Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

St Maarten Election in the news.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Oct 2022 11:23 PM

El Presidente De Scdf Se Rene Con El Departamento De Cultura Para Mejorar La Cooperacin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El presidente de la Fundacin para el Desarrollo del Carnaval de St. Maarten (SCDF), Edwardo Radjouki, tiene la misin de aprovechar los esfuerzos de su predecesor para reinfundir ms aspectos culturales en el Carnaval 2023. Recientemente se reuni con la Jefa del Departamento de Cultura Clara Reyes para discutir algunas formas de hacer exactamente eso con la cooperacin del departamento.

Al ser elegido presidente, Radjouki dijo que quera acercar el Carnaval a sus races Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Oct 2022 08:36 PM

The Rotary Club Of Sint Maarten Inducts Two New Members.

~Wescot-Williams becomes a full-fledged Rotarian, -Dr. Soc returns~

 PHILIPSBURG:--- The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten welcomed two new members to the Club on Tuesday, October 19, 2022, during the annual visit of Rotary District 7020 Governor, Deborah Y. Howell, and her husband, Dennis Howell. Past Assistant Governor Stephen Thompson presented Sarah Wescot-Williams and Jeffrey "Dr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Oct 2022 12:24 PM

POINTE BLANCHE:---  Port St. Maarten Group (PSG) management said on Wednesday that destination St. Maarten according to its forecast and cruise line itineraries for the period November 2022 to April 2023, will see approximately one million cruise passengers visit and explore the Friendly Island making memorable experiences.
Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation & Telecommunication (TEATT), the honorable Omar Ottley said: It gives me extreme pleasure to say we are back Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Oct 2022 12:19 PM

Port St. Maarten Pronostica Un Milln De Pasajeros De Cruceros Para Los Prximos Seis Meses: Del 22 De Noviembre Al 23 De Abril

PORT SINT MAARTEN – La gerencia de Port St. Maarten Group (PSG) dijo el mircoles que el destino St. Maarten, segn su pronstico y los itinerarios de las lneas de cruceros para el perodo de noviembre de 2022 a abril de 2023, ver a aproximadamente un milln de pasajeros de cruceros visitar y explorar la ‘Isla Amigable’. ‘ creando experiencias memorables.

El Ministro interino de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT), el honorable Omar Ottley, dijo: Me da un gran placer decir que estamos de vuelta Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Oct 2022 11:58 AM

Ottley Se Rene Con Un Agricultor Local En Un Esfuerzo Continuo Por Mejorar El Mercado Local De Productos Agrcolas

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — El Ministro Interino de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT), el honorable Omar Ottley, inici la primera de una serie planificada de discusiones con partes locales que producen productos agrcolas locales o importados..

Tuvo su primera reunin el mircoles 19 de octubre, como parte de su compromiso por mejorar el mercado de productos locales Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Oct 2022 11:47 AM

El Parlamentario Suspendido Claudius Buncamper Arroja Luz Sobre El Artculo 50 Sub 2B De La Constitucin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El 3 de junio de 2022, present un anlisis convincente y detallado al Parlamento de Sint Maarten identificando cmo el artculo 50 sub 2b de nuestra Constitucin ha demostrado ser una violacin de los Tratados Internacionales y especficamente de los Derechos Humanos de orden superior, a los que Sint Maarten est atado.

Estos tratados internacionales y derechos humanos como tales superan el artculo 50 sub 2b de la Constitucin de Sint Maarten en la jerarqua legal y hacen que la aplicacin del artculo 50 sub 2b de la Constitucin de Sint Maarten sea discutible, bajo las circunstancias dadas.

El artculo 50 inciso 2b de nuestra Constitucin regula la suspensin de los diputados, que no hayan sido condenados irrevocablemente y como tales definitivamente por determinados delitos.

Salvaguardar los derechos y obligaciones otorgados a los pases obligados por tratados es responsabilidad del Parlamento de Sint Maarten como rgano legislativo de este pas, encargado de crear y modificar las leyes de esta nacin Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Oct 2022 08:30 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation & Telecommunication (TEATT), the honorable Omar Ottley, kicked off his first in a planned series of discussions with local stakeholders who either produce locally or import agricultural products.
He held his first meeting on Wednesday, October 19, as part of his commitment to improving the local produce market Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Oct 2022 01:21 AM

Ehas Has Only Consultants, No Employees, Ottley Says

The first paragraph of the contract that was given to each employee, with the specific employees name blocked out.

