Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections
Dear editor aND all readers,
In reaction to Miss Nicole James story published a few days ago via your media house, I would like to congratulate her for the act of bravery to come open aND share her ordeal, whereas she also proves that she has overcome. That itself is a very good sign as life continues. But it is worrisome to learn from her story that there are about 8 to 10 more women who were all victims of the same man, the acting section head that in the meantime is known to be Mr. LiaNDro Rombley.
Miss James act of bravery is an attempt to encourage them to speak out aND also urges those in authority to take decisive action as it relates to sexual assault in a workplace. Those in authority are our Parliament aND our Ministers. It is to them to put policies in place that addresses this matter.
Since then, the Minister of FiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAnce, Ms. Marinka J Gumbs reacted fiercely in sUPPort of the many victims aND promised decisive actions by her ministry. Parliamentarian NDidate' href='/newspolitician/791/sjamira-roseburg'>Sjamira Roseburg reacted aND posed some serious questions to the Minister of Justice. Also Parliamentarians NDidate' href='/newspolitician/571/veronica-jansen-webster'>Veronica Jansen-Webster aND NDidate' href='/newspolitician/687/lyNDon-lewis'>LyNDon Lewis reacted coNDemning the awful happeninSPArty/9/general-solidaire'>GS. Then the chairpersons of the SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAPB union, Mr. Marcus Pantophlet aND the WITSU-PSU union, Ms. Sharon Cannegieter, reacted aND coNDemning the sexual harassment aND or assault on the work floor. But that is not enough.
Where are the action union leaders Mr. Marcus Pantophlet, Mr. Sherlon CathaliSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NA aND Ms. Sharon Cannegieter? You all should staND up aND demaND from the Minister of Justice to take the nECEssary discipliSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAry measures against the culprit. It should not be that you all do take action only when it is to fight for more money. This is about morality, safety aND respect.
The most incredible press release is the one from the maSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement of KPSM.
The Press Release is a copy-cat from the response of the Parliamentarian NDidate' href='/newspolitician/791/sjamira-roseburg'>Sjamira Roseburg. The same maSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement that is the biggest culprit in the whole matter. It is so hypocritical. The Chief of Police runs the corps whereby all workers are dead scared of the man, scared of repercussions aND retaliation. He has been playing all the different Ministers of Justice. He either has them in his pocket or in his bed. The man is a disgrace. All his wrongdoinSPArty/9/general-solidaire'>GS over the years have gone unpunished. 1. How is it possible that an officer could get coNDemned for manslaughter, do 5 years jail time while continuing to collect his monthly salary, which only The Chief of Police could have stopped ? This is misappropriation of public fuNDs.
Another act of bravery is the Open Letter to the editor titled A Call for Accountability in the Sint Maarten Police, which comes from a group of concerned police officers. They choose not to put their SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAme, most probably for fear of retaliation. Which is uNDerstaNDable aND also confirms the culture of fear that exists within the organization. It is for that reason that it is the duty aND responsibility of the unions to take the nECEssary actions in order to protect their members aND to avoid retaliation towards its members.
Shame on ABVO, SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAPB aND WISCU-PSU as seemingly they too are in the pockets of the Chief of Police for whatever reason aND/or promises made to them by the Chief of Police. As that is his modus operaNDi. One of the victims of some years ago did inform a female jUDge during a session that she was obliged to sleep with the Chief of Police aND at one point he demaNDed from her to sleep with his public relation officer at that time also. When she refused, the retaliation started aND she eNDed up quitting her job aND left the islaND.
The big question is how this all could be taking place right here uNDer the nose of the different Ministers of Justice aND why is it so difficult to take the proper actions against the officer involved.
A question to the Attorney General mr. G.L.C. (Guillano) Schoop, in the case of Ms. Nicole James, if there was not enough evidence to prosecute the culprit, how come the recommeNDations provided were not followed as advised?
A question to the Minister of Justice SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAthalie Tackling, seeing that the culprit could not be prosecuted:
Many civil servants were removed from their position for lesser wrongdoinSPArty/9/general-solidaire'>GS. No one should be above the law. The Chief of Police, Mr. Carl John is not above the law aND he should be removed from this function as he can be considered complicit to the wrongdoinSPArty/9/general-solidaire'>GS of the culprit. The actions of Mr. Carl John are not befitting a Chief of Police.
Much strength to the many victims as they can be seen as not only victims of the culprit involved, but in the meantime they can be considered victims of the state that protects the culprit.
A quote of Martin Luther King Jr. read: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
He meant that when people are treated unjustly aND unfairly in one place, it makes injustice acceptable aND this could lead to injustice occurring in more places.
A very concerned civil servant. SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAme withheld at author’s request.
The post The Act of Bravery first appeared on 721news.com | Sint Maarten News | SXM News.