united st maarten party [usp]

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Source: SMN-News
22 Dec 2022 07:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The citizens of St Maarten will go to the polls in November 2023 according to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs on Thursday. Questions were sent to the public relations office of the Prime Minister requesting clarity on the month and year elections are to take place. One member of parliament last week stated that elections would take place in January 2024 however the Council of Ministers in a recent meeting decided to set elections for November 2023 Read more

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Source: 721 News
12 Dec 2022 09:38 PM

The United St. Maarten Party Introduces Its New Logo For Election Cycle 2023

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The United St. Maarten Party under the leadership of Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty introduced its new logo and party slogan Breaking the Cycle for the election campaign scheduled to be held in 2023. The party moved up its rebranding plans which was scheduled for its 10 year anniversary in 2024 to coincide with the current electoral of 2023.

We have always championed ourselves as solution orientated with practical and strategic plans that can transform the country and move it forward, said President Mr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
12 Dec 2022 06:46 PM

The United St. Maarten Party Presenta Su Nuevo Logotipo Para El Ciclo Electoral De 2023

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – The United St. Maarten Party, bajo el liderazgo de la Sra. Pamela Gordon-Carty, present su nuevo logotipo y eslogan del partido “Rompiendo el ciclo” para la campaa electoral programada para celebrarse en 2023. El partido adelant sus planes de cambio de marca que estaba programado para su dcimo aniversario en 2024 para coincidir con las elecciones actuales de 2023.

Siempre nos hemos defendido como orientados a soluciones con planes prcticos y estratgicos que pueden transformar el pas y hacerlo avanzar, dijo el presidente Cecil Nicholas.

El partido ha sido extremadamente activo a pesar de no tener la representacin de los 2 escaos que le otorgaron en el parlamento Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Dec 2022 11:15 PM

Usp: La Verdad Del Asunto Es Que Este Gobierno Est Siendo Gobernado Por Una Minora

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – En primer lugar, el gobernador no puede convocar elecciones, el gobernador representa los intereses del Reino y se encargar de tal capacidad, principalmente esa es su funcin. En segundo lugar, las leyes electorales ni la constitucin no hablan de miembros independientes, pero an as hemos tenido durante aos que los candidatos de los partidos que obtuvieron una cierta cantidad de votos mientras eran parte de un partido se han estado declarando independientes sin base legal para ello y como todo lo dems sigue su curso Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Dec 2022 01:36 AM

Usp Pide La Intervencin Del Consejo De Ministros Del Reino

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – United Sint Maarten Party (USP) escribi a la Oficina Central de Votacin y confirm en copia (CC) al Consejo de Ministros, el Parlamento de Sint Maarten y el Consejo Electoral, sobre la falta de representacin en curso de USP en el Parlamento.

Con base en la respuesta recibida el lunes 5 de diciembre de 2022, USP decidi proceder a solicitar que el Consejo de Ministros del Reino (RMR) evale este asunto.

Una carta que esperaba una respuesta de la Sra Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 Dec 2022 12:20 PM

The Truth Of The Matter Is That This Government Is Being Governed By A Minority

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — In a press release issued by the United Sint Maarten Party (USP) said the following: First of all the governor cant call elections, the governor represents the interest of the Kingdom and will handle in such capacity primarily thats his role.

Secondly the electoral laws nor the constitution doesnt speak of independent members but yet we have had for years that party candidates that got a certain amount of votes while being part of a party has been declaring themselves independent with no legal grounds to it and like everything else it continues its course Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
06 Dec 2022 11:42 PM

Us Party Wants Dutch To Set Matter Straight In Parliamentary Quagmire

US Party leader Pamela Gordon Carty.

~ Or will consider legal action ~

PHILIPSBURG--The United St. Maarten Party (US Party) wants the Kingdom Council of Ministers to set the matter straight regarding the partys non-representation in the Parliament of St. Maarten despite it gaining two seats at the last elections.

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Source: 721 News
06 Dec 2022 10:07 AM

Usp Calls For Kingdom Council Of Ministers Intervention

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The United Sint Maarten Party (USP) wrote to the Central Voting Bureau, and copy confirmed (CC) the Council of Ministers, the Parliament of Sint Maarten, and the Electoral Council, about the ongoing non-representation of the USP in Parliament.

Based on the answer received on Monday, December 5, 2022, the USP decided to proceed with requesting that the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksministerraad – RMR) weigh-in on this matter.

A letter awaiting a response from the chair of Central Voting Bureau Mrs Read more

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