Minister Of Education; Rodolphe Samuel: Teachers Are Among Most Important In Society.
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – As we once again observe this special day set aside to acknowledge our teachers, would like to commend our teachers on St. Maarten for their hard work and for the many sacrifices they make daily. Teachers are arguably among the most important people in our society; they educate our young and mold these young minds for a better tomorrow.
I want to personally acknowledge the hardships that some of our teachers have to endure; they have suffered with austerity measures that could not be helped, we have some schools that are still in need of repair, and yet our teachers have the human capacity to understand and continue doing their work to the best of their abilities.
As you continue to set our children up for success as citizens of the world and inspire them to do well, our ministry will continue to work to provide you with the
tools you need to do your jobs.
Teachers are that critical point that makes a child ready for their future, some of the students of today are the leaders of tomorrow and without teachers, they
could not fulfill this destiny Read more
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