Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Sarah Wescot-Williams










Filter the news (Showing 97-120 of 1350)
Source: The Daily Herald
10 Jan 2023 11:43 PM

Democratic Party Is Back, Announces Party Congress

PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten Democratic Partys congress is set for Paradise Event Hall in Cay Hill on January 22. Consider it a regeneration meeting, during which we will explain the immediate and longer-term approaches of the Democratic Party, said party leader Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Jan 2023 07:06 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- In providing more details of the upcoming meeting, the Leader of St. Maarten Democratic Party, MP Wescot-Williams earlier this week stated that Its more than the usual annual council meeting of the party and so to describe it better, its called a Regeneration Meeting, during which we will explain to the membership and prospective members of the party the immediate and longer-term approaches of this party, which next year marks its 70th year of existence.

We often hear about the political parties and rightfully so, because our electoral system is one based on political parties Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Dec 2022 07:42 PM

Mp Wescot-Williams, El Enfoque Debe Estar En Lo Que Viene Despus.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La disculpa ha sido emitida y con todo el remordimiento que se puede tener en una situacin como esta, tambin con el reconocimiento por parte del Primer Ministro Rutte de que l personalmente se equivoc todo el tiempo, fue la reaccin de la Parlamentaria Sarah Wescot-Williams, luego de estar presentes en la ceremonia en la USM el lunes 19 de diciembre.

Habiendo estado presente en la ubicacin en St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Dec 2022 12:35 AM

Stage Of Redoing Apology Passed, Focus On Next Steps

PHILIPSBURG--The stage of redoing the apology from the Dutch government for slavery past has passed, and the focus should now be on the next steps, says United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams.

Read more

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Source: 721 News
20 Dec 2022 03:29 PM

Mp Wescot-Williams, Focus Should Be On What Is Coming After.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The apology has been issued and with as much remorse as you could get in a situation like this, also with the acknowledgement by Prime Minister Rutte that he personally had it wrong all along, was MP Sarah Wescot-Williams reaction, after being present at the ceremony at USM on Monday, December 19th.

Having been present at the location on St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Dec 2022 02:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The apology has been issued and with as much remorse as you could get in a situation like this, also with the acknowledgment by Prime Minister Rutte that he personally had it wrong all along, was MP Sarah Wescot-Williams reaction, after being present at the ceremony at USM on Monday, December 19th.
Having been present at the location on St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Dec 2022 04:31 PM

Continuation Urgent Public Meeting Of Parliament Regarding Recent Developments Impacting The Liquidity Of N.V. Gebe

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten The House of Parliament will sit in a Public meeting on Wednesday, December 14, 2022.

The Public meeting which started on August 26, 2022 of the Parliamentary Year 2021-2022, with a continuation and adjournment on September 2, 2022 and again on October 14, 2022, will be reconvened on Wednesday at 09.00 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of General Affairs will be present.

The agenda point is:
Recent developments that impact the liquidity of the utility company and the ability of N.V Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 Dec 2022 11:17 AM

Richardson: Las Apelaciones En Casos De Inmigracin No Se Gestionan Oportunamente

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Las solicitudes de una “prueba de regreso” a St. Maarten de los titulares de permisos de residencia temporales que desean viajar al extranjero no se manejan de manera oportuna debido a “un retraso bastante alto”, dijo la Ministra de Justicia Anna Richardson en el Parlamento el Lunes Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
06 Dec 2022 12:44 AM

La Parlamentaria Wescot-Williams Vuelve A Cuestionar La Legitimidad Del Gobierno De Na/Up, Ante La Ausencia De Cualquier Acuerdo Que Demuestre Que Al Menos 8 Miembros Estn A Favor De Este Gobierno.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Es una total falta de respeto al parlamento y al pueblo. Podemos recordar cmo se anunci el apoyo de dos miembros nuevos/adicionales a fines de junio, hace ms de 5 meses.

No obstante mi solicitud de un comunicado oficial al parlamento; a pesar de mi solicitud de un debate sobre el plan anual del gobierno para el ao parlamentario 2022-2023, sigue siendo un silencio ensordecedor.

