Public Weather Forecast For St. Maarten
DATE ISSUED: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC)
VALID UNTIL: Wednesday midday (12:00 LST) June 17, 2020
WEATHER: This afternoon through Wednesday midday: Partly cloudy and breezy with brief passing showers.
Forecast High:31C / 88FForecast Low:26C / 79F
Sunset Today:6:50 P.M.Sunrise Tomorrow:5:37 A.M.
SURFACE WINDS: This afternoon through Wednesday midday:Easterly with a gentle to moderate breeze of 10 to 18 mph, and higher gusts possible.
Low level pockets of moisture drifting in the easterly trade wind flow may induce some brief isolated showers during this forecast period Read more
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