 PHILIPSBURG--Whereas the contracts of the thirty public health officers assigned to handle applications at St. Maartens Electronic Health Authorization System (EHAS) stated that they are employees of the Government of St. Maarten, Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley said on Wednesday that these employees are in fact consultants Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
19 Oct 2022 11:41 PM

Ehas Workers Contest Their Dismissal By Minister Ottley

PHILIPSBURG--The lawyer of two of five workers at St. Maartens Electronic Health Authorization System (EHAS), whose employment was terminated by Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley on Saturday, has summoned the minister to respect the permanent status of their employment, based on the Civil Code. Minister Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Oct 2022 01:44 PM

~ Project is coming to an end; workers were aware the job was short-term.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Labor Omar Ottley clarified on Wednesday at the Council of Ministers press briefing that the COVID Prevention Project was signed off prior to his taking office. He said that it is necessary for him to clear his name since questions are being asked while he was on a working trip.
Ottley said that the Covid Prevention Project was funded from the disaster fund for emergency purposes Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Oct 2022 12:57 PM

POINTE BLANCHE:--- The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection company superyacht Evrima will be homeporting out of Port St. Maarten for the 2022-2023 cruise season.

This is the first-ever next generation of superyacht of the Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection brand, and Luxury Caribbean Cruises from Port St. Maarten to Barbados with unique opportunities for pre and post-vacation days on the Friendly Island.

Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation & Telecommunication (TEATT) Honorable Omar Ottley: As Acting Minister of TEATT, it gives me a sense of accomplishment to see stimulation of our economy.

I welcome the Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection brand with open arms to our shores Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Oct 2022 11:10 AM

Temporada Inaugural Del Yate Ritz-Carlton Hacia El Puerto Base Desde Port St. Maarten

PORT Sint Maarten – El superyate Evrima de la compaa Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection tendr su puerto base en Port St. Maarten para la temporada de cruceros 2022-2023.

Este es el primer superyate de ltima generacin de la marca Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, y Luxury Caribbean Cruises desde Port St. Maarten a Barbados con oportunidades nicas para los das antes y despus de vacaciones en la Isla Amiga.

El Ministro interino de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte & Telecomunicaciones (TEATT) Honorable Omar Ottley: Como Ministro interino del TEATT, me da una sensacin de logro ver el estmulo de nuestra economa.

Doy la bienvenida a nuestras costas a la marca Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection con los brazos abiertos Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
18 Oct 2022 11:37 PM

Council Of Advice Refrains From Advising On Suspension Of Member Of Parliament

PHILIPSBURG--From its objective position, the Council of Advice does not enter into political discussions by formulating legal opinions. This is stated by the Council in response to Parliament's request to advise on the legality of Claudius Buncamper's suspension as a Member of Parliament, which is disputed by him.

Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Oct 2022 08:38 PM

Nv Gebe Ha Respondido A 12,500 Clientes Por Correo Y 3,000 En Persona

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Desde el ataque del ransomware BlackByte a la empresa de servicios pblicos GEBE, la empresa ha respondido a 12,500 clientes por correo y aproximadamente 3,000 quejas en persona.

La atencin al cliente de la empresa tambin ha gestionado ms de 1,000 mudanzas y 635 mudanzas.
La Primera ministra Silveria Jacobs proporcion las cifras a los miembros del parlamento (MP) durante la continuacin de una reunin sobre GEBE el viernes Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Oct 2022 07:58 PM

El Parlamento Aprueba La Modificacin De La Ley De Recortes Del 12,5%

Mayora vota a favor de modificar la ordenanza que regula el recorte del 12,5% en los funcionarios

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten La Primera Ministra y Ministra de Asuntos Generales, Silveria Jacobs, asisti al Parlamento para aclarar las ltimas preguntas planteadas por los miembros del Parlamento antes de que la ley fuera a votacin durante la reunin pblica del lunes 17 de octubre.

La reunin, que se denomin #23 de Parlamentarios para el ao 2022/2023, propuso modificar la ordenanza que regula el recorte del 12,5% a los funcionarios pblicos para ratificar el pago de vacaciones para funcionarios Read more

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Source: SMN-News
18 Oct 2022 03:17 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On June 3rd, 2022, I presented a compelling and detailed analysis to the Parliament of Sint Maarten identifying how article 50 sub 2b of our Constitution has proven to be in violation of International Treaties and specifically Human Rights of a higher order, to which Sint Maarten is bound.

These international treaties and human rights as such out-rank article 50 sub 2b of the Sint Maarten Constitution in the legal hierarchy and render the application of article 50 sub 2b of the Sint Maarten Constitution moot, under the given circumstances.

Article 50 sub 2b of our Constitution regulates the suspension of Members of Parliament, who have not been irrevocably and as such definitively sentenced for certain crimes.

Safeguarding the rights and obligations granted to our country by being bound to treaties is the responsibility of the Parliament of Sint Maarten as this countrys legislative body, tasked with creating and amending the laws of this nation Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Oct 2022 10:53 AM

Mp Emmanuel: Devolver Dinero Que Tomaste Ilegalmente No Debe Celebrarse

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Alardeando con orgullo de que aprobar una ley para devolver dinero a los bolsillos de los funcionarios pblicos, despus de que usted us ilegalmente otra ley para tomar el dinero en primer lugar, es un giro vergonzoso para poner su mayor fracaso como gobierno, dijo el parlamentario independiente Christophe Emmanuel el lunes despus de que la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs “pusiera lpiz labial en un cerdo” para engaar una vez ms a la gente de St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
18 Oct 2022 07:05 AM

~Majority votes in favor of amending the ordinance regulating the 12.5% cut on civil servants~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs, Silveria Jacobs attended Parliament to clarify the last questions posed by Members of Parliament before the law went to a vote during the public meeting for today, Monday, October 17 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
17 Oct 2022 11:48 PM

Minister Richardson Introduces Policy On Vehicle Towing, Rotational Tow Programme

Minister of Justice Anna Richardson.

PHILIPSBURG--The Towing Policy of the Ministry of Justice was published in the National Gazette on Friday, October 14. The finalisation of a towing policy has been a priority of the Ministry of Justice in order to regulate parking and avoid the obstruction of traffic, Justice Minist Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Oct 2022 06:35 PM

Grisha Se Siente Honrada De Recibir El Apoyo Mayoritario Para Seguir Siendo Presidente Del Parlamento

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – En un breve comunicado de prensa emitido el lunes por la maana, la presidenta del Parlamento, la parlamentaria Grisha Heyliger-Marten, expres su agradecimiento por el apoyo de la mayora del Parlamento para continuar como presidenta del Parlamento.

Estoy muy agradecida y honrada de haber recibido el apoyo mayoritario de mis colegas para continuar mi trabajo como presidenta del parlamento, declar Heyliger-Marten despus de la reunin Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Oct 2022 06:30 PM

Aim High: El Da De La Comunidad Familiar Fue Un xito

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo (VSA), Omar Ottley, pronunci un discurso de apertura durante el torneo de baloncesto Aim High Family Community Day el domingo 16 de octubre en Melford Hazel Sports Hall.

El torneo se llev a cabo para celebrar la instalacin de dos llantas desprendibles nuevas donadas por el Ministerio de VSA a travs de Asuntos Humanitarios Familiares de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDFHA) Read more

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Source: 721 News
17 Oct 2022 05:44 PM

Grisha Grateful For Majority Support To Remain President Of Parliament

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — In a short press statement released on Monday morning, President of Parliament, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten expressed her appreciation for the majority of Parliament supporting her to continue as President of Parliament.

I am very thankful and honored to have received majority support from my colleagues to continue my work as President of Parliament, Heyliger-Marten stated after the meeting Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Oct 2022 03:48 PM

Parliament Strikes Down Mp BrisonS Proposal Of Order To Sack Chairlady Of Parliament

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – On Monday, October 17th, the Parliament of Sint Maarten handled to proposal of order to thank and relieve the Chairlady of Parliament, the Honorable Grisha Heyliger Marten of her duties.

The proposal, which was supported by MPs William Marlin and George Pantophlet and presented by leader of the United Peoples Party, the Honorable Rolando Brison on Monday, September 19th was finally put to a vote on Monday Read more

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Source: SMN-News
17 Oct 2022 03:26 PM

Brownbill And Arrindell Gives Coalition Partners A 6 For 9 When They Voted To Keep Grisha Heyliger Marten As Chair Of Parliament.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday the two contentious members of parliament Akeem Arrindell and Chanell Brownbill that supports the coalition of eight stunned their colleague's members of parliament of the National Alliance and United Peoples Party when they voted against placing the agenda point to remove the chairlady of parliament Grisha Heyliger Marten from the chair.

15 members of parliament cast their vote to decide whether or not the agenda point will be added to Mondays public meeting, when the votes were cast, 9 voted against while 6 voted in favor Read more

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