En todo esto, el nombramiento de un ministro de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Telecomunicaciones y Transportes sigue siendo un misterio, agreg la parlamentaria, y uno no puede dejar de preguntarse por qu.

El candidato para este puesto es de conocimiento pblico, entonces, cul es el problema? pregunt la parlamentaria Wescot.

Divulgar cul es la demora no quita nada a la proteccin de la informacin del individuo, agreg la MP Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Dec 2022 04:32 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- MP Wescot-Williams again challenges the legitimacy of the NA/UP Government, in the absence of any agreement that shows that at least 8 members are in support of this government.

Its total disrespect to the parliament and the people.

We can recall how the support of two new/additional members was announced at the end of June, more than 5 months ago.

Notwithstanding my request for an official communique to parliament; notwithstanding my request for a debate of the governments year plan for the 2022-2023 parliamentary year, it remains a deafening silence.

In all of this, the appointment of a Tourism, Economic Affairs, Telecommunication, and Transportation minister remains shrouded in mystery, the MP added, and one can not help but wonder why Read more

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Source: 721 News
01 Dec 2022 10:12 AM

Parliament Establishes St. Maarten WomenS Parliamentary Caucus

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Wednesday, November 30, 2022, in its Public meeting of Parliament no. 08, the Parliament of Sint Maarten voted on and unanimously approved a motion presented by Member of Parliament S.A. Wescot-Williams. The motion resolves to establish a St. Maarten Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, as a platform to debate on current issues predominantly affecting a large segment if not the whole community, to liaise with stakeholders and others, and to analyze and propose solutions, policies and legislation.

Womens caucuses establish cross-party cooperation and unite women parliamentarians from different political parties around issues they all can support, helping them rise above political tensions to fight for womens causes or collaborate on other policy issues Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
30 Nov 2022 11:16 PM

Mp Sarah Wescot-Williams, Registros Corporales Triste E Inaceptable.

Philipsburg, St. Maarten – La parlamentaria Sarah Wescot-Williams se mostr consternada no solo por los dos incidentes descritos en publicaciones recientes sobre las llamadas tcticas de bsqueda utilizadas por la polica en Philipsburg contra dos ciudadanos, sino tambin por la reaccin de la parte superior de la polica.

Me encog al leer cmo nuestros oficiales abusaron de su poder humillaron a las personas involucradas Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
30 Nov 2022 12:35 AM

Sarah Condemns Humiliating Body Searches, Less Would Lead To Suspensions, Resignations

MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

PHILIPSBURG--Sad and unacceptable were the terms used by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Read more

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Source: 721 News
29 Nov 2022 02:32 PM

Mp Sarah Wescot-Williams, Body Searches Sad And Unacceptable.

Philipsburg, St. Maarten, – MP Sarah Wescot-Williams was appalled by not only the two incidents as described in recent publications regarding so-called search tactics used by the police in Philipsburg against two citizens, but also by the reaction of the police top.

I cringed at reading how our officer(s) misused their power and humiliated the persons involved.
Especially for the woman and the circumstance in which she found herself, it must have been a most terrifying and humiliating experience.

As a woman, mother, grandmother, I cant but condemn in the strongest possible way that any of our citizens, unless posing a serious and life-threatening danger, be subjected to this type of bodily violation Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 Nov 2022 11:23 AM

PHILIPSBURG:---  MP Sarah Wescot-Williams was appalled by not only the two incidents as described in recent publications regarding so-called search tactics used by the police in Philipsburg against two citizens but also by the reaction of the police top.

I cringed at reading how our officer(s) misused their power and humiliated the persons involved.
Especially for the woman and the circumstance in which she found herself, it must have been a most terrifying and humiliating experience.

As a woman, mother, and grandmother, I cant but condemn in the strongest possible way that any of our citizens, unless posing a serious and life-threatening danger, be subjected to this type of bodily violation Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Nov 2022 06:33 PM

Los Parlamentarios De La Oposicin Se Sienten Silenciados Y Amordazados Por La Coalicin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Los miembros de la oposicin en el Parlamento (MP) dicen que ellos, y por extensin la gente de St. Maarten, estn siendo amordazados y silenciados en la legislatura.

Esta opinin fue expresada por varios parlamentarios, que organizaron una conferencia de prensa conjunta en la Cmara del Parlamento el mircoles. En la conferencia de prensa estuvieron los parlamentarios independientes Christophe Emmanuel, Ludmila de Weever y Grisha Heyliger-Marten y la parlamentaria de United Democrats (UD) Sarah Wescot-Williams.

Una de las formas en que se silencia a los parlamentarios es que no se cumplen las solicitudes de reuniones Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
24 Nov 2022 11:12 PM
Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Nov 2022 09:32 PM

Autores Y Libros De St. Martin Como Fuentes Para El Museo Vivo En Sister Regina Primary School

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten Los autores de HNP, junto con personalidades histricas y elementos de la naturaleza formaron el Museo Vivo aqu el 10 de noviembre de 2022, dijo Jacqueline Sample, presidenta de House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

La exhibicin anual de Sister Regina Primary School es parte de una unidad de aprendizaje que comienza en septiembre, explorando nuestra hermosa isla y aprendiendo sobre nuestra historia, cultura, geografa y ms, dijo la maestra de sexto grado Candace Huijgen.

El proyecto siempre concluye con el “Museo Vivo de los Hroes de Sint Maarten”, dijo Huijgen, justo antes de la celebracin en toda la isla del Da de St Maarten el 11 de noviembre Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Nov 2022 11:27 AM

SIMPSON BAY:--- HNP authors, along with historical personalities and elements in nature made up the Living Museum here on November 10, 2022, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).
The annual exhibition of the Sister Regina Primary School is part of a learning unit that begins in September, exploring our beautiful island and learning about our history, culture, geography and more, said sixth-grade teacher Candace Huijgen.
The project always concludes with the Living Museum of Sint Maartens Heroes, said Huijgen, just before the island-wide celebration of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Nov 2022 09:08 PM

~Mullet Bay in the News, but behind closed doors~

Whether by design or default, Mullet Bay appears twice on the schedule of parliament this week.

Unfortunately, none of these times, will the general public be privy to the discussions regarding this piece of real estate that is not only reminiscent of a buoyant period of our tourism industry but also of near full employment in the hotel sector of the entire island, both north and south, MP Wescot stated on Sunday evening, ahead of the meetings on Monday.

MP Wescot-Williams explained that of the 2 meetings that are scheduled this week on the topic of Mullet Bay, one has to do with the objection petition filed by over 2000 persons against the development of Mullet Bay Beach, and the other meeting is one of the Committee Parliamentary Inquiry Mullet Bay, both scheduled behind closed doors.

The Minister of VROMI has replied to the questions by the petitioners, and parliament -via the petition committee- has to now decide on the next steps, the MP further explained.

On the topic of the Mullet Bay Inquiry Committee of Parliament, it should be noted that this committee, established in 2019, had estimated 8 months to accomplish what it had set out to do, namely Give Mullet Bay Back to the People Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Nov 2022 08:44 PM

La Comisin De Investigacin Del Parlamento Haciendo Alarde De La Ley Y Los Procedimientos De Mullet Bay En Las Noticias, Pero A Puerta Cerrada.

Ya sea por diseo o por defecto, Mullet Bay aparece dos veces en el programa del parlamento esta semana.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Desafortunadamente, en ninguna de estas ocasiones, el pblico en general estar al tanto de las discusiones sobre esta propiedad inmobiliaria que no solo recuerda un perodo prspero de nuestra industria turstica, sino tambin de casi los empleo llenos en el sector hotelero de toda la isla, tanto del norte como del sur, afirm la parlamentaria Wescot el domingo por la noche, antes de las reuniones del lunes.

