January 2022 he posed several questions to the Minister regarding the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE) and he also reminded the Minister in February 2022.
Emmanuel said that only this morning moments before the parliamentary meeting begins he received the answers from the Minister Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
01 Apr 2022 10:00 AM

Go Back To The Negotiation Table, Us Party Tells Govt. About Coho

US Party leader Pamela Gordon Carty.

PHILIPSBURG--Go back to the negotiation table, United St. Maarten Party (US Party) leader Pamela Gordon-Carty urged government to do as it relates to the Caribbean Body for Reform and Development COHO.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
31 Mar 2022 06:01 PM

El Nuevo Presidente De La Collectivit Louis Mussington Y Su Equipo Prestarn Juramento El Domingo

MARIGOT, Saint Martn – La ceremonia de juramentacin de la administracin entrante en el lado norte de la isla tendr lugar este fin de semana.

Esta programado para el domingo a las 10:00 a.m. frente a la Collectivit, los 23 miembros electos del Consejo Territorial (16 de RSMA, 5 Team Gibbs y 2 de Generation Hope) tomarn juramento en presencia de invitados, familiares y amigos.

El ejecutivo entrante, que estar encabezado por el presidente entrante, Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
31 Mar 2022 05:17 PM

Programa Del Premio A La Excelencia De La Juventud Del Gobernador 2022

Harbour View, Sint Maarten El Gobernador de Sint Maarten, Su Excelencia los dres. EB Holiday anunci que ser el anfitrin del tercer Programa Anual de Premios a la Excelencia de la Juventud del Gobernador. El Gobernador Holiday considera que es importante que los jvenes desarrollen las cualidades necesarias para desempear un papel activo y constructivo en Sint Maarten. El Gobernador cree que cultivar una actitud de excelencia es fundamental para desarrollar tales cualidades. El Programa del Premio a la Excelencia de la Juventud del Gobernador, por lo tanto, ha sido diseado para reconocer a los jvenes, de 13 a 19 aos, que se han desempeado ms all y se han destacado en campos especficos en nuestra comunidad Read more

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Source: SMN-News
31 Mar 2022 11:04 AM

Harbour View:---The Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. E.B. Holiday announced he will be hosting the third annual Governors Youth Awards For Excellence Program. Governor Holiday considers it important for young people to develop the qualities required to take an active and constructive role in Sint Maarten. The Governor believes that cultivating an attitude of excellence is instrumental to developing such qualities. The Governors Youth Award for Excellence Program has therefore been designed to recognize youths, ages 13 through 19, who have performed above and beyond and excelled in specific fields in our community Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
30 Mar 2022 11:53 PM

Artists, Graphic Designers Can Design Final Number Plate

Finance Minister Ardwell Irion.

PHILIPSBURG--Finance Minister Ardwell Irion and his team are hoping to get local graphic designers/artists involved in designing the final number p Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
30 Mar 2022 11:48 PM

Meeting Held With Company Decrypting Info Related To Gebe Ransomware Hit

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI Egbert Doran along with Finance Minister Ardwell Irion met last week with GEBEs Temporary Manager Merril Temmer, GEBEs support staff and the company decrypting information related to the ransomware hit on utilities company GEBE.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
30 Mar 2022 10:26 PM

Brison Reacciona A La Declaracin De Cbcs Sobre La Apertura De Cuentas Bancarias

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El lder del Partido Popular Unido, el diputado Rolando Brison, ve como un buen primer paso la iniciativa del Banco Central de implementar un lmite de 10 das para la apertura de cuentas bancarias para todas las personas fsicas. No creo que sea una coincidencia que solo unos meses despus de que se aprobara la mocin de proteccin de la banca del consumidor y se enviara la ley de iniciativa para la proteccin de la banca del consumidor a CBCS para su investigacin, vemos elementos de esta ley que se implementan en la prctica.
El MP seal que el acuerdo entre CBCS y la Asociacin de Banqueros para implementar un lmite de 10 das para la apertura de una cuenta bancaria bsica para personas naturales parece ser una copia del artculo 2 inciso 1 del Proyecto de Ley.

Un banco que ofrezca cuentas de pago a los consumidores en St Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV