Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


united st maarten party [usp]

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Jan 2023 12:06 AM

United St. Maarten Party Mullet Bay Debera Ser Declarado Tesoro Nacional

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La Junta de United St. Maarten Party en un comentario invitado con respecto a las discusiones sobre la propiedad de Mullet Bay, insisti en que Mullet Bay fuera declarado Tesoro Nacional y dividida en zonas para albergar uno o ms resorts de cinco estrellas.

La expropiacin es un punto de silencio en esta etapa del juego debido al tiempo que lleva completar tal esfuerzo Read more

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Source: 721 News
22 Jan 2023 01:26 PM

Mullet Bay Should Be Declared A National Treasure

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — President of the USP, Cecil Nicholas said in a press release that the United St. Maarten Party in an invited comment with regards to the discussions about the Mullet Bay property, was adamant that Mullet Bay be declared a National Treasure and zoned to accommodate one or more five star resorts.

Expropriation is a mute-point at this stage in the game because of the time it takes to complete such an endeavor Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Jan 2023 02:01 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Incoming Minister of TEATT Leo Lambriex will be sworn in on Wednesday afternoon.
SMN News has been reliably informed that Lambriex will be taking the oath in the presence of Governor Ajamu Baly on Wednesday however the time of swearing-in has not yet been released by the Governors office.
Lambriex was selected as the Minister of TEATT by the two Independent Members of Parliament who have given their support to the National Alliance and United Peoples Party coalition government when a number of Members of Parliament from both parties declared themselves as independent members of parliament.
Lambriex is the policy advisor to Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell, he was selected and vetted as the incoming Minister of TEATT after former Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence fell ill and subsequently resigned Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Jan 2023 12:27 AM

Brug Renuncia Al United Sint Maarten Party

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El candidato de United Sint Maarten Party, Richinel S.J. Brug, renunci formalmente el 31 de diciembre de 2022, a United St. Maarten Party (USP). Brug agradeci al USP por brindarle la oportunidad de ser candidato de la lista, de trabajar en el gabinete del ministro Rafael Boasman en 2017-2018 y por el apoyo brindado, durante los perodos de campaa electoral de 2014 a 2020 Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Jan 2023 01:22 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- United Sint Maarten Party candidate Richinel S.J. Brug, on December 31st, 2022, formally resigned from the United St. Maarten Party (USP). Brug thanked the USP for granting him the opportunity to be a candidate on the list, to work in the cabinet of Minster Rafael Boasman in 2017- 2018, and for the support offered, during election campaign periods from 2014 to 2020. I have always had political aspirations Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 Jan 2023 11:59 PM

Usp Candidate Densley Adamus On A Living Wage

Happy New Year to the people of St. Maarten. May 2023 bring us closer together as a people.

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Densley Adamus. I was born on St. Maarten. I am the son of Melva Peterson and Dennis Adamus.As a son, father, brother, cousin and friend, I was happy to hear about the increase in the minimum wage.

The increased minimum wage went into effect January 1, 2023. As a working man, I was happy to find out that employees who were paid NAf. 8.83 as minimum wage, will now receive an increase to NAf Read more

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Source: SMN-News
06 Jan 2023 12:16 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The coalition of 8 has selected Leo Lambriex policy advisor to Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell to take up the position as Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication (TEATT) that has been vacated by former minister Roger Lawrence in 2022 Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Jan 2023 12:39 PM

Exclusive: At Least Three Politicians Duped Nrpb Through Esp Program. (Updated1)

PHILIPSBURG: --- At least three known politicians will soon have to appear in courts as the National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) tries to recover monies
that was given to them for specific investment projects.
SMN News learned that each of the politicians received between one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to invest through the Enterprise Support Project (ESP) and they never invested the monies for which it was secured.
According to the information SMN News received the three politicians were asked to repay the NRPB but they opted not to do so as such the NRPB is now moving to courts to recover the money that was loaned to them.
The politicians that requested money for investment purposes are United St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Jan 2023 12:39 PM

Exclusive: At Least Three Politicians Duped Nrpb Through Esp Program. (Updated)

PHILIPSBURG: --- At least three known politicians will soon have to appear in courts as the National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) tries to recover monies
that was given to them for specific investment projects.
SMN News learned that each of the politicians received between one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to invest through the Enterprise Support Project (ESP) and they never invested the monies for which it was secured.
According to the information SMN News received the three politicians were asked to repay the NRPB but they opted not to do so as such the NRPB is now moving to courts to recover the money that was loaned to them.
The politicians that requested money for investment purposes are United St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Dec 2022 07:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The citizens of St Maarten will go to the polls in November 2023 according to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs on Thursday. Questions were sent to the public relations office of the Prime Minister requesting clarity on the month and year elections are to take place. One member of parliament last week stated that elections would take place in January 2024 however the Council of Ministers in a recent meeting decided to set elections for November 2023 Read more

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Source: 721 News
12 Dec 2022 09:38 PM

The United St. Maarten Party Introduces Its New Logo For Election Cycle 2023

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The United St. Maarten Party under the leadership of Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty introduced its new logo and party slogan Breaking the Cycle for the election campaign scheduled to be held in 2023. The party moved up its rebranding plans which was scheduled for its 10 year anniversary in 2024 to coincide with the current electoral of 2023.

We have always championed ourselves as solution orientated with practical and strategic plans that can transform the country and move it forward, said President Mr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
12 Dec 2022 06:46 PM

The United St. Maarten Party Presenta Su Nuevo Logotipo Para El Ciclo Electoral De 2023

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – The United St. Maarten Party, bajo el liderazgo de la Sra. Pamela Gordon-Carty, present su nuevo logotipo y eslogan del partido “Rompiendo el ciclo” para la campaa electoral programada para celebrarse en 2023. El partido adelant sus planes de cambio de marca que estaba programado para su dcimo aniversario en 2024 para coincidir con las elecciones actuales de 2023.

Siempre nos hemos defendido como orientados a soluciones con planes prcticos y estratgicos que pueden transformar el pas y hacerlo avanzar, dijo el presidente Cecil Nicholas.

El partido ha sido extremadamente activo a pesar de no tener la representacin de los 2 escaos que le otorgaron en el parlamento Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Dec 2022 11:15 PM

Usp: La Verdad Del Asunto Es Que Este Gobierno Est Siendo Gobernado Por Una Minora

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – En primer lugar, el gobernador no puede convocar elecciones, el gobernador representa los intereses del Reino y se encargar de tal capacidad, principalmente esa es su funcin. En segundo lugar, las leyes electorales ni la constitucin no hablan de miembros independientes, pero an as hemos tenido durante aos que los candidatos de los partidos que obtuvieron una cierta cantidad de votos mientras eran parte de un partido se han estado declarando independientes sin base legal para ello y como todo lo dems sigue su curso Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Dec 2022 01:36 AM

Usp Pide La Intervencin Del Consejo De Ministros Del Reino

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – United Sint Maarten Party (USP) escribi a la Oficina Central de Votacin y confirm en copia (CC) al Consejo de Ministros, el Parlamento de Sint Maarten y el Consejo Electoral, sobre la falta de representacin en curso de USP en el Parlamento.

Con base en la respuesta recibida el lunes 5 de diciembre de 2022, USP decidi proceder a solicitar que el Consejo de Ministros del Reino (RMR) evale este asunto.

Una carta que esperaba una respuesta de la Sra Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 Dec 2022 12:20 PM

The Truth Of The Matter Is That This Government Is Being Governed By A Minority

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — In a press release issued by the United Sint Maarten Party (USP) said the following: First of all the governor cant call elections, the governor represents the interest of the Kingdom and will handle in such capacity primarily thats his role.

Secondly the electoral laws nor the constitution doesnt speak of independent members but yet we have had for years that party candidates that got a certain amount of votes while being part of a party has been declaring themselves independent with no legal grounds to it and like everything else it continues its course Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
06 Dec 2022 11:42 PM

Us Party Wants Dutch To Set Matter Straight In Parliamentary Quagmire

US Party leader Pamela Gordon Carty.

~ Or will consider legal action ~

PHILIPSBURG--The United St. Maarten Party (US Party) wants the Kingdom Council of Ministers to set the matter straight regarding the partys non-representation in the Parliament of St. Maarten despite it gaining two seats at the last elections.

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Source: 721 News
06 Dec 2022 10:07 AM

Usp Calls For Kingdom Council Of Ministers Intervention

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The United Sint Maarten Party (USP) wrote to the Central Voting Bureau, and copy confirmed (CC) the Council of Ministers, the Parliament of Sint Maarten, and the Electoral Council, about the ongoing non-representation of the USP in Parliament.

Based on the answer received on Monday, December 5, 2022, the USP decided to proceed with requesting that the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksministerraad – RMR) weigh-in on this matter.

A letter awaiting a response from the chair of Central Voting Bureau Mrs Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
28 Nov 2022 09:00 AM

United St. Maarten Party Dice: La Clusula De Pjia Debe Ser Una Responsabilidad Ejercida Por El Gobierno

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La Junta de United St. Maarten Party cuestion el funcionamiento del holding del Aeropuerto Internacional Princes Julianna (PJIA) ante el deplorable estado de cosas en el aeropuerto. Se supone que la sociedad de cartera (PJIAH) protege el activo (PJIA) en nombre del accionista (gobierno), pero ha permanecido en silencio y no se ha involucrado mientras las juntas de administracin y supervisin del aeropuerto endeudan cada vez ms a PJIA, dijo el presidente Read more

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Source: 721 News
27 Nov 2022 03:31 PM

United St. Maarten Party Pjia Liability Clause Needs To Be Exercised By Government

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Board of the United St. Maarten party questioned the functioning of the holding company of the Princes Julianna International Airport (PJIA) in the face of the deplorable state of affairs at the airport. The holding company (PJIAH) is supposed to protect the asset (PJIA) on behalf of the shareholder (government), but it has been silent and uninvolved while the airport managing and supervisory boards sinks PJIA deeper and deeper in debt, said President of USP Mr Read more

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Source: 721 News
23 Nov 2022 11:49 PM

Public Announcement By The Leader Of Usp Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty

Pamela Gordon-Carty, Leader of the United St. Maarten Party (USP)

Rsidents of Country Sint Maarten, It was brought to our attention that there is a negative campaign being put together to try and discredit members of the USP. We in return will not respond or lower our standards to give life to any false accusations.

We will also not launch a slander campaign in response either, not because we cant but because we choose not to Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Nov 2022 10:11 AM

United St. Maarten Party Anuncia Al Sr. Addison Boston Como Candidato En Su Lista

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El lunes 21 de noviembre de 2022, United St. Maarten Party anunci que acept la solicitud del Sr. Addison Boston para ser miembro y candidato en su lista para las prximas elecciones de 2023.

El Sr. Boston, un joven profesional con un historial estelar que tambin es un hombre de negocios, proviene del distrito de Dutch Quarter.

El distrito de Dutch Quarter es uno de los distritos ms diversos de St Read more

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Source: 721 News
22 Nov 2022 02:47 PM

Addisson Boston Will Be Contesting The 2023 Election As A Usp Candidate

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Monday, November 21st 2022, the United Sint Maarten Party announced that they have accepted the request of Mr. Addisson Boston to be a member and candidate on their list for the upcoming election 2023.

Mr. Boston, a young professional with a stellar track record who is also a business man hales from the district of Dutch Quarter.

The district of Dutch Quarter is one of the most diverse district in St. Maarten. It has produced some of St. Maarten finest athletes that have represented St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 10:37 PM

Us Party: No Quorum Highlights Improper Application Of Proportional Representation

US Party leader Pamela Gordon-Carty.

PHILIPSBURG--United St. Maarten (US Party) believes the absence of a quorum for a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament last week on the Unity Flag highlights the improper application of proportional representation.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Nov 2022 07:15 PM

United St. Maarten Party; Destaca Un Atolladero Parlamentario, Sin Qurum Con Un Dficit De Aplicacin Indebida De Representacin Proporcional Como Manda La Constitucin.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – En la vspera de las celebraciones para conmemorar el Da de San Martn, el Parlamento de St. Maarten no pudo establecer un qurum para continuar la reunin del Comit Central sobre la consolidacin de United St. Maarten Party, mediante el reconocimiento de la bandera de la unidad.

Los 6 de los 15 miembros del parlamento resultantes se sientan como miembros independientes del parlamento, lo que es inconsistente con la eleccin de miembros del parlamento por representacin proporcional como se establece en la Constitucin, ha solidificado an ms la posicin del Partido Unido de St Maarten establecida en un artculo publicado en diciembre de 2021.

Hemos enviado rpidamente una carta de consulta a la Oficina Central de Votacin, la cual es la responsable de ejecutar nuestra eleccin de representacin proporcional y asegurar dicha composicin en el Parlamento como lo manda la Constitucin dentro de los lmites de la Ordenanza Electoral Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV