Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SMN-News
17 May 2022 07:55 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- St. Maarten had the prestigious honor to be chosen by Rotary District 7020 to host their 2022 Conference for the Rotarians of the District from May 9 until May 14. The Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs delivered the Official keynote address of the opening ceremony held at the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort in Maho on May 12, under the theme Serve to Change Lives. In attendance were Acting Governor, His Excellency Reynold Groeneveld, Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Richard Panneflek, Rotary International President Representative Robert Hall, and spouse Charlene Hall, Rotary International Director for Zone 33 and 34 Peter Kyle and Margaret Kyle, and Rotary International District Elect Jeremy Hurst and Michelle Hurst Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
17 May 2022 01:26 AM

Group Has Started Petition For Prosecution Of Businessman Who Attacked Man After Accident

Some members of the We The People movement. From left: Alberto Bute, Maurice Connor, Carina Baly and Chantal Wilson. Not in photo is Shujah Reiph.

~ Wants residence permit, business licence revoked ~

PHILIPSBURG--A new cross-border movement of residents of both sides of the island named We The People has started a petition calling for the investigation and prosecution of a businessman L.F Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 May 2022 12:32 PM

Pro Soualiga Assists Prime Minister Jacobs With 12.5% Salary Request.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Last week, Honorable Prime Minister Jacobs announced that the Council of Ministers dispatched a letter to State Secretary Van Huffelen requesting that the imposed 12.5% cuts from the salaries of civil servants and workers of government-owned companies be removed. She went on to state that the request would have to be discussed in the Kingdom Council of Ministers and St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 May 2022 10:40 AM

Ladom Installed In Mission Locale

President Louis Mussington with LADOM Director Kelly Guesde (foreground) Third Vice-President Dominique Louisy, Territorial Councillor Steven Cocks and Mission Locale employees.

MARIGOT-- President Louis Mussington met with the director of LAgence de lOutre-Mer pour la Mobilit (LADOM) of Guadeloupe, Kelly Guesde, as part of the installation of LADOM in the premises of the new local mission of St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 May 2022 10:24 AM

Statia Joins Airbnb Live And Work Anywhere Campaign

The Quill

ST. EUSTATIUS--St. Eustatius joined Airbnbs Live and Work Anywhere campaign to promote the destination to the growing number of digital nomads worldwide. Director of Tourism Charles Lindo said Statia had joined the campaign to welcome digital nomads on May 11.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 May 2022 11:49 PM

Minister Ottley Assesses Best Way Forward On Court-Ordered Decrees

PHILIPSBURG--Almost two weeks week after the Court of First Instance ordered Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley to issue decrees for new mental health facility Psycare and two psychiatrists, the minister has not yet signed these Ministerial Decrees. The May 3 Court verdict states that the doctors were to be allowed to work on St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 May 2022 11:47 PM

Sarah Tables Proposal For Govt. To Decide When Single-Use Plastic Ban Takes Effect

PHILIPSBURG--If a proposal tabled by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams during a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament on Friday is passed, government will be given the authority to d Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 May 2022 07:14 PM

Dcomm Lanzar Gov Insider Newscast El Lunes Por La Noche

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) El Departamento de Comunicacin (DCOMM) lanzar uno de sus productos, el ‘Gov Insider Newscast’.

El primer programa para el 2022 se transmitir el lunes 16 de mayo a las 7:00p.m., a travs de todos los medios DCOMM a travs de SXMGOV Radio 107.9 FM, Facebook/sxmgov, TELTV+, TV15 y a travs de la pgina web oficial del Gobierno

El noticiero semanal tiene como objetivo mejorar la conciencia pblica en torno a los programas, polticas, proyectos y eventos del gobierno Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 May 2022 06:18 PM

Dcomm To Launch Gov Insider Newscast On Monday Evening

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The Department of Communication (DCOMM) will be launching one of its products, the Gov Insider Newscast.

The first program for 2022 will be aired on Monday, May 16 at 7.00 pm, through all DCOMMs mediums via SXMGOV Radio 107.9 FM, Facebook/sxmgov, TELTV+, TV15, and via the Governments official website

The weekly newscast is aimed at enhancing public awareness surrounding the Governments programs, policies, projects, and events Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 May 2022 10:22 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The headlines have been buzzing with excitement for the opportunities that lay ahead for St. Maarteners. An initiative that has been championed and pioneered by Minister of Justice Ms. Anna Richardson has had a successful sign-off. The agreement formed between The Government of St. Maarten and Royal Caribbean International will present job opportunities for our people.

The Royal Caribbean Group is a major international cruise liner known for its hiring of multinational/cultural persons Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 May 2022 11:44 PM

El Ministro Ottley Firma Memorando De Entendimiento Con Royal Caribbean Group En Representacin Del Gobierno Para Asegurar Hasta 1000 Puestos De Trabajo A Bordo De Sus Buques.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El 11 de mayo del 2022, el Consejo de Ministros asisti a la Real Ceremonia de firma de la asociacin del Grupo Caribeo y el Gobierno en el Dr A.C Wathey Cruise & Instalacin portuaria. En esta ceremonia, el MOU fue firmado por el Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo Omar Ottley y la Sra. Wendy McDonald, quien es la Vicepresidenta regional de relaciones gubernamentales de RCG Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 May 2022 11:33 PM

Primera Reunin Oficial Entre El Gobierno De St. Maarten Y El Nuevo Consejo Territorial De Saint-Martin

Marigot, Saint Martin – La Honorable Primera Ministra de St. Maarten Silveria E. Jacobs y miembros del Consejo de Ministros compuesto por el Ministro de VROMI Egbert Doran, el Ministro de Finanzas Ardwell Irion, la Ministra de Justicia Anna E. Richardson y el Ministro de Educacin, Cultura, Juventud y Deporte drs. Rodolphe Samuel asistieron a su primera reunin de trabajo oficial junto con el presidente Louis Mussington y los representantes electos del Consejo Territorial de Saint-Martin en el Htel de la Collectivit el 5 de mayo Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 May 2022 01:25 PM

~Careers in Cruising Initiative~

PHILIPSBURG:---  The Government of St. Maarten and Royal Caribbean Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding at Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Port Facility signifying the beginning of a partnership that will create an expansion of St. Maartens job market within the cruising industry.

This has been a joint initiative of the Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson together with the Honorable Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Omar Ottley, whereby job seekers will now gain access to lucrative careers onboard the cruise lines of Royal Caribbean Group, from line entry to executive-level positions.

Present at the ceremony were the Council of Ministers, Members of Parliament, the Ministries of Justice, and the NESC (National Employment Service Center), together with the Management of Labor Affairs Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 May 2022 12:23 PM

Mp Emmanuel Quiere Respuestas Sobre 90 Millones De Refinanciacin De Bonos Pjia

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El parlamentario independiente Christophe Emmanuel dijo el viernes que envi una carta a tres ministros en busca de respuestas a las preguntas que tiene en torno a la refinanciacin anunciada de US$ 90 millones del contrato del 2012 de PJIA a un conglomerado de empresas.

Emmanuel dijo que es “increble” que se haya tomado una decisin tan crucial y que el Parlamento de St. Maarten no haya sido informado. Que la noticia proviniera del banco organizador, y no del accionista, muestra una falta de respeto para el Parlamento y la gente de St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 May 2022 10:44 AM

Politicians Are Giving False Hope To The People As Preparation For The Elections?

The protest of Last May 5th ended by the protest-leaders giving a manifest to the same political leaders, that have no power to decide since 10-10-10 and that has agreed to put the Bonaire peoples in the Dutch Constitution in 2017 under unequal rights and are the keepers the peoples in this colonial status. Is this not manipulation of the peoples, then what is?

NKBB outright public warning, that the peoples initiative protesting was hijacked from the people by same traditional political leaders made an nationwide impact and raised the awareness on the Bonaire people that became very reluctant Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 May 2022 06:06 AM

Emmanuel: El Proyecto Smmc Sin Dinero Es Un Vergonzoso Espectculo De Marionetas De Incompetencia

~ Adnde han ido 100 millones? ~
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Marten – El diputado independiente Christophe Emmanuel dijo el mircoles que sus preocupaciones se validaron cuando se anunci que el proyecto del nuevo hospital no tiene dinero. Una vez ms, pidi de inmediato al Ministro de VSA que finalmente realizara una investigacin real sobre cmo y dnde desaparecieron 100 millones de dlares, y que dejara de permitir que el contratista se burlara del liderazgo local.

El parlamentario tambin seal la incompetencia del Banco Mundial, el Comit Directivo del Fondo Fiduciario y la NRPB y su director Claret Connor, que una vez ms dejaron caer la pelota en un proyecto importante que se llev a cabo durante aos, sin resultados a la vista Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
12 May 2022 07:07 PM

El Ministro Ottley Asiste A La Inauguracin Oficial De Nuevo Centros De Servicios En Smmc

CAY HILL, Sint Maarten – El lunes 9 de mayo, el Ministro de Asuntos Pblicos, Salud, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Omar Ottley asisti la inauguracin oficial del nuevo Quirfano, Oncologa y Suite de dilisis y las 5 habitaciones dobles para pacientes en St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC).

La sala de oncologa tiene capacidad para tratar a 5 pacientes cmodamente, que tambin incluye una habitacin privada y una oficina para consultas privadas Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
12 May 2022 05:34 AM

El Director De La Prisin Proporciona A Las Consultas Interparlamentarias Del Reino (Ipko, Por Sus Siglas En Ingls) Actualizaciones Sobre Las Prisiones

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten En la semana del 3 al 6 de mayo se realizaron las Consultas Interparlamentarias del Reino (IPKO) en St. Maarten como pas anfitrin en el que participaron delegaciones de los Parlamentos de St. Maarten, Aruba, Curaao y Holanda. El objetivo principal de las consultas fue discutir temas de inters mutuo como los cuellos de botella actuales, las propuestas de mejora, los desarrollos recientes por pas, el paquete de pas y sus medidas, la propuesta del Organismo Caribeo para la Reforma y el Desarrollo (COHO), salud, el sector financiero, reformas econmicas, educacin y ms.

Durante la sesin del 5 de mayo, el director de la prisin de Pointe Blanche, el Sr Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
11 May 2022 11:31 PM

Govt. Submits Proposal For 12.5-Per-Cent Cut Removal

Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs.

PHILIPSBURG--Government has sent a letter to State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitisation Alexandra van Huffelen with a proposal to remove the 12.5-per-cent reduction in employment benefits of civil servants and persons employed at (semi-) public sector entities.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
11 May 2022 11:27 PM

Up To 1,000 Jobs On Royal Caribbean Cruise Ships For St. Maarten Residents

RCGs Regional Vice President of Government Relations Wendy McDonald and VSA Minister Omar Ottley.

PHILIPSBURG--Citizens of St. Maarten who always dreamed of working on a cruise ship now have an opportunity to do so thanks to the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Lab Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 May 2022 03:04 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---People like to be asked, and people like to be thanked. These were a few words echoed by our former Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication and current Member of Parliament, the Honorable Ludmila de Weever right here at Port St. Maarten, just 11 months ago as St. Maarten and the Royal Caribbean Group launched our joint Homeporting Venture with Celebrity Millennium Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 May 2022 02:59 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On May 11th, 2022, the Council of Ministers attended the Royal Caribbean Group and Government partnership signing ceremony at the Dr. A.C Wathey Cruise & Port facility. At this ceremony, the MOU was signed by the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor Omar Ottley and Ms. Wendy McDonald who is the regional Vice president of government relations of RCG Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 May 2022 12:50 PM

~ Elected and appointed Officials cuts of 15% remains in effect.

PHILIPSBURG: --- Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs announced on Wednesday that the Council of Ministers has dispatched a letter to the State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen requesting that the imposed 12.5% cuts from the salaries of civil servants and workers of government-owned companies be removed Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 May 2022 12:31 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Le Sommet Foundation in collaboration with HASMA (The Haitian Association of Sint Maarten) executed their 2nd annual 1000 Rose Mothers Day Giveaway on Sunday, May 8th, 2022.
Board and Team members of both organizations distributed roses and mothers day cards to various establishments on the island.
"We are happy to be able to execute our 2nd annual 1000 rose mothers day giveaway. Our mission was to put smiles on the face of our beloved moms, nurses, and caregivers Read more

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