Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Sarah Wescot-Williams










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Source: SMN-News
09 Jun 2022 08:03 PM

~MP Wescot-Williams: We left it up to them who created it in the first place."~

 PHILIPSBURG:--- We have become accustomed to a little bacchanal every carnival season, and I was relieved that except for a few glitches here and there, we had not done too badly after a 2-year hiatus, the MP commented on a hastily-convened meeting, which she decided not to attend.

Recalling the budget handling, MP Wescot added that we cannot forget that the first salvo was fired when a part of the coalition made a so-called insignificant amendment to the budget 2022 and placed the carnival subsidy under the Tourism Department. Be that as it may, Carnival took place, but as it now appears, all was not well .

We received a request from the Carnival foundation for an urgent public meeting to discuss pending issues etc.

Choosing to request a public meeting in itself was interesting as the format of meetings with third parties is usually determined by the chair of parliament Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
08 Jun 2022 09:14 PM

La Diputada Wescot Reitera Su Llamado Al Gobierno Por Ms Transparencia Y Dilogo.

Si bien el gobierno de St. Maarten llama a la unidad, es el mayor polarizador.
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La diputada nota con mucha preocupacin que ha pasado una semana ms y no hay noticias sobre el Ministro del TEATT y su regreso al cargo. El ministro desapareci de la vista del pblico sin ni siquiera un aviso al pblico en general. Y el Consejo de Ministros de Sint Maarten parece no tener ningn problema con la situacin. Sin embargo, hay tantos asuntos importantes pendientes en el Ministerio del TEATT.

Si bien la ausencia del Ministro, en mi opinin, es inaceptable que la comunidad y el parlamento se queden en la oscuridad, ms asombroso es el hecho de que este ministerio es responsable de los precios de los bienes y el precio del combustible y al gobierno aparentemente podra importarle Read more

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Source: 721 News
07 Jun 2022 03:08 PM

Mp Wescot Reiterates Her Call To Government For More Transparency And Dialogue.

While the St. Maarten government calls for unity, it is the biggest polarizer.

The MP notes with much concern that another week has gone by and there is no news about the Minister of TEATT and his return to office.
The minister disappeared from the public view without so much as a notice to the general public. And the Council of Ministers of Sint Maarten seems to have no issue with the situation. Yet, there are so many important matters pending at the Ministry of TEATT.

While the Ministers absence is one thing and in my view unacceptable that the community and the parliament are left in the dark, more flabbergasting is the fact that this ministry is responsible for the prices of goods and the price of fuel and the government seemingly could care less that weeks have passed since the minister announced relief for the consumers due to the high gas prices.

MP Wescot recalled that before the minister went on an assumed leave, he announced the reduction of the cost of fuel for the consumer Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
05 Jun 2022 11:24 PM

Sarah: Another Week, Still No Word On LawrenceS Absence

UD MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams said on Sunday that she has noted with much concern that another week has gone by and there is still no news about Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Roger Lawrence and his return to office Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Jun 2022 07:14 PM

~While the St. Maarten government calls for unity, it is the biggest polarizer.~

PHILIPSBURG:---The MP notes with much concern that another week has gone by and there is no news about the Minister of TEATT and his return to the office.

The minister disappeared from the public view without so much as a notice to the general public. And the Council of Ministers of Sint Maarten seems to have no issue with the situation. Yet, there are so many important matters pending at the Ministry of TEATT.

While the Ministers absence is one thing and in my view unacceptable that the community and the parliament are left in the dark, more flabbergasting is the fact that this ministry is responsible for the prices of goods and the price of fuel, and the government seemingly could care less that weeks have passed since the minister announced relief for the consumers due to the high gas prices.

MP Wescot recalled that before the minister went on an assumed leave, he announced the reduction of the cost of fuel for the consumer Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 May 2022 11:06 PM

Varias Personas Se Unieron A U 2 Can Move Y Positive Foundation En El Desafo Mundial Walk The Talk, Health For All.

La diputada Wescot-Williams, fundadora de U 2 Can Move explic que el evento mundial es una iniciativa de la OMS (Organizacin Mundial de la Salud), coincidiendo con su 75 Asamblea, que arranc el 22 de mayo en Ginebra.

A travs de la iniciativa Walk the Talk, la OMS alent a las comunidades de todo el mundo a participar y, al hacerlo, crean conciencia sobre la movilidad y la buena salud para todos en sus comunidades locales.

No puedo dejar de enfatizar lo importante que es que nuestra cobertura de salud llegue a todos los ciudadanos y que se anime a las personas a practicar la prevencin a travs de exmenes de deteccin, elecciones saludables en alimentos y dietas y actividad fsica, agreg la diputada.

Esta es la tercera edicin de la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud de “Walk the Talk: Health For All Challenge” y se invit a participantes de todo el mundo y de todas las edades y habilidades a correr o caminar sobre dos rutas: 3 km y 4,2 km Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 May 2022 05:29 PM

The St. Maarten Participants Off To The Walk The Talk Challenge.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Sunday, May 22nd, several persons joined U 2 Can Move and the Positive Foundation in the global Walk the Talk, Health for All challenge.
MP Wescot-Williams, founder of U 2 Can Move explained that the global event is a WHO (World Health Organization) initiative, coinciding with its 75th Assembly, which kicked off on May 22nd in Geneva.

Through the Walk the Talk initiative, the WHO encouraged communities around the globe to participate and in doing so, create awareness for mobility and good health for all in their local communities as well.

I cant stress enough how important it is that our healthcare coverage reaches every citizen and that persons are encouraged to practice prevention through screening, healthy choices in food and diets and physical activities, the MP added.

This is the World Health Organizations 3rd edition of the Walk the Talk: Health For All Challenge and participants from around the world and of all ages and abilities were invited to run or walk over two routes: 3 km and 4.2 km Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 May 2022 05:29 PM

The St. Maarten Participants Off To The Walk The Talk Challenge.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Sunday, May 22nd, several persons joined U 2 Can Move and the Positive Foundation in the global Walk the Talk, Health for All challenge.
MP Wescot-Williams, founder of U 2 Can Move explained that the global event is a WHO (World Health Organization) initiative, coinciding with its 75th Assembly, which kicked off on May 22nd in Geneva.

Through the Walk the Talk initiative, the WHO encouraged communities around the globe to participate and in doing so, create awareness for mobility and good health for all in their local communities as well.

I cant stress enough how important it is that our healthcare coverage reaches every citizen and that persons are encouraged to practice prevention through screening, healthy choices in food and diets and physical activities, the MP added.

This is the World Health Organizations 3rd edition of the Walk the Talk: Health For All Challenge and participants from around the world and of all ages and abilities were invited to run or walk over two routes: 3 km and 4.2 km Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 May 2022 12:01 AM

Sarah Wants Answers On Mou With Royal Caribbean Group

~ Asks what is involved in deal to reconstruct marketplace ~

PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams is seeking answers on the memorandum of understanding (MOU) that government has inked with Royal Caribbean Group and said the information she is requesting should have been shared with the legislature without it having to be requested Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 May 2022 09:19 PM

Lanzamiento De La Segunda Temporada De Soualichi Stories As Que Escucha!

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Anhelando los das de sentarse bajo el rbol de tamarindo y escuchar historias caseras, luego sintonice las ondas de radio de la nacin porque el lunes 23 de mayo, Foresee Foundation lanza la segunda temporada de ‘Soualichi Stories’.

La serie de historias patrocinada por la UNESCO y producida por Foresee Foundation en colaboracin con narradores locales se transmitir en Mix 94.7, SOS Radio 95.9, Voice of St. Maarten 102.7, Tunes Carib, Island 92 (91.9FM), Radio St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 May 2022 11:47 PM

Sarah Tables Proposal For Govt. To Decide When Single-Use Plastic Ban Takes Effect

PHILIPSBURG--If a proposal tabled by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams during a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament on Friday is passed, government will be given the authority to d Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
11 May 2022 05:53 AM

La Diputada Wescot-Williams Elogia La Actividad Reciente De Szv, Pero Dice Que Hay Mucho Ms.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Good Move by SZV, patrocinador de la Caminata para prevenir la inmovilidad organizada por la Asociacin de jubilados y pensionistas de la polica de Sint Maarten.

Nosotros, los miembros de la Organizacin U 2 CAN MOVE, nos sentimos eufricos al ver la gran participacin en la caminata del sbado organizada por la Asociacin de Pensionados y Jubilados de la Polica de Sint Maarten y patrocinada por el SZV. Varios miembros del programa U 2 CAN MOVE Fitness se unieron al gran grupo de personas el 7 de mayo en una caminata apropiada de 6K, dijo la parlamentaria en un comunicado reciente Read more

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Source: 721 News
10 May 2022 08:09 AM

Mp Wescot-Williams Lauds SzvS Recent Activity, But Says There Is Much More To It.

Good Move by SZV, sponsor of the Walk to Prevent Immobility organized by the Sint Maarten Police Pensioners and Retirees Association.

We of the U 2 CAN MOVE Organization were elated to see the large turnout for the early Saturday walkathon organized by the Sint Maarten Police Pensioners and Retirees Association and sponsored by the SZV. Several members of the U 2 CAN MOVE Fitness program joined the large group of persons early on May 7th in an appropriately 6K walk, the MP stated in a recent release.

In commenting on the event, U 2 CAN MOVE founder, MP Sarah Wescot-Williams emphasized the importance of physical mobility.
I always motivate my members with the phrase that it does not matter what you do, once your activity contributes to bodily movements Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 May 2022 02:35 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Good Move by SZV, sponsor of the Walk to Prevent Immobility organized by the Sint Maarten Police Pensioners and Retirees Association.

We of the U 2 CAN MOVE Organization was elated to see the large turnout for the early Saturday walkathon organized by the Sint Maarten Police Pensioners and Retirees Association and sponsored by the SZV. Several members of the U 2 CAN MOVE Fitness program joined the large group of persons early on May 7th in an appropriately 6K walk, the MP stated in a recent release.

In commenting on the event, U 2 CAN MOVE founder, MP Sarah Wescot-Williams emphasized the importance of physical mobility Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
08 May 2022 07:35 PM

La Diputada Sarah Wescot-Williams Sobre El Da Mundial De La Libertad De Prensa Y La Controvertida Poltica De Medios Del Gobierno De Sint Maarten

MP Wescot: Esta poltica contraviene completamente los principios universales y los derechos humanos.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La diputada Wescot reflexion sobre la poltica de medios con la declaracin de apertura: Nunca en mi imaginacin ms salvaje pens que tendra que advertir al gobierno de nuestro pas de violar los derechos humanos y, en este caso, especficamente el derecho universal a la libertad. de expresin y el de la prensa.

Emitir una poltica, hacerla cumplir y al mismo tiempo admitir que est abierta a negociacin, aporte, etc., es an ms asombroso, dado que luego puede ser ejecutada, modificada, suspendida a discrecin del gobierno en cualquier momento Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 May 2022 04:06 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot Williams in a press statement on Tuesday: This policy is in complete contravention of universal principles and human rights.
MP Wescot reflected on the media policy with the opening statement: Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would have to caution the government of our country of infringing on human rights and in this case, specifically on the universal right of the freedom of expression and that of the press Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 May 2022 08:20 AM

Tripartite And Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultations (Ipko) 2022 To Be Hosted In Sint Maarten.

PHILIPSBURG:--- From May 4 - 6, 2022, the Parliament of Sint Maarten will be hosting the Tripartite and Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultations (IPKO). This years Interparliamentary consultations were originally scheduled to be held from January 5-7, 2022, however, due to the spike in corona cases in the Netherlands it was decided to postpone the Tripartite and IPKO meetings till May 2022; and that the second IPKO will take place in October in the Netherlands.
Delegations from the Parliaments of Aruba, Curaao the Netherlands, and Sint Maarten will be meeting in Sint Maarten for the Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultations (IPKO) Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 May 2022 12:20 AM

La Diputada Sarah Wescot-Williams Analiza La Propuesta De Coho Antes De Ipko.

No es la solucin para una reforma sostenible de un pas en desarrollo.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Cuando las discusiones de IPKO comiencen este mircoles, el elefante en la sala ser el proyecto de ley de consenso del Reino para establecer un organismo de reforma y desarrollo para los 3 pases caribeos holandeses de Aruba, Curazao y Sint Maarten, con el COHO.

La parlamentaria Wescot agreg rpidamente: No quiere decir que el tema no se presentar. El proyecto de ley COHO es tema de debate en la reunin tripartita de los 3 pases del Caribe el martes, como lo ser en las reuniones de IPKO de 4 partes.

Los parlamentos de los 4 pases se encuentran en diferentes etapas de manejo de esta ley, sin embargo, con todos los ojos puestos en la Segunda y Primera Cmara, ya que es donde finalmente caern los votos.
En esencia, la pregunta es si los parlamentos estn a favor o en contra del presente borrador; A qu se oponen y qu pasa si no se llega a un consenso?.

Algunos defensores de la ley o partes de la ley equiparan esta ley COHO con reformas muy necesarias Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
03 May 2022 12:06 AM

Sarah: Coho Not Solution For Sustainable Reform

PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams said on Monday that when the Inter-Parliamentary Kingdom Consultation IPKO discussions get underway this Wednesday, the elephant in the room will be the draft consensus kingdom law to establish the Caribbean Body for Reform and Development COHO for the Dutch Caribbean countries Aruba, Curaao and St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 Apr 2022 04:02 PM

Committee Of Parlatino Matters Of Parliament To Meet On Tuesday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Committee of Parlatino Matters (CPM), of Parliament will meet on April 12, 2022.
The Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 14.00 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg.
The agenda point is:
1. Model laws adopted by the 36th Ordinary Assembly of Parlatino, held on the 11th and 12th of February 2022 in Panama
2. Declarations made by and or on behalf of St. Maarten at the 36th Ordinary Assembly of Parlatino in Panama (IS/643/2021-2022 dated March 9, 2022)
Member of Parliament, S.A Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 03:26 PM

Minister Lawrence Does Not Have Special Mandate.

~Information can be shared in closed-door meetings to avoid liabilities.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence told the parliament of St. Maarten that he does not have a special mandate when it comes to the government-owned company Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE). The Minister said that the shareholder decided that he would be attending parliament to respond to questions posed by parliament and to also handle the dismissal of the Chief Operations Officer Michel Hyman, while he would keep the shareholder updated Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 11:49 AM

No Information Provided To Parliament Regarding The Dismissal Of PjiaeS Coo.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Council of Ministers and Minister of TEATT did not expect the dismissal of the Chief Operating Officer of PJIAE  Michel Hyman since the shareholder requested information from the Holding Board of PJIAE. Due to the sensitivity of the case and possible court cases, the Minister told the parliament of St. Maarten he is unable to share detailed information.

Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence told the Parliament of St. Maarten that documentation regarding the dismissal of Michel Hyman Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
29 Mar 2022 12:14 AM

Sarah Calls On Cbcs To Give Stance On Crypto Currencies

UD MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

 PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams on Monday called on Central Bank for Curaao and St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
28 Mar 2022 11:14 PM

La Diputada Wescot-Williams Quiere Que El Banco Central De Curazao Y St. Maarten Haga Una Declaracin Pblica Urgente Sobre Las Criptomonedas, La Moneda De Curso Legal Y La Supervisin Financiera.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Le correspondera al Banco Central de Curazao y St. Maarten (CBCS), que en el pasado reciente advirti contra los peligros potenciales de las criptomonedas, informar al pblico de la unin monetaria (Curazao y St. Maarten) sobre su postura actual sobre este asunto altamente tcnico. Adems, el CBCS debe estar a la vanguardia educando e informando a la poblacin del gremio en materia de digitalizacin financiera y prudencia, ya que todos estamos siendo bombardeados con propuestas y ofertas de la magia de los sistemas digitalizados y los criptoactivos, dijo la diputado Wescot.

El CBCS no hace mucho, anunci el lanzamiento de su sistema de pago instantneo Read more

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