Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: The Daily Herald
13 Sep 2022 10:53 PM

Condolences On The Passing Of Queen

On Monday, September 12, St. Maartens Acting Minister Plenipotentiary in The Hague Richard Panneflek signed the condolence register at the British embassy in The Hague. On behalf of the government and people of St. Maarten, I offer our deepest condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen will be remembered for her grace and dedication, dutifully serving the British people during her reign Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Sep 2022 10:04 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the United Peoples Party MP Rolando Brison is following up on the motion of August 13th, 2019 in which the government was asked to ensure the millions of guilders owed by Shipyard N.V and its then director Michael Ferrier are paid, and that allegations of Fraud and Forgery by Mr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 Sep 2022 09:20 PM

El Proyecto De Apoyo Empresarial Ahora Ha Ayudado A 150 Pequeas Empresas A Recuperarse En Estos Tiempos Econmicos Tan Difciles.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten En solo dos aos de implementacin, el Proyecto de Apoyo Empresarial (ESP) del Fondo Fiduciario ha aprobado ms de US $11 millones y desembolsado US $10,4 millones en paquetes de apoyo financiero a 150 empresas locales para ayudarlas a recuperarse de los efectos de las recientes recesiones de la economa de Sint Maarten.

Lanzado oficialmente en agosto de 2020, el ESP est brindando un impulso muy necesario a la economa al facilitar subvenciones y prstamos a bajo inters a micro, pequeas y medianas empresas (MIPYME) con la ayuda de las instituciones financieras asociadas Qredits, Banco di Caribe, Windward Islands Bank (WIB) y Ontwikkelingsbank van de Nederlandse Antillen (OBNA).

Al 6 de septiembre de 2022, exactamente 150 MIPYMES han sido aprobadas para recibir asistencia financiera a travs de ESP Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 Sep 2022 08:36 PM

La Asociacin Haitiana De St. Maarten (Hasma) Organiz Un Seminario De Naturalizacin Para Personas De La Comunidad Haitiana.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El propsito del seminario fue principalmente resaltar los diversos caminos hacia la ciudadana. Diseado para ayudar a los residentes permanentes legales y otras personas interesadas en la naturalizacin a aprender sobre el proceso de naturalizacin, los requisitos de elegibilidad, las pruebas, los derechos de ciudadana y las responsabilidades.

El seminario tambin sirvi como una seal para medir el inters en un programa piloto que brindar tutora del idioma holands al creole Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Sep 2022 02:37 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday evening, the Haitian Association of St. Maarten (HASMA) hosted a naturalization seminar for individuals of the Haitian community.

The purpose of the seminar was primarily to highlight the various pathways to citizenship. Designed to help lawful permanent residents and others interested in naturalization learn about the naturalization process, eligibility requirements, testing, citizenship rights, and responsibilities.

The seminar also served as a feeler to gauge interest in a pilot program that will tutor the Dutch language in Haitian creole Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
13 Sep 2022 12:01 AM

Minister Omar Ottley Spearheads St. Maarten Cannabis Cultivation

A bud on a marijuana plant 

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA) Omar Ottley welcomes proposals for the exploration of a regulated and legalized cannabis industry. Both local and international firms are invited to present their vision to the minister.

Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
12 Sep 2022 06:44 PM

Mp Wescot-Williams: Sint Maarten No Necesita Ms Revisiones. Es Hora De Decisiones Firmes Sobre Prioridades, Plazos Y Sincronizacin Entre Ministerios.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Compartiendo sus pensamientos sobre el discurso anual del gobernador ante el parlamento, la diputada Wescot declar el lunes en el parlamento que con toda la pompa y el boato que acompaarn la presentacin del gobernador de St. Maarten, H.E. los Dres. E. B. Holiday, no debemos olvidar que esta presentacin se realiza en nombre del Consejo de Ministros de St. Maarten. Tambin es el COM el que rinde cuentas al parlamento por lo que se presenta en su nombre.

A juicio del diputado, la presentacin de este ao del Gobernador tiene algunas particularidades Read more

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Source: SMN-News
12 Sep 2022 05:19 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Sharing her thoughts on the annual Governors Speech to parliament, MP Wescot in parliament on Monday stated that with all the pomp and pageantry that will accompany the presentation by the Governor of St. Maarten, H.E Drs. E. B.Holiday, we must not forget that this presentation is done on behalf of the Council of Ministers of St. Maarten. It is also the COM that is accountable to the parliament for what is presented on its behalf.

In the view of the MP, This years presentation by the Governor has a few peculiarities Read more

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Source: SMN-News
12 Sep 2022 03:08 PM

Culture Time Clocks 35.

~Anniversary Show at Cultural Center, Backstreet full of surprises~

PHILIPSBURG:---  The popular Sunday afternoon radio program on PJD-2 Radio, Culture Time, will mark its 35th year on the air on September 17th, with an anniversary variety show at the Cultural Center, Backstreet, which organizers say will be full of surprises.
According to Fabian Badejo, Founder/Producer/Host of Culture Time, the anniversary show is a way of saying Thank You to the people of St. Martin, both North and South, who have been listening to the program throughout the years, and encouraging us to keep doing what were doing.
He said the show will feature music, poetry, spoken word, dance, and comedy all by local performers, many of whom have appeared on the program throughout the years.
Tickets for the show are available at US$20 at SoIL, at the entrance to St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
12 Sep 2022 10:58 AM

Solicitud De Propuesta (Rfp) Lanzada Para El Estudio Sobre La Legalizacin Del Cannabis En St. Maarten

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El Gobierno de St. Maarten busca recibir propuestas de organizaciones que deseen trabajar con el Gobierno para crear un camino completo hacia una poltica legal, responsable y factible para la entrada a la industria del cannabis. La solicitud de propuesta se centra en gran medida en la realizacin de varios estudios sobre los efectos de la legalizacin del cannabis antes de que se puedan tomar decisiones concretas sobre cmo se legalizar el cannabis.

El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo (VSA), Omar Ottley, quisiera invitar y dar la bienvenida a propuestas para la exploracin de una industria de cannabis regulada y legalizada Read more

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Source: SMN-News
12 Sep 2022 10:28 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Government of St. Maarten is seeking to receive proposals from organizations who wish to work with the Government to create a full path towards a legal, responsible and feasible entrance into the Cannabis industry. The request for proposal is strongly focused on conducting several studies into the effects of legalizing cannabis before any concrete decisions can be made on how cannabis will be legalized.

The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA), Omar Ottley would like to invite and welcome proposals for the exploration of a regulated and legalized cannabis industry Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
11 Sep 2022 11:57 PM

President Mussington In Paris To Sign Fort-De-France Appeal

President Louis Mussington (left), Senator Annick Ptrus (centre, right) and Dput for St. Martin and St. Barths Frantz Gumbs (right) with President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron (centr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
11 Sep 2022 09:12 PM

Gobierno Mantiene Apoyo Mayoritario En El Parlamento, Dos Nuevos Diputados Apoyan A La Coalicin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – En un comunicado conjunto emitido por la direccin de la Alianza Nacional (NA) y el Partido del Pueblo Unido (UP) se ha confirmado que fue un xito; una medida proactiva para asegurar la estabilidad dentro de la coalicin gobernante. Esto se mencion hace muchas semanas cuando comenzaron a explorar opciones para ampliar la coalicin.

Despus de muchas discusiones sobre el apoyo al gobierno en ejercicio, por la presente informamos al pblico que el gobierno, la coalicin y, por extensin, su acuerdo de gobierno en su forma actual, a pesar de los anuncios de independencia de los miembros de la coalicin en ejercicio, cuenta con el apoyo de dos miembros adicionales Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 Sep 2022 08:57 PM

~Two new MPs support the coalition~

PHILIPSBURG:--- In a joint statement issued by the leadership of the National Alliance (NA) and United Peoples (UP) Party it has been confirmed, that it was a success; a proactive measure to ensure stability within the governing coalition. This was mentioned many weeks ago when they began exploring options to broaden the coalition.
After many discussions regarding support for the sitting government, we hereby inform the public that the government, coalition, and by extension its governing accord in its present form, despite the announcements of independence by sitting coalition members, has the support of two extra members of Parliament, namely MPs A Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
11 Sep 2022 07:09 PM

El Programa De Radio Culture Time Celebra 35 Aos

GREAT BAY,Sint Maarten El popular programa de los domingos por la tarde en PJD-2 Radio, Culture Time, cumplir 35 aos al aire el 17 de septiembre a las 8:00p.m., con un programa de variedades de aniversario en el Centro Cultural de Backstreet, dijeron los organizadores.

Segn Fabin Badejo, fundador/productor/presentador de Culture Time, el programa de aniversario est lleno de sorpresas. Es una forma de agradecer a la gente de Sint Maarten, tanto del norte como del sur, que han estado escuchando el programa a lo largo de los aos y animndonos a seguir haciendo lo que estamos haciendo.

El espectculo contar con msica, poesa, palabra hablada, danza y comedia, todo a cargo de artistas de Sint Maarten, muchos de los cuales han aparecido en el programa a lo largo de los aos, dijo Badejo.

Los boletos para el espectculo estn disponibles a US$ 20 en SoIL, en la entrada de St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 Sep 2022 05:13 PM

~Anniversary show full of surprises at Cultural Center, Backstreet~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The popular Sunday afternoon program on PJD-2 Radio, Culture Time, will mark its 35th year on the air on September 17, at 8 pm, with an anniversary variety show at the Cultural Center, Backstreet, said organizers.
According to Fabian Badejo, founder/producer/host of Culture Time, the anniversary show is full of surprises. It is a way of saying Thank You to the people of St. Martin, both North and South, who have been listening to the program throughout the years and encouraging us to keep doing what were doing.
The show will feature music, poetry, spoken word, dance, and comedy all by St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
11 Sep 2022 02:43 PM

Parte 2: Sin Embargo, 5 Aos, 60 Meses Despus, Las Personas Todava Estn Luchando Con Las Secuelas De Irma.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — La madrugada del 6 de septiembre de 2017 es una maana en la que los residentes de St. Maarten/St. Martin y Anguilla nunca olvidarn. Esa maana, el huracn ms fuerte jams registrado en la escala Saffir-Simpson azot nuestra isla. Miles de casas resultaron daadas. Muchas personas perdieron sus hogares por completo y nuestra economa se paraliz por completo. Nuestras vidas cambiaron para siempre.

El huracn de categora 5 se estrell contra nuestra pequea isla y caus estragos Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
11 Sep 2022 01:41 PM

Mp Romou Promueve La Alfabetizacin Al Conmemorar El Da Internacional De La Alfabetizacin Lanzando Su Programa: La Lectura Est Iluminada Con Mp Romou

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La diputada Romou dijo: Como sabemos, el jueves 8 de septiembre de 2022 se celebra el Da Internacional de la Alfabetizacin y, en honor a este da espectacular, he lanzado el programa Leer es LIT! con el programa de lectura MP Romou. Esta iniciativa no es solo para todo el mes de septiembre, sino que contina durante todo el ao escolar 2022/2023.

MP Romou dedicar su tiempo libre, todos los lunes por la maana y cualquier otro da donde est permitido, a leerles a nuestros jvenes, en un esfuerzo por promover an ms la importancia de la alfabetizacin en nuestras escuelas primarias, hogares de acogida y programas extracurriculares Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Sep 2022 09:55 PM

La Primera Ministra Jacobs Contina Violando Nuestras Leyes

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Gromyko Wilson inst a la gente de Sint Maarten a continuar monitoreando las acciones ilegales de la Primera Ministra. Wilson mencion que meses despus de infringir la ley y pagar selectivamente las vacaciones a los servidores pblicos el pasado 15 de junio, sin pagar al personal docente y administrativo de las juntas escolares, la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs y su gobierno continan desconociendo nuestras leyes.

A la fecha, no existe ningn acuerdo entre la CCSU y el Ministro de Asuntos Generales en lo que se refiere al pago de vacaciones y la reduccin de das de vacaciones a todos los servidores pblicos a 15 das Read more

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Source: 721 News
09 Sep 2022 08:40 PM

Prime Minister Jacobs Continues To Break Our Laws

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Gromyko Wilson urged the people of Sint Maarten to continue monitoring the illegal actions of the Prime Minister. Wilson mentioned that months after breaking the law and selectively paying civil servants the vacation allowance on June 15, without paying the teaching and administrative personnel of the school boards, Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and her government continues to ignore our laws.

To date, there is no agreement between the CCSU and the Minister of General Affairs as it relates to the payment of vacation allowance and the reduction of vacation days to all civil servants to 15 days Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Sep 2022 06:45 PM

Exclusive: ProsecutorS Office Launches Investigation In 2021-2026 Garbage Collection Bidding.

PHILIPSBURG: --- SMN News learned from reliable sources that the prosecutor's Office has decided to launch an investigation into the bidding process for garbage collection from 2021 to 2026.

Sources say persons were approached to be questioned and the investigation kicked off after the Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran survived a motion of no confidence on September 2nd, 2022.

The Ombudsman of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
09 Sep 2022 12:55 PM

La Primera Ministra Jacobs Contina Violando Nuestras Leyes

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Gromyko Wilson inst a la gente de Sint Maarten a continuar monitoreando las acciones ilegales de la Primera Ministra. Wilson mencion que meses despus de infringir la ley y pagar selectivamente las vacaciones a los servidores pblicos el pasado 15 de junio, sin pagar al personal docente y administrativo de las juntas escolares, la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs y su gobierno continan desconociendo nuestras leyes.

A la fecha, no existe ningn acuerdo entre la CCSU y el Ministro de Asuntos Generales en lo que se refiere al pago de vacaciones y la reduccin de das de vacaciones a todos los servidores pblicos a 15 das Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Sep 2022 12:46 PM

~ UPP Founder holding  MP Sidhardt Cookie Bijlani hostage to maintain his wife as chair of parliament.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The coalition of 8 has selected the faction staff and policy advisor to Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell to take up the position as Minister of TEATT that has been vacated by former Minister Roger Lawrence.
Lambriex is the son of Leo Chance former Manager of SEL Maduro and Sons who worked for several years at SEL Maduro and Sons and at Port of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Sep 2022 11:32 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- MP Romou said As we know, Thursday, September 8th, 2022 is International Literacy Day and in honor of this spectacular day, I have launched the Reading is LIT! with MP Romou reading program. This initiative is not only for the entire month of September, but it continues well throughout the 2022/2023 school year.

MP Romou will be dedicating her free time, every Monday morning, and any other day where permissible to reading to our youth, in an effort to further promote the importance of literacy in our primary schools, foster homes, and after-school programs Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV