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Three Academy Students Top Country In Csec Exams

Source: The Daily Herald 01 Sep 2024 11:57 PM

CUL DE SAC--Three St. Maarten Academy stUDents emerged the top performers for the country at this years May-June Caribbean SecoNDary Education Certificate (CSEC) examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions with Grade One passes in nine subjects each.

Competing for this years valedictorian spot at the schools DECEmber commencement ceremony are Ferley Feliz Valerio, LiliaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NA Jack aND Khesha Deodatt. The three girls, all now age 17 years, were among 70 Form Five stUDents sitting the CSEC examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions.

Valerio earned top honours in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English A, Geography, Human aND Social Biology, Information Technology, Mathematics aND Physics, all with a straight A profile. She also holds a Grade I in SPAnish, written while in Form 4.

Jack, too, secured her Grade I passes in Biology, Chemistry, Electronic Document Preparation aND MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement, Human aND Social Biology, Information Technology, Mathematics, Physics (all with straight A profiles), English A aND Social StUDies.

Deodatt had Grade I in Biology, Chemistry, Human aND Social Biology, Information Technology, Mathematics, Physics (all of which she had straight A profiles), Economics, English A aND Social StUDies; while in her 10th subject, SPAnish, she rECEived a Grade II.

This marks yet another year that St. Maarten Academy outperformed every other education institution sitting these examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions offered by the Caribbean ExamiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtion Council CXC, the school said in a press release.

The school registered a total of 92 caNDidates: 70 at Form 5, all of whom wrote between eight aND 10 subjects; 16 Form 4 science stUDents who sat only English A; aND six stUDents who wrote SPAnish only one at Form 4 aND five at Form 3. The CSEC examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions are designed to be taken in Form 5, but once stUDents at the lower levels show the ability, they are allowed to sit their examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions earlier.

As with past years, the school recorded 100% school passes (at least six subjects between Grades I aND IV). Based on the results rECEived, all 70 Form 5 stUDents secured outright college passes, which inclUDe five or more subject passes with Grades I, II aND III, inclUDing Mathematics aND English A, the school said.

The schools Principal Kim Lucas-Felix said she is elated at the results because not only did the three science majors earn the top spots in St. Maarten, but subject-wise the grades were excellent. She attributed this to the hard work of her entire team of teachers aND counsellors, who, despite the challenges faced last academic year with the tragic death of one of the schools stUDents, pushed through aND helped the stUDents sitting their examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions to reach their optimal potential.

We cannot forget the counsellors from the other schools aND the StUDent SUPPort Services Division (SSSD) who rallied with us to ensure that all of our stUDents were okay aND that their mental health needs were met. Academy is ever so grateful to all the persons who came out in sUPPort of all our stUDents, not only those at Form 5, but those in the lower forms who needed that sUPPort right at the start of the year. It was not easy, but we are a resilient group. We will never forget that brilliant miND that we lost, but with the help of God, we will rally through our storms, Lucas said.

The school recorded 100% passes in 19 of the 21 subjects offered at the CSEC examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions this year. The complete results for SPAnish aND French are still peNDing. Of the 70 fiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl-year stUDents, 16 wrote 10 subjects, 47 sat nine subjects aND seven caNDidates wrote eight subjects.

Among the subjects with top performance are AdditioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl Mathematics aND Human aND Social Biology, where all the caNDidates scored Grade I; aND English A, where 61 of the 86 caNDidates at Forms 4 aND 5 scored Grade I. The remaining 25 caNDidates all rECEived Grade II passes in the subject.

A remarkable feat was attained by two teachers who prepared caNDidates for the first time to sit the regioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl examiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions. Ms. Ranish Sullivan worked with 14 stUDents aND rECEived a 100% pass rate in Physical Education aND Sport. Twelve of her stUDents (86%), copped Grade I passes aND one rECEived a Grade II. The school is still awaiting the results for one caNDidate; while Mr. Carlos Monsanto prepared 22 stUDents for ESPArty/21/democratic-party'>DPM [Electronic Document Preparation aND MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement Ed.] aND saw a 100% pass rate in the subject. Ten of the caNDidates secured Grade I passes, eight of them got Grade II aND only four rECEived Grade III passes.

Principles of Business saw a return of 98% of the 53 caNDidates rECEiving between Grade I aND II 38 ones aND 14 twos, while only one stUDent rECEived Grade III; aND 95% of the stUDents who sat Biology rECEived Grades I aND II 10 Grade I passes, six Grade II passes aND only one stUDent rECEived a Grade III in that subject.

Other subject passes of notable mention are Social StUDies, where 89% of the 51 stUDents got either Grade I or Grade II; Integrated Science, which saw 46 of the 53 caNDidates (87%) rECEiving Grades I aND II; Music with 80% Grades I aND II (only one stUDent rECEived Grade III); Chemistry aND Biology, each with 77% of caNDidates scoring either Grade I or II; aND Economics with a return of 74% of the 23 stUDents earning Grades I aND II.

Of the 70 stUDents who wrote Mathematics, all passed with 48 (69%) of them securing between Grades I aND II 25 ones aND 23 twos, while only 15 stUDents had Grade III aND seven Grade IV. This was no easy feat for the teachers in that department, as most stUDents struggle with the subject throughout high school. The fact that, once again, no stUDent failed the subject is testimony to the hard work aND dedication of the teachers, the school said.

My cup runneth over with joy aND pride for the stellar job our stUDents have achieved uNDer the guidance our Principal, Mrs. Lucas-Felix, Vice Principal, Ms. Trim with the sUPPort of their maSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement team, teachers aND the Department of StUDent Care, with the unwavering sUPPort of the [FouNDation for Academic aND VocatioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl Education] FAVE board, our board staff aND ancillary staff, the schools Executive Director Tallulah Baly-Vanterpool said.

It truly takes a village to create excellence. As we reflect on this achievement, I would be remiss not to acknowledge the critical role of our parents, who entrusted us with their children aND partnered with us to ensure their success. Together, we have proven that we can overcome aND transform challenges into victories, never forgetting those we have lost along the way.

Congratulations to all stakeholders, family aND frieNDs of the Academy. This accomplishment is a testament to the power of the community. We celebrate not only the outstaNDing results of this group of stUDents, but also the entire school community that rallied to make this success possible. To our stUDents, staff aND maSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement, continue to be curious of the possibilities; strive for excellence, knowing that we are stronger together.

The board of FAVE, uNDer which St. Maarten Academy falls, congratulated all the stUDents on their success, as well as the teachers aND parents who worked tirelessly to ensure the excellent pass rate.

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