Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Sep 2022 09:52 PM

La Primera Ministra Actualiza Sobre El Manejo De La Tormenta Tropical Fiona

Se suspenden los avisos de tormenta tropical e inundaciones

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten La Primera Ministra y Ministra de Asuntos Generales, Silveria Jacobs, actualiza al pblico sobre el clima, el manejo de la tormenta tropical Fiona y las aperturas comerciales y escolares relacionadas. Las advertencias, en relacin con la tormenta tropical Fiona, se levantaron el sbado por la noche cuando se alej de Sint Maarten.

A partir del pronstico de las 6:00a.m., el aviso de inundacin an estaba vigente, ya que an se esperaban lluvias y tormentas elctricas dispersas durante todo el da Read more

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Source: SMN-News
18 Sep 2022 06:43 PM

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):---  On Sunday, September 18, the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (Ministry MECYS) Hon. Drs. Rodolphe Samuel sent a letter to all school boards (subsidized and private) that all schools can resume classes on Monday, September 19, and for them to inform teachers and other school support staff.

Minister Samuel said after consultation with the Meteorological Department of Sint Maarten (MDS), and after an assessment of school infrastructure, the decision was taken to reopen schools.

The assessment report on school infrastructure and facilities revealed that there was no damage to the aforementioned after the passing of Tropical Storm Fiona over the weekend Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Sep 2022 05:56 PM

Las Escuelas Reabren El Lunes 19 De Sept. 2022, Sin Daos En La Infraestructura E Instalaciones Escolares

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) El domingo 18 de septiembre, el Ministro de Educacin, Cultura, Juventud y Deportes (Ministerio MECYS) Excmo. Dres. Rodolphe Samuel, envi una carta a todas las juntas escolares (subvencionadas y privadas) para que todas las escuelas puedan reanudar clases el lunes 19 de septiembre y que informen a los maestros y otro personal de apoyo escolar.

El Ministro Samuel dijo que despus de consultar con el Departamento Meteorolgico de Sint Maarten (MDS), y despus de una evaluacin de la infraestructura escolar, se tom la decisin de reabrir las escuelas.

El informe de evaluacin de la infraestructura e instalaciones escolares revel que no hubo daos en las mismas tras el paso de la tormenta tropical Fiona durante el fin de semana.

El Ministro Samuel exhorta a la poblacin a mantenerse alerta por lo que resta de la temporada de huracanes en el Atlntico 2022.

The post Las escuelas reabren el lunes 19 de sept Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
17 Sep 2022 02:21 PM

Essential Services May Reopen At 2Pm

~Airport and other businesses remain closed until tomorrow~

PHILIPSBURGPrime Minister of St. Maarten Silveria Jacobs in her national address at noon (12:00pm) address announced that all persons except for emergency services were advised to stay off the streets as the country remains under Tropical Storm Warning.

The airport w Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Sep 2022 09:30 PM

La Primera Ministra Jacobs Proporciona Una Actualizacin A Medida Que Se Acerca La Tormenta Tropical Fiona

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) A las 5:00 p. m., la tormenta tropical Fiona se encontraba aproximadamente a 170 millas al sureste de Sint Maarten. En su trayectoria actual, segn el Departamento Meteorolgico de Sint Maarten, se pronostica que Fiona pasar en sus 80 millas ms cercanas al suroeste de St. Maarten el sbado por la maana. El pas permanece bajo un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical, lo que significa que todava se prev que recibamos condiciones de tormenta tropical que se espera que comiencen esta noche. Los vientos mximos sostenidos de Fiona son de 50 millas por hora con posibles rfagas ms altas Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Sep 2022 09:05 PM

PHILIPSBURG(DCOMM):---  At 5:00 PM, Tropical Storm Fiona was located approximately 170 miles southeast of Sint Maarten.

On its present track, according to the Meteorological Department of Sint Maarten, Fiona is forecast to pass at its closest 80 miles southwest of St. Maarten on Saturday morning.

The country remains under a Tropical Storm Warning, which means we are still forecast to receive tropical storm conditions which is expected to begin tonight.

Fionas maximum sustained winds are 50 miles per hour with higher gusts possible Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Sep 2022 05:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG(DCOMM):--- Tropical Storm Fiona continues on its track towards the Leeward Islands.  Sint Maarten remains under a Tropical Storm Warning.