La parlamentaria Wescot-Williams explic que de las 2 reuniones que estn programadas para esta semana sobre el tema de Mullet Bay, una tiene que ver con la peticin de objecin presentada por ms de 2,000 personas contra el desarrollo de Mullet Bay Beach, y la otra reunin es una de el Comit Parlamentario de Investigacin Mullet Bay, ambos programados a puerta cerrada.

El Ministro de VROMI ha respondido a las preguntas de los peticionarios, y el parlamento, a travs del comit de peticiones, ahora tiene que decidir sobre los prximos pasos, explic la parlamentaria.

Sobre el tema del Comit de Investigacin del Parlamento de Mullet Bay, cabe sealar que este comit, establecido en 2019, haba estimado 8 meses para lograr lo que se haba propuesto hacer, a saber, Devolver Mullet Bay a la gente Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Nov 2022 09:14 PM

La Parlamentaria Sarah Wescot-Williams Critica El Presupuesto De 2022 Y La Negativa Del Gobierno A Eliminar El Recorte Del 12,5 % En Los Beneficios De Las Entidades (Semi)Pblicas.

No puedo creer que en realidad escuch que aplaudan al Ministro.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro de Finanzas y los miembros de su coalicin en el parlamento deben haber respirado aliviados, cuando el martes por la noche se derrib el mazo sobre el presupuesto enmendado 2022, segn la opinin de la parlamentaria Wescot.

Afortunadamente para la coalicin, pudieron reunir en el ltimo momento, el mnimo de miembros necesarios para aprobar la ley de presupuesto. Afortunadamente, porque al da siguiente, al menos 2 miembros de la coalicin estaban programados para viajar por cuenta del parlamento.

Y para probar su punto de que los ministros del gobierno no tienen respeto por el parlamento o el pueblo, la parlamentaria agreg: el nico ministro que se present a estas discusiones presupuestarias fue el propio Ministro de Finanzas, y las respuestas con respecto a los otros ministerios fueron nada menos que una broma.

En una referencia obvia a la negativa del presidente del parlamento a actuar de manera imparcial, la parlamentaria no escatim palabras cuando afirm que las reuniones sobre el proyecto de presupuesto 2022 no fueron ms que drama en su mayor parte, drama del que Me negu a ser parte de eventualmente, an sabiendo que sin la oposicin y sin pasar lista, el presupuesto sera aprobado ‘por unanimidad’.

Mejor eso que ser un participante activo en lo que solo puede ser etiquetado como un espectculo de circo.

La parlamentaria se refiri al proyecto de ley que modifica la ordenanza de ingresos mximos (top income ley) que el gobierno propuso al parlamento, como cuando, en su opinin, comenz el circo.

Con todo eso, el gobierno sigue chapuceando los recortes en los beneficios salariales de las entidades (semi)pblicas.

La parlamentaria Wescot haba propuesto una enmienda para eliminar estos recortes salariales de la ley que regula los ingresos ms altos, que desafortunadamente no pudo reunir suficiente apoyo para ser aprobada.

Qu irnico, que en una ley que asegura que los ingresos ms altos del sector (semi)pblico no superen el plus salarial del PM, se mantengan los recortes salariales del 12,5%, etc Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 10:40 PM

Request For More Speaking Time Sparks Walkout In Budget Amendment Meeting

~ 2022 budget amendments passed ~

PHILIPSBURG--A request by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams for the speaking time in Tuesday mornings 2022 budget amendment meeting to be extended to t Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
05 Nov 2022 03:27 PM

El Responsable Del Atentado Contra La Vida De La Ex Reina Del Carnaval Enfrentar Cargos Por Asesinato/Homicidio Involutario


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten El hombre sospechoso de haber apualado varias veces a la Reina del Carnaval de 2016, Estika Halley y que supuestamente trat de cortarle la garganta el 31 de julio, enfrentar cargos de intento de asesinato y homicidio involuntario, anunci el fiscal durante la audiencia pro forma del jueves. La audiencia de juicio real se llevar a cabo el 1 de marzo de 2023.

Halley tuvo que luchar por su vida despus de que la apualaran varias veces, en la garganta, la espalda, el pecho, las manos, los dedos y los tobillos Read more

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