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Victim Support Services Report On Six Months Service

Source: 721 News 12 Jul 2024 02:52 AM

On July 10th, Victim SUPPort Services St. Maarten hosted a presentation for the Honorable Minister of Justice NDidate' href='/newspolitician/687/lyNDon-lewis'>LyNDon Lewis aND various stakeholders, reviewing the organization’s services over the past six months.

Victim SUPPort Services St. Maarten provides optimal assistance to iNDividuals affected by serious assaults, human trafficking, or severe accidents.

Minister Lewis delivered an introductory speech, emphasizing his unwavering commitment to the organization. He reiterated the Ministry of Justice’s essential sUPPort, highlighting the importance of safeguarding the well-being aND rights of victims in St. Maarten.

The comprehensive presentation attracted a distinguished aUDience, inclUDing members of the Victim SUPPort Services Board, volunteer social workers, stakeholders, aND special guest Mr. Olivier CaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl-Fatou, Director of the France Victims Organization. France Victims rECEntly celebrated the iSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAuguration of its new SPAce, Maison Femme, in Marigot on French St. Martin. Director CassaNDra Richardson of VSS emphasized the importance of collaboration between the two organizations, noting that mutual sUPPort is vital for their shared mission.

In her presentation, Director Richardson reflected on the challenging journey of VSS, showcasing the organizations trajectory, significant strides, aND milestones. The presentation covered various aspects of VSS’s work over the past six months, inclUDing:

Assistance with funeral arrangements SUPPort for mental aND emotioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl coping with the release of assailants Media campaigns to raise awareness about victim sUPPort services Public outreach campaigns to educate aND engage the community Observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) Safe Boating Awareness Week campaigns Human trafficking aND smuggling awareness initiatives FuNDing aND bUDget adjustments to ensure sustaiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAble operations The dedicated work of staff, volunteer social workers, aND life coaches Improved communication strategies to enhance service awareness aND delivery Client feedback aND evaluation of programs aND services

Director Richardson’s insightful aND passioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAte presentation uNDerscored the crucial role of VSS in the community aND the ongoing efforts to sUPPort aND empower victims. She highlighted the needed assistance from KPSM, the Public Prosecutor/OM, Immigration aND Border Control, funeral service providers, aND other stakeholders. “Our volunteer social workers act as advocates when victims cannot fiND their voice. If we all do our part, we can reduce the long-term psychological aND emotioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl impact on victims within our community,” Richardson summarized.

The event conclUDed with a call for continued cooperation aND sUPPort from the Honorable Minister aND all stakeholders to strengthen the impact of Victim SUPPort Services St. Maarten, ensuring a safer aND more sUPPortive environment for all.

The post Victim SUPPort Services report on six months service appeared first on | Sint Maarten News | SXM News.

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