According to the Meteorological Department of Sint Maarten (MDS), Tropical Storm Fiona on Friday morning at 11:30 AM was located approximately 284 miles southeast of Sint Maarten.  The storm has moved a little further to the south and has reduced in strength overnight and is currently on a westward track at 14 miles per hour.  With the current forecast track, the center of Tropical Storm Fiona is expected to pass 100 miles southwest of Sint Maarten on Saturday morning Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Sep 2022 12:31 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Dr. Shana Lewis, a TEDx speaker, Licensed Professional Counselor, and a National Certified Counselor turned Executive Wellness Coach will be joined by thirteen (13) world-renowned speakers including Khaliah Guillory of the Nap Bar and Dr. Felecia Phillips at her 1st annual retreat titled, Selfcare is the New Sexy. The retreat is being hosted in St. Maarten on Sept 29th - 3rd Oct 2022 with an itinerary that includes an exclusive All White Welcome Party, Daily Yoga, Conference, Domestic Violence Benefit Gala, and so much more
Selfcare is the New Sexy is based on the premise that when a woman has sufficiently cared for herself, she is able to show up powerful, confident, clear, assertive, and focused and that's SEXY Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Sep 2022 10:39 AM

Businesses To Close At 2Pm

PHILIPSBURGPrime Minister of St. Maarten Silveria Jacobs in a 9:00am address announced that all persons except for emergency services are advised to be off the streets at 6:00pm due to the passing of Tropical Storm Fiona.

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Sep 2022 10:20 AM

Empresas Deben Serar A Las 2Pm

Gobiero de St. Maarten:

Se insta a todos los residentes y visitantes de a salir de la carretera hoy a las 6pm debido al paso de la tormenta tropical Fiona, segun annuncio PM Silveria Jacobs a las 9am.

* Las oficinas gubernamentales y las empresas deben cerrar a las 2 p.m.

* Servicios Esenciales para cerrar a las 5pm

* Todo fuera de la carretera a las 6 p.m Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Sep 2022 08:13 AM

Finalizan 2 Torres De Belvedere: El Primer Grupo De Inquilinos Se Muda De Nuevo

BELVEDERE, Sint Maarten Con las reparaciones de los primeros dos edificios Belvedere Towers completadas, diecisis familias estn en proceso de mudarse a los apartamentos recientemente renovados. El trabajo de renovacin fue parte del Proyecto de Recuperacin de Emergencia (ERP-1) del St. Maarten Trust Fund.

La primera ministra Silveria Jacobs, el ministro de Vivienda Pblica, Planificacin Espacial, Medio Ambiente e Infraestructura VROMI Egbert Doran, el representante holands en St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Sep 2022 01:03 AM

St. Maarten, Remain Vigilant And Be Prepared, Pm Warns

National Disaster Coordinator Clive Richardson, Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, Meteorological Department Head Joseph Isaac and Acting Chief of Police Benjamin Gout during a press conference on Tropical Storm Fiona on Thursday night.

PHILIPSBURG--Depending the information shared at 9:00am today, Friday, the people of St. Maarten are advised not to leave their homes today Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Sep 2022 12:24 AM

Tv15 Mantiene La Pelota En Marcha Con Lanzamiento De Sxm Sports En Teltv+

Pond Island, Sint Maarten – Reconocidos comentaristas deportivos y personalidades deportivas, Herbert Martina y Dennisio Duzong son la ltima incorporacin a la programacin de TV15 de transmisiones producidas y emitidas localmente desde Orion Production Studio del canal, Backstreet.

La pareja se est uniendo para el programa deportivo semanal, SXM Sports, con el objetivo de abordar todos los principales eventos y desarrollos deportivos en St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Sep 2022 11:26 PM

Celebration At Two Belvedere Towers: First Group Of Tenants Moves Back In

The completed Belvedere Towers buildings (in foreground) with the other four buildings in various stages of repair.

BELVEDERE--With repairs to the first two Belvedere Towers buildings completed, sixteen families are in the process of moving into newly renovated apartments. The renovation work was part of the St. Maarten Trust Funds Emergency Recovery Project (ERP-1).
Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI Egbert Doran, Dutch Representative in St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Sep 2022 11:19 PM

El Gobierno De Sint Maarten Emite Una Advertencia De Tormenta Tropical, Fiona Pasar Al Sur De Sint Maarten

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten La Primera Ministra y Ministra de Asuntos Generales, la Sra. Silveria Jacobs, en su calidad de Presidenta del Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia (EOC, por sus siglas en ingls), confirma por la presente que debido al clima inminente esperado, se llev a cabo una reunin del EOC, con actualizaciones brindadas por todas las funciones de apoyo de emergencia (ESF), incluyendo el asesoramiento sobre los pasos a seguir para garantizar la seguridad del pblico de Sint Maarten.

Se inform esta maana a las 11:30a.m., en boletines meteorolgicos que el Departamento Meteorolgico de Sint Maarten (MDS) emiti una advertencia de tormenta tropical Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Sep 2022 09:09 PM

~Tropical Storm Fiona is to pass South of Sint Maarten~

PHILIPSBURG:---  Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs, Ms. Silveria Jacobs, in her capacity as Chair of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) hereby confirms that due to expected impending weather, an EOC meeting was held, with updates given by all Emergency Support Functions (ESF), including advice on the steps to be taken to ensure the safety of the public of Sint Maarten.

It was stated this morning at 11:30 AM, in weather bulletins that a Tropical Storm Warning has been issued by the Meteorological Department of Sint Maarten (MDS) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Sep 2022 08:32 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prisoners at the Pointe Blanche Prison found maggots in their breakfast on Thursday morning.
Two videos sent to SMN News showed that maggots are inside their breakfast.
Some of the prisoners who contacted SMN News said the prison is in deplorable condition which creates a healthy and hygienic.
It is imperative that the Prison management looks into this matter as well as the Minister of Justice.

Point Blanche, Sint Maarten Management of the Point Blanche Prison and House of Detention (HVB) has taken note of two videos published by SMN News on Thursday, September 15, 2022, allegedly indicating that maggots were found in the cereal of inmates of the Point Blanche Prison Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Sep 2022 08:47 AM

Tatiana Illis Galardonada Con El Premio Presidente Del Parlamento 2022

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Tatiana Illis recibi el premio Premio Presidente del Parlamento 2022. Un joven anualmente recibe el Premio Presidente del Parlamento por comportamiento ejemplar, habilidades de liderazgo y contribucin a
la comunidad.

La Srta. Illis ha actuado como muestra de los talentos atlticos locales y como embajadora de la isla cuando viaj a competir en el Campeonato Mundial de natacin.

En 2016, la Srta. Tatiana Illis comenz a competir internacionalmente nadando y continu compitiendo a nivel mundial desde entonces.
En ese mismo ao, fue nominada para el Brown Pelican’s Atleta femenina del ao.

La Srta Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
14 Sep 2022 11:49 PM

Govt. To Hold Persons Accountable For Any Damage To Public Property

Recently damaged government guardrails.

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion says persons will soon be held accountable for any damage caused to public property as well as for the removal of car wrecks.
He made this announcement on Wednesday during the live Council of Ministers press briefing.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
14 Sep 2022 11:41 PM

Swimmer Tatiana Taffi Illis Awarded President Of Parliament Award 2022

On behalf of awardee Tatiana Illis, her proud parents receive the PoP Award from President of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

PHILIPSBURG--St. Maartens first female World Championship swimmer Tatiana Taffi Illis has been awarded the President of Parliament Award 2022. Her parents accepted the award on her behalf.

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Source: SMN-News
14 Sep 2022 06:43 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- It is becoming clear that we need to address that the average resident of St. Maarten is still struggling to get by to feed themselves and their families. Such factors as rising food costs including inflation, fuel cost, transit costs, and much more. We need better cooperation by the government and the major stakeholders to combat these factors.
The average family does not make enough to eat healthily and put food on the table that has any nutritional value. Our children need good nutrition to ensure their brains are developing properly, allowing them to function academically and move forward to the career they dream of Read more

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Source: SMN-News
14 Sep 2022 02:26 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran confirmed on Wednesday that the Ministry has sought the assistance of SOAB to finalize the trench cleaning bidding process.
Asked if the bidding process was finalized the Minister confirmed in the affirmative, however, he said contracts were not awarded to any of the selected contractors.
He said SOAB was asked to review the bidding process because of internal concerns that were brought to his attention, even though the advice did not reach his desk for finalization.
Doran said the Ministry is making sure due diligence is done with regards to bidding since the Ministry has been the center of controversy when it comes to bidding Read more

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Source: SMN-News
14 Sep 2022 02:13 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  Tatiana Ellis was awarded the President of Parliament Award 2022.

A youth is awarded annually the President of Parliament Award for exemplary behavior, leadership skills as well as contribution to the community.
Ms. Illis has acted as a display of local athletic talents and an ambassador of the island when traveling to compete at World Swimming Championships.
In 2016, Ms. Tatiana Illis began competing internationally in swimming and continued to compete on a global level ever since Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
14 Sep 2022 11:27 AM

El Ministro Ottley Dona Aros De Baloncesto Al Melford Hazel Sport Center A Travs De Cdfha

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo (VSA), Omar Ottley, fue abordado por jvenes miembros de la comunidad amantes del baloncesto que no pueden jugar baloncesto al aire libre en el Melford Hazel Sport Center debido a la falta de aros al aire libre.

Como resultado, el Ministro Ottley, un entusiasta de los deportes que reconoce la importancia de los deportes, particularmente en las comunidades, consider prudente donar dos llantas flexibles de baloncesto ProSlam Professional 180 Heavy Duty Breakaway al Departamento del Instituto Nacional de Deportes (NSI) a travs del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario, Familia y Asuntos Humanitarios (CDFHA).

Por medio de este proyecto, el Ministro Ottley contina estableciendo comunidades saludables y prsperas, brindando oportunidades nicas para socializar, establecer contactos y colaborar.

El Sr Read more

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