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Source: 721 News
02 Dec 2024 02:08 PM

Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Celebrates Its 20Th Anniversary With A Grand Gala

Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Club (SCTMC) proudly Celebrated its 20th anniversary Saturday November 23, 2024, at the Paradise Hall. Among the guests were the keynote speaker, the founding members and First president the Honorable President of Parliament Sarah A, Wescot Williams, past presidents and members of the Club.

Celebrating milestones is one way that Toastmasters reflect on the progress made over the years and as well as consider opportunities for the future.

As our Keynote Speaker, the President of Parliament said that it is an incredible honor to stand before you today as we gather to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our beloved Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Club! Two decades have passed since we first came together with a visionto cultivate communication, leadership, and personal growth in a supportive community.

Speech by MP Sarah Wescot-Williams on the 20th anniversary of the Soualiga Corporate TM Club.

As the founder of this club, she remembers our initial meetings filled with excitement and a hint of uncertainty Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV