Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: 721 News
17 Aug 2022 08:54 AM

Population Census 2022 Starts Soon

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Population Census 2022 is set to start soon. The population census takes place every 10 years. The last census in Sint Maarten was in 2011. Due to the pandemic, this exercise was postponed in 2021. Sint Maarten joins at least 13 other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in executing the population census in 2022.

The Department of Statistics is responsible for the successful execution of the population census. Two groups of enumerators have undergone an extensive training program and by the end of September, approximately 100 enumerators will be dispatched island wide to interview every single person in every household on Sint Maarten.

The questionnaire is quite extensive as the government of Sint Maarten tries to capture as much data as possible to answer the following questions:

Who are we? How many are we? Where do we live? How do we live?

The data gathered is anonymous and confidential and no individual data will be published Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Aug 2022 08:29 AM

Contratacin De Notario Iniciada Despus De 4 Aos

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Despus de cuatro aos de no implementar el proceso de contratacin obligatorio para un nuevo notario de derecho civil, St. Maarten lanz el proceso de contratacin de un candidato a notario para reemplazar a la notaria de 69 aos Faride Tjon Ajong. La fecha lmite para que los candidatos a notario presentaran su solicitud era el 31 de julio de 2022, que se public en un anuncio de un da en el Daily Herald el 20 de junio.

Cabe sealar que Tjon Ajong ya debera haber sido despedida de su funcin el 1 de abril Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Aug 2022 11:24 PM

De Weever Requests Urgent Gebe Meeting, Sees Issues As Matter Of National Security

UP MP Ludmila de Weever.

PHILIPSBURG--United Peoples (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP) Ludmila de Weever has sounded the alarm that the deafening silence from the management of GEBE is very concerning and requested an urgent public meeting Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Aug 2022 07:30 PM

Mp Wescot-Williams Muy Crtico Con El Gobierno De St. Maarten Indiferencia Y Transgresiones Flagrantes.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Estn en grave contravencin de varias leyes, pero obviamente no ven nada de malo en ello.

Durante la primera reunin del parlamento despus del receso, la diputada Wescot volvi a denunciar la actitud indiferente del gobierno hacia el parlamento y la poblacin en general.

Esperaba que, despus de no tener parlamentarios en el pleno durante todo el receso parlamentario, el gobierno se hubiera tomado el tiempo para abordar algunos de los temas candentes que siguen teniendo a nuestra comunidad en sus garras, explic la parlamentaria.

Adems, que el gobierno no vea ninguna urgencia en llevar el presupuesto enmendado de 2022 al parlamento para cubrir las acciones financieras del gobierno que no cuentan con la aprobacin parlamentaria por medio de un presupuesto enmendado, es rotundamente ilegal.

MP Wescot: Imagnese que el gobierno le dijo al parlamento que tenan la bendicin de la CFT para pagar el subsidio de vacaciones a los funcionarios pblicos, solo para ver que la Secretaria de Estado para Relaciones del Reino, la Sra Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Aug 2022 07:17 PM

Mp De Weever: Los Problemas En Gebe Son Asuntos De Seguridad Nacional

Philipsburg Sint Maarten La Honorable Miembro del Parlamento (MP) Ludmila de Weever hizo sonar la alarma de que el silencio ensordecedor proveniente de la gerencia de GEBE es muy preocupante y solicit una reunin pblica urgente.

La solicitud de reunin tambin fue apoyada por los parlamentarios Christophe Emmanuel, Melissa Gumbs y Sarah Wescott-Williams Read more

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Source: 721 News
16 Aug 2022 07:02 PM

Parliamentary Schedule (August 15-19, 2022)

AUGUST 15-19, 2022MEETING WEEK Monday, August 15, 2022 CC 39 14.00hrs 1.Approval of composition delegation and provisions for Members of Parliament to participate in Committees of Parlatino to be held on August 18 and 19 in Panama (IS/1130/2021-2022 dated July 12, 2022, IS/1131/2021-2022 dated July 12, 2022, IS/1129/2021-2022 dated July 08, 2022, and IS/1168/2021-2022 dated August 8, 2022) 2022),

Discussion on the content of

2.Systematic Investigation regarding the tendering and awarding process of the Solid waste collection 2021-2026 (IS/1098/ 2021-2022 dated June 27, 2022)

3.Ombudsman Sint Maarten 2021 Year report (IS/1167/2021-2022 dated August 8, 2022)

  Tuesday, August 16, 2022 CC 40 11.00 hrs 1 Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Aug 2022 06:15 PM

Continuation Urgent Public Meeting Of Parliament Regarding The Tendering And Awarding Process Of The Garbage Collection Contracts.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in a Public meeting on Wednesday, August 17, 2022.

This urgent Public meeting, which was adjourned on June 29, 2022, will be reconvened on Wednesday at 15.30 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment, and Infrastructure (VROMI) will be present.
The agenda point is:
The Final Report of the Ombudsman regarding tendering and awarding process of the garbage collection contracts 2021-2026 (IS/1103/2021-2022 dated June 28, 2022)
Members of Parliament, M.D Read more

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Source: 721 News
16 Aug 2022 02:02 PM

Mp De Weever: Issues At Gebe A Matter Of National Security Now

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — The Honorable Member of Parliament (MP) Ludmila de Weever sounded the alarm that the deafening silence coming from the management of GEBE is very concerning and requested an urgent public meeting. The meeting request was also supported by MPs Christophe Emmanuel, Melissa Gumbs, and Sarah Wescott-Williams Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Aug 2022 01:54 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Honorable Member of Parliament (MP) Ludmila de Weever sounded the alarm that the deafening silence coming from the management of GEBE is very concerning and requested an urgent public meeting. The meeting request was also supported by MPs Christophe Emmanuel, Melissa Gumbs, and Sarah Wescott-Williams Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Aug 2022 01:18 PM

Beyond Kultura Lanza El Libro De Cuentos En Video Mina Marina

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Beyond Kultura Events Foundation, TVCARIB, Divergences (Tashira Richardson) y Marianne Tefft han iniciado la produccin del libro de cuentos en video animado Mina Marina, basado en el libro infantil de la fundadora y autora de BKE, Loekie Morales.

El nuevo libro de cuentos animados, es el tercero de la serie de libros de cuentos en video de BKE, se basa en Mina Marina: A Clean Sea de Morales, publicado en ingls y holands en 2008 Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Aug 2022 01:07 PM

Documentos Revelan Que Dos Compaas Recolectores De Basura Fueron Descalificados

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – De las cinco empresas adjudicatarias del Gobierno de St. Maarten para la recoleccin de residuos slidos de 2021 a 2026, dos haban sido descalificadas durante el proceso de licitacin. Sin embargo, actualmente estn bajo contrato por una suma total de NAf. 9.689.971,65 en cinco aos.

El Daily Herald tiene una copia de la carta que Melissa Gumbs y Raeyhon Peterson, miembros del parlamento (MP) del Partido para el Progreso (PFP), la cal enviaron el lunes a la presidenta del parlamento, Grisha Heyliger-Marten, solicitndole que revise los documentos adjuntos para verificar su autenticidad.

Los documentos presentados por el PFP fueron filtrados por una fuente annima y comprenden copias de la lista de verificacin de integridad de los documentos de licitacin que cada participante en el proceso de licitacin de contratos de basura deba completar, segn los trminos de referencia (ToR) para esta licitacin.

De los documentos se desprende que alrededor del 60% de los participantes fueron descalificados; al menos 12 de 19 postores no cumplieron.
Los nombres de Avyanna Cleanup and Construction, que actualmente recolecta basura en Cay Hill y el rea circundante, identificada como Parcel 5, y Garden Boyz Cleaning Services BV, actual recolector de basura para Parcel 2, que comprende Pond Island, Over the Pond, Illidge Road, Madame’s Estate , Guana Bay y Hope Estate, estn en la lista de descalificados (DQ) Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Aug 2022 11:57 AM

Ottley: Las Estaciones De Servicio Deben Cumplir Con El Decreto Del Lunes 15 De Agosto Que Ordena La Reduccin Del Precio Del Combustible.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro Interino de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT), Omar Ottley, dice que el gobierno de Sint Maarten tendr “tolerancia cero” para cualquier empresa que se niegue a adherirse al decreto ministerial que ordena la reduccin de los precios del gas.

Inspectores del Ministerio del TEATT fueron enviados el lunes a varias gasolineras para investigar las denuncias de que al menos tres se negaban a vender gasolina o vendan al nuevo precio obligatorio.

El lunes por la noche, Ottley emiti un breve comunicado, advirtiendo a los operadores de las gasolineras que no violen el decreto y alentndolos a ofrecer el servicio a los precios prescritos Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Aug 2022 07:57 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation & Telecommunication (TEATT), Omar Ottley says the Government of Sint Maarten will have "zero tolerance" for any business that refuses to adhere to the ministerial decree mandating the reduction of gas prices.
Inspectors from the Ministry of TEATT were dispatched Monday to several gasoline stations to investigate allegations that at least three were either refusing to sell gasoline or selling at the mandated new price.
On Monday evening, Ottley issued a brief statement, cautioning the gasoline station operators against violating the decree and encouraging them to offer the service at the prescribed prices.
News of the alleged infractions by the gas stations spread quickly Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Aug 2022 04:27 PM

Fundacin 4C Colabora Con Hias, Ayuda A Refugiados Venezolanos

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La propia Fundacin Foresee (4C) de Philipsburg – St Maarten colabor recientemente con la organizacin internacional de refugiados HIAS para brindar clases bsicas de ingls a un grupo de solicitantes de asilo que residen en la isla. Esta fue la primera vez que ambas organizaciones trabajaron juntas. Foresee Foundation, tambin conocida como 4C Foundation, es una conocida fundacin local sin fines de lucro (fundada en 2013) que se enfoca en proporcionar las habilidades necesarias para preparar a los nios y jvenes de St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Aug 2022 04:18 PM

Pjiae N.V. Adjudica Contratos Para El Suministro E Instalacin De Equipos Para El Proyecto De Reconstruccin De La Terminal Del Aeropuerto De St. Maarten

Simpson Bay, St. Maarten – Se adjudicaron contratos a tres (3) proveedores para el suministro e instalacin de equipos para el Proyecto de reconstruccin de la terminal del aeropuerto de St. Maarten. Los proveedores selectivos son expertos mundiales en pasarelas de embarque de pasajeros, sistemas de manejo de equipaje y equipos de control de seguridad.

El Proyecto de Reconstruccin de la Terminal del Aeropuerto de St. Maarten comprende ocho (8) Paquetes de Equipo que se adquirirn con una combinacin de un (1) Paquete de Obras y siete (7) Paquetes de Bienes Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Aug 2022 03:30 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  St Maartens own Foresee (4C) Foundation recently collaborated with the international refugee organization HIAS to provide basic English classes to a group of asylum seekers residing on the island. This was the first time both organizations worked together.
Foresee Foundation, also known as 4C Foundation, is a well-known local non-profit foundation (founded in 2013) that focuses on providing the skills needed to prepare St. Maarten children, youth, and the larger community for a globalized and highly connected world.

HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) was established in 1881 during the ethnic cleansing campaigns in Eastern Europe and Russia Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Aug 2022 01:51 PM

Sint Maarten Recibe Licencias Actualizadas De La Autoridad De Aviacin Civil

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El jueves 11 de agosto de 2022, el Ministro Interino del TEATT, el Sr. Omar Ottley, se reuni con la Autoridad de Aviacin Civil de St. Maarten (SMCAA) para presentar las muy esperadas licencias de aviacin, que se actualizaron a un nuevo formato de identificacin innovador.

Las nuevas licencias son una actualizacin de las antiguas licencias en papel que se expedan a los profesionales de la aviacin (pilotos, mecnicos y controladores de trnsito areo) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Aug 2022 01:28 PM

Simpson Bay:--- Three (3) suppliers were awarded contracts for the supply and installation of equipment for the St. Maarten Airport Terminal Reconstruction Project. The selective suppliers are global experts in passenger boarding bridges, baggage handling systems, and security screening equipment.

The St. Maarten Airport Terminal Reconstruction Project encompasses eight (8) Equipment Packages to be procured with a mix of one (1) Works Package and seven (7) Goods Packages. The first of which was the Main Works contract which has since commenced at the Princess Juliana International Airport Read more

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Source: 721 News
15 Aug 2022 10:45 AM

United St. Maarten Party: Proposed Child Sex Abuse Law Amendments Needs Immediate Attention

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Sunday August 14th, 2022 the board of the USP lamented that proposed amendments to the child sex abuse law submitted to parliament by its leader Pamela Gordon-Carty needs to be prioritized and passed.

On March 11th, 2022 proposed amendments to strengthen child sex abide laws was presented to the Chairlady of Parliament, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten by the leader of the United St Read more

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Source: 721 News
15 Aug 2022 10:42 AM

St Maarten Civil Aviation Authority Receives Upgraded Licenses

SIMPSONBAY, Sint Maarten — On Thursday, August 11, 2022, the Acting Minister of TEATT, Mr. Omar Ottley met with the St. Maarten Civil Aviation Authority (SMCAA) to present the much anticipated aviation licenses, which were upgraded to an innovative new ID format.

The new licenses are an upgrade from the old paper licenses that were issued to the aviation professionals (pilots, mechanics and air traffic controllers) Read more

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Source: 721 News
15 Aug 2022 10:40 AM

Minister Ottley Meets With The United Bus Drivers Association

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten On Sunday August 14th, acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication (TEATT), Omar Ottley met with the United Bus Drivers Association at the Milton Peters College to discuss various issues concerning the bus terminal and routing system, price list increase, minimum and maximum fare possibilities, addition of extra routes, medical insurance from SZV and more.

The United Bus Drivers Association informed Minister Ottley that while they know these concerns were prior to his tenure, they are extremely grateful that the Minister made his Sunday afternoon available to hear their grievances.

Minister Ottley expressed his gratitude to the association for inviting him and requested the opportunity to gather further information on the above mentioned concerns Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Aug 2022 09:49 AM

Lower Gasoline, Diesel Prices

PHILIPSBURG--As indicated by acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Omar Ottley during Wednesdays press briefing, the prices of gasoline and diesel fuel was decreased effective 6:00am, Monday, August 15. A further price decrease is expected in early September, the Ministry of TEATT announced Fri Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Aug 2022 08:59 AM

El Proyecto De Regreso A La Escuela Fresh N Cool Del Club De Leones De Sint Maarten Trajo Sonrisas A Los Instructores Y A Muchos Alumnos Alegres.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El pasado lunes, 8 de agosto de 2022, los miembros del Club de Leones de Sint Maarten y el Club Leo de Omega South dieron la bienvenida a los instructores y a muchos alumnos alegres de St. Joseph School y Marie Genevieve De Weever School de regreso a sus aulas para el primer da del nuevo ao escolar.

Los estudiantes que regresaron y los estudiantes de primer ao estaban notablemente emocionados con el nuevo ao escolar y todas sus perspectivas.
El director Stuart Johnson de la escuela Genevieve de Weever dio la bienvenida al honorable Ministro de Educacin, Dres Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Aug 2022 08:41 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Thursday, August 11, 2022, the Acting Minister of TEATT, Mr. Omar Ottley met with the St. Maarten Civil Aviation Authority (SMCAA) to present the much-anticipated aviation Licenses, which were upgraded to an innovative new ID format.
The new licenses are an upgrade from the old paper licenses that were issued to aviation professionals (pilots, mechanics, and air traffic controllers) Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV