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Highs & Lows For Desiree Winkel In The Himalayas

Source: The Daily Herald 06 May 2024 12:09 AM

Desiree Winkel holding the St. Maarten flag at the summit of Mera Peak in the Himalayas. Via Winkels Instagram.


KATHMANDU, Nepal--Readers of our Special Editions aND sport aficioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAdos all over St. Maarten will be familiar with Desiree Winkels seven-summit project. Currently in Nepal, where she travelled to conquer another two summits, both over 6,000 metres high, Winkel has experienced extreme highs aND lows within a few short days. She has successfully climbed her highest mountain ever, Mera Peak, pushing her physical bouNDaries to the limit aND revelling in the accomplishment at the serene, otherworldly summit.

UnfortuSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtely, although she thoroughly prepared for the challenge aND trained eNDlessly for eNDuring the high altitUDes, hiking in the extreme environment does not come without risk. Winkel fell severely ill before she could make it to the secoND mountain.

After hours of walking in extreme fatigue to the nearest town aND struggling through the night, she maSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAged to get evacuated by helicopter to a hospital in nearby Lukla, aND was then sent to a hospital in KathmaNDu where she is currently recovering.

She has been documenting the entire journey on Instagram.

(@ fitness_desiree_winkel) where she shared the tumultuous news over the weekeND. Her most rECEnt posts express coming to terms with the agonising situation, thankfulness for survival, lots of gratitUDe to her guide Ngima Sherpa, aND a shift in focus to healing.

Ngima has been her sole companion throughout the journey, aND saved her life by knowing to call for help even before she accepted that she needed it.

Winkel had been hospitalised for four days at the time of her last post early SuNDay morning (St. Maarten time). She reported starting to get better, day by day, aND is hoping to be able to travel home soon.

Winkel (right) with her guide Ngima Sherpa. Via Winkels Instagram.

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