Parents’  Time Is Worth The Sacrifice.
The Democratic Party would iike to extend a warm welcome home to those who spent the summer abroad and  extends best wishes to all students,  teachers, staff of learning institutions island-wide,  and surely to parents too,  for the new academic year.Â
We believe that parents play an important, perhaps the most important role in this equation. We do so with  genuine appreciation and respect for all that parents must sacrifice and do to ensure their children’s  success, sometimes working two,  even three jobs to pay school fees, books, uniforms and more; not to mention after-school care and activity costs, which increase if the child engages in some sport or form of art (sports gear, musical instruments etc.).
Of the expressions of God’s steadfast and abiding love here on earth, that of a parent is surely one of them.   From it we learn that sacrifices and investments made for all those who come behind us is the very definition of civilization. Â
Good teachers confess to faithfully picking up where the parents leave off, child after child,  day after day.   Yet in conversations held in confidence, we hear them say that they work even better with students whose parents take the time to give them individual and personal assistance.  Why?  They say they know for sure that those students will always have an extra push and those parents keep a keen eye on their child’s progress or their challenges.Â
Even 30 minutes of uninterrupted one-on-one time spent by a parent with their youth on homework or any other activity , not only strengthens the bond, but is  critical to their development and  an ‘unspoken’ agreement in “co-labor” that the youth will uphold. Â
It may be that they resist at first, believing that you will not continue,  or they  prefer to command their own space Read more
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