Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

Source: Today SXM

Source: 721 News
07 Mar 2021 08:58 PM

Daniel Gibbs: Le Dispositif Petit-Djeuner Dans Les coles Rep Et Rep+ Est Une Trs Bonne Chose Pour Les lves

Marigot, Saint Martin — Le Prsident Daniel Gibbs sest rendu Quartier dOrlans, ce jeudi 04 mars 2021, accompagn du vice-recteur Michel Sanz, de sa vice-prsidente en charge de lEducation, Sofia Carti-Codrington, de la prsidente de la CTOS, Pascale Laborde et de la conseillre territoriale Maud Ascent-Gibs, membre du CA de lcole Omer Arrondell, afin de visualiser la prise de ce petit-djeuner quotidien pour les enfants du premier degr du rseau REP et REP+.

La convention partenariale entre la CTOS, lEducation Nationale, lInstance Rgionale dEducation et de Promotion de la Sant Guadeloupe (IREPS) et la Collectivit de Saint-Martin a t signe le 10 fvrier dernier, permettant ainsi au dispositif dentrer en vigueur ds la rentre des vacances de carnaval.

Les coles lmentaires et maternelles de Sandy Ground et Quartier dOrlans, Aline Hanson (REP), Clair St Maximin (REP+), Omer Arrondell (REP+), Jean Anselme (REP+), Eliane Clarke (REP+) et Jrme Beaupre (REP), bnficient de ce dispositif co-financ par lEducation Nationale et la Collectivit, la cuisine centrale de la CTOS ayant la charge de prparer et servir les petits-djeuners Read more

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Source: 721 News
03 Feb 2021 11:08 AM

La Collectivit Prvoit De Recruter 5 Sapeurs-Pompiers Professionnels Supplmentaires

SAINT MARTIN — Le Prsident Daniel Gibbs a donn son feu vert pour que 5 jeunes sapeurs-pompiers volontaires de la Caserne de Saint-Martin puissent intgrer la formation de sapeur-pompier professionnel au Centre dpartemental de la Guadeloupe. Une fois leur formation accomplie, ces 5 jeunes sapeurs seront en mesure dintgrer en tant que pompiers professionnels, le nouveau Centre dIncendie et de Secours de Saint-Martin, qui verra le jour dici la fin de cette anne.

Cest une avance importante pour la caserne de Saint-Martin, actuellement en pleine restructuration Read more

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Source: 721 News
25 Sep 2017 08:02 PM

Curfew Has Been Adjusted From 9 Pm To 6 Am

PHILIPSBURG – The Government of Sint Maarten together with the French Side authorities has decided to adjust the curfew from 9:00 PM till 6:00 AM  as of today, Monday September 25th. The new curfew hours will be in effect until Monday October 2nd 2017.

The joint decision was taken during a meeting on cross-border cooperation on Monday afternoon. In attendance was President of the Collectivitie Daniel Gibbs, Prefet Anne Laubies, His Excellency Governor Eugene Holiday, Minister of Justice Rafael Boasman and Minister of Tourism Melissa Arrindell Doncher