Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


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Source: SMN-News
10 May 2017 03:54 PM

Dutch Caribbean Bat Conservation Project Receives Funding

The IUCN BEST2.0 programme approved a grant of 100,000 euro for an 18-month project aimed at bat conservation and protection on the islands of Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten. The funds will be made available to local nature conservation organisations through the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA), which is a non-governmental regional network in which the nature parks on all six Dutch Caribbean islands co-operate.

The implementation of this project will be done together with local communities and bat conservation experts Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 May 2017 06:05 PM

Judge Deems Szv Case Against Inspectorate Inadmissible.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The court of First Instance deemed the case SZV filed against the Inspectorate VSA inadmissible. The verdict was handed down on May 8th, 2007.
The case filed by SZV regards an employee of SZV identified by patients as Nataschia Lijkwan.
In October 2016, SMN News published an article whereby the employee of SZV was staying at the Renaissance Resort in Curacao while being there as a patient on medical referral.
At the time patients from St. Maarten who were also in Curacao for treatment contacted SMN News, stating that they were also in Curacao for medical treatment and they were unable to get their daily allowances and other benefits from SZV, while one of its employees was receiving special treatment and staying at Renaissance Resort.
SMN News conducted its investigation and found that the patients that contacted SMN News had given accurate information.
Based on SMN News research it showed that the employee stayed at Renaissance for two weeks while she traveled with her young daughter who was on mid- term vacation.
Upon publishing that article SMN News contacted the Inspectorate and asked for an investigation to be conducted into the referral by SZV because the Inspectorate, the Minister of VSA and the SZV director had stated in a press release that the Inspectorate was scheduled to conduct an audit on the quality of services and care provided by the medical referral department of SZV due to a number of complaints from patients about the department and the approximately Nafls Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 May 2017 07:04 AM

Pm Marlin Congratulates Scdf On Successful Carnival

PHILIPSBURG – Prime Minister William Marlin addressed the media in Wednesday’s, May 3, Council of Ministers Press briefing.

He first congratulated the Carnival Committee for hosting another successful event, and “I think standing on the sidelines this year I was able to witness sort of a transformation of Carnival for the past couple of years,” he said.

“Those my age, a little older, a little younger, have been complaining and yearning for the days of the past…these are things of the past, which were good, which we enjoyed, but are no longer there and will never come back, so we can hope for Carnival the way it used to be, but I don’t think it will return no matter how much we may want to, no matter how much effort we would put into it, because we would in essence be in the minority,” the Prime Minister reflected.

PM Marlin also noted, “We have seen a lot of young people in the troupes, we have seen a lot of young people in the J’ouvert, we have seen a lot of young people in the jump-ups leading up to the Carnival, but this year we have also seen quite some young people taking part in Carnival, which means that it is a step in the right direction Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
08 May 2017 05:02 AM

MARIGOT--President of the Collectivité of St. Martin Daniel Gibbs said despite fishing, agriculture, and livestock breeding being small contributors to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), he fully believes in the potential of the local fishing sector in St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 May 2017 01:54 PM

In Defense Of Our Common Heritage.

“My people, mijn volk, mi pueblo, myn minsken, I have been elected into office to protect our heritage and defend you from them”. Surely this sounds familiar. You have heard it in one or more of the four official political languages of our Kingdom of the Netherlands—English, Dutch, Papiamento, and Frisian. Like it or not, these days heritage is explicitly being wedded to formal politics. As is the case in the four corners of the globe, political elites throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands are claiming to be the guardians of heritage Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 May 2017 06:51 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Parliament’s role is to supervise government, which includes pointing out failures and offering suggestions but also applauding when government takes the right decision. In fact, psychology tells us that reinforcing good performance has a more powerful and lasting effect than negative criticism. Hence, it is important that parliamentarians also look at the positive things that government has done or is doing and commend them for this. In our society, we tend to only focus on the mistakes, failures and on the bad or negative Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 May 2017 02:19 AM

New Generation Rallies To Climate Cause In Trinidad

PORT OF SPAIN – As two environmental activist groups in Trinidad and Tobago powered by young volunteers prepare to ramp up their climate change and sustainability activism, they are also contemplating their own sustainability and how they can become viable over the long-term.

IAMovement and New Fire Festival both began their environmental activism in earnest less than three years ago.

IAMovement captured the Trinidadian public’s imagination with its climate change march in 2014 and the iconic heart shape formed by 150 marchers who joined them, an emblem reprised by the 450 who joined IAMovement in 2015 in the country’s capital city of Port-of-Spain for the march that coincided with COP21 in Paris.

For the group’s first event in 2014, timed to coincide with the rallies being held worldwide during UN climate talks in New York, “people came, interested, but not sure what to expect Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
29 Apr 2017 06:27 PM

Opposition Party Says It Will Win May 10 Poll

NASSAU, Bahamas – The main opposition Free National Movement (FNM) says it will win the May 10 general elections even as a political storm appears to be brewing over remarks made by Prime Minister Perry Christie that not even “God could stop” the ruling Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) from attaining victory at the polls.

Addressing a political rally in Grand Bahama over the weekend, FNM leader, Dr Hubert A Minnis said before arriving to address the rally, he had received “a formal report on the state of the general election.

“The report is based on information from every constituency and includes specific numbers Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Apr 2017 07:21 AM

A New Political Party Launches In Antigua

ST JOHN’S, Antigua – With a promise to advocate for transnational leadership and changing how politics has been practiced here, a new political party was launched Tuesday.

Member of Parliament for All Saints East and St Luke Joanne Massiah said the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) would change the culture of disillusionment with the current crop of political leaders in Antigua and Barbuda.

Massiah, who is a founding member of the DNA, said she would name candidates “after carnival.”

She envisions a “new Antigua and Barbuda” where residents can live out the motto, each endeavoring all achieving.

Massiah told the launch of her party, at the Multi-purpose Centre in the capital, that others in the past have failed to provide a reliable “supply of water, electricity and modern road infrastructure”.

She promised a 20-year development plan for the country called vision 20/20.

“Growth is only possible if we are prepared to change,” the female legislator said, while quoting the national anthem.

“We intend to give people hope Read more

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Source: 721 News
22 Apr 2017 12:16 PM

Minister Jacobs Emphasizes Parental Responsibility During Carnival

PHILIPSBURG – Minister of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports Silveria Jacobs addressed the media in Wednesday’s, April 19, Council of Ministers Press Briefing.

She wished everyone a happy and safe Carnival and stressed “especially to the parents, there is still school, and I would like to remind parents that your first responsibility is to make sure that your children make the most of their education Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Apr 2017 05:59 AM

Minister Jacobs Re-Emphasises Safe And Fun Carnival Message

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Silveria Jacobs congratulated Teen Carnival Queen Shakainah Arrindell-Pompier and Senior Carnival Queen Shanice Powell, who she said were front runners for capturing the crown in her mind based on their performance during the Queen Show pre-events.

However, she took note of the fact that the show finished close to 4:30am on a school night Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 Apr 2017 02:50 AM

Sarah: “A Reset, Not A Retreat Is What Is Necessary As Far As The Relationship Between The Kingdom Government And St. Maarten Is Concerned”

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — I don’t remember a time that the relationship between these 2 entities has not been strained. Yes, we have had lulls, but the underlying currents have always been present. I remember the early years following the constitutional referendum of 2000, when the position of the Kingdom government was “no separate (read: country) status” for any entity in the Kingdom. You were either in or out!

10 years after our referendum, parties had managed to get out of that quandary to the cautious satisfaction of parties, it seemed Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
07 Apr 2017 08:49 PM

Instruction To Set Up Integrity Chamber

Instruction to set up Integrity Chamber

THE HAGUE--After a delay of two years and much discussion, the Kingdom Council of Ministers on Friday decided to give the St. Maarten an instruction, via a General Measure of the Kingdom Government (“Algemene Maatregel van Rijksbestuur” AMvRB), to establish the Integrity Chamber.

  St. Maarten Prime Minister William Marlin said that his government will make use of the possibility stated in the May 2015 protocol, in which St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
06 Apr 2017 09:13 PM

Sarah: “A Reset, Not A Retreat Is What Is Necessary As Far As The Relationship Between The Kingdom Government And St. Maarten Is Concerned.”

PHILIPSBURG:--- I don’t remember a time that the relationship between these 2 entities has not been strained. Yes, we have had lulls, but the underlying currents have always been present. I remember the early years following the constitutional referendum of 2000 when the position of the Kingdom government was “no separate (read: country) status” for any entity in the Kingdom. You were either in or out!

10 years after our referendum, parties had managed to get out of that quandary to the cautious satisfaction of parties, it seemed.
Nevertheless, some thorny issues remained, not in the last place the opposing positions partners on both sides of the ocean take as far as the contentious article 43 of the Charter is concerned.
The recent amendment to the Charter while a step in the right direction, does not totally mitigate the democratic deficit, which remains a thorn in the relationship.

Fast forward to today and not wanting to rehash the whole story regarding the Integrity Chamber, let’s establish at least the following:
The GOVERNMENT of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Apr 2017 01:39 PM

Marigot:--- The current opposition Territorial Council members will lose a number of rights since neither of the two opposition parties has enough seats in the council to form a group. The law requires that a group must have 5 seats in order for them to gain certain benefits which are paid by the Collectivity.
Some of the benefits the opposition will lose are the right to an office, office equipment, fees, documentation, mail service and a personnel member to manage or assist them. Another right the current opposition members will lose is a page in the Bulletin Territorial.
As it is now Alain Richardson, MVP will only contest and vote his conscience as he can be considered as an independent member of the council Read more

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Source: SMN-News
31 Mar 2017 06:26 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The board, leader and members of the Democratic Party of St. Maarten hereby extend their congratulations and best wishes to Team Gibbs 2017 and its leader, Mr. Daniel Gibbs on their victory at the polls this past Sunday.
Mr. Gibbs and his team have received the undisputed mandate to govern the Collectivity of St. Martin (our next half) for the coming 5 years.
We wish this team much success as they face, like we do in the South, the many challenges that confront our people and governments.
The leader of the DP: "While our uniqueness as a shared island continues to also offer opportunities, no opportunity is greater than living and enacting the "one island, one people" mantra in everything we do Read more

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Source: SMN-News
31 Mar 2017 12:35 PM

Mp Meyers Fires Several Questions To Minister Of Vsa On Vamed Agreement And Working Conditions At Smmc

Leonard wants to know what Minister did to Inspectorate for releasing information to SMN News.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Franklin Meyers fired a number of questions to Minister of VSA Emil Lee on Friday morning during a meeting of parliament.
MP Meyers said since last year February 2016 he requested information from the Minister and again earlier in February 2017 he resubmitted those questions but only few days ago after the meeting was requested by the UPP members that he received some of the answers from the Minister Read more

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Source: 721 News
31 Mar 2017 12:54 AM

Home Repair Program Finally Operational

PHILIPSBURG – “I am so happy to see this program finally become operational. It has been heartbreaking to have people come to my office looking for assistance to make their homes habitable and not have a mechanism in place to help our elderly in desperate need of assistance. With this program, we have allocated some limited resources to help elderly and disabled that need some minor repairs to their homes to make their homes decent and livable,” stated Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour Emil Lee.

“I would like to commend the Department of Community Development, Family and Humanitarian Affairs (CFDHA) for making this initiative possible Read more

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Source: SMN-News
28 Mar 2017 08:16 PM

Airport: --- Minister of Health Emil Lee returned to St. Maarten on Tuesday with the marketing director of Health City Cayman Islands Shomari Scot after USZV and Health City has reached a short-term agreement to treat a backlog of patients.
At the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIEA) Prime Minister William Marlin and Minister of Finance Richard Gibson Sr also welcomed the Minister of Health and Scott to St Read more

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Source: 721 News
28 Mar 2017 10:14 AM

Up Board And Leader Congratulates Team Gibbs On Election Win 

PHILIPSBURG – The United People’s (UP) Party Board and Leader the Honorable Member of Parliament (MP) Theodore Heyliger, extends their congratulations to Mr. Daniel Gibbs and the entire Team Gibbs on their election victory on Sunday.

“The people have clearly spoken and we extend our congratulations to everyone that expressed their opinion by voting during this second round last Sunday,” the UP Board and Leadership expressed.

“Cooperation between both sides is vital especially in the areas of tourism and economy.  Much can be accomplished by working closer together Read more

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Source: 721 News
28 Mar 2017 09:47 AM

Minister Jacobs Travels To Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba – Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Silveria Jacobs along with the St. Maarten delegation comprised of the Secretary General of ECYS Jorien Wuite, Policy Advisor Fabiana Vanterpool-Arnell, and Head of the Department of Education Ruth Linger, travelled to Cuba on Sunday, March 26, to attend the Kingdom Higher Education mission.

The Minister will be met by the Ministers of Education from the Netherlands, Aruba and Curaçao Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Mar 2017 11:15 PM

St. Martin marks history with two political parties in opposition.

MARIGOT:--- The voter's turnout in the second round of the territorial council election remained low on Sunday even though the three political parties that contested the elections pleaded with voters to go out and cast their votes. Of the 20285 voters that are registered to vote only 9,166 persons voted a mere 45.2%. Of that amount, 8857 were valid votes, with 166 blank votes and 183 invalid votes.
Team Daniel Gibbs 2017 captured 5,696 votes Read more

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Source: 721 News
24 Mar 2017 06:39 AM

Lions Health Fair Set For Saturday

Philipsburg– All is set for the St. Maarten Lions Club 9th annual “Lion Rudy Hoeve Health & Wellness Fair 2K17” which is scheduled for this coming Saturday March 25th from 9am to 4pm at the Festival Village.   Twenty five (25) stakeholders involved in health care, health care prevention and wellness on the St. Maarten have signed up with the St. Maarten Lions Club to provide the general public with several health tests, examinations, presentations, lectures and general health care and wellness information.   Diabetes Foundation has been with the Lions Health and Wellness Fair from the very beginning and will again be carrying out free Blood Pressure, Glucose, Cholesterol tests, and all other test related to diabetes Read more

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Source: 721 News
24 Mar 2017 02:03 AM

Welcome Baby Launched With Smmc And Rotary Mid Isle

CAY HILL – On Tuesday, March 21, nurses of the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) collaborated with the Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle to officially launch the baby bags in their “Welcome Baby” project.

The launch included a presentation by Rotarians Denise Antrobus, Anjali Manek, and Nurse St. Cyr of the OB/GYN ward, who started the “Welcome Baby” initiative to support new mothers in need, as part of her objectives for this year.

The presentation informed the invited guests about the project in detail, and also allowed both organizations to present a “Welcome Baby” bag to the first official new mom in the project Read more

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