Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

DEC 2021

Source: The Daily Herald
27 Jul 2021 09:58 AM

Establecimiento Del Estado De Emergencia Sanitaria En San Bartolom Y San Martn

El Senado ha decidido la adopcin del estado de emergencia sanitaria en San Bartolom y San Martn hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2021. Este contexto permite al Prefecto disponer de mayor flexibilidad en la aplicacin de las medidas nacionales a nivel local, permitiendo aligerar o empeorar segn la situacin sanitaria.

El estado de emergencia sanitaria se instaura en nuestras islas para proteger nuestro sistema de salud. El Hospital Louis Constant Fleming se mantiene fuertemente movilizado y acoge hoy a 11 pacientes en el servicio de covid dedicado Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: SMN-News
26 Jul 2021 04:42 PM

Establishment Of A State Of Health Emergency In Saint-Barthlemy And Saint-Martin.

MARIGOT:--- The Senate has decided to adopt a state of health emergency in Saint-Barthlemy and Saint-Martin until September 30, 2021. This context allows the Prefet to have greater flexibility in applying national measures at the local level, allowing it to lighten or worsen depending on the health situation.
A state of a health emergency is setting up on our islands to protect our health care system. Louis Constant Fleming hospital remains heavily mobilized and is now welcoming 11 patients into the dedicated covid service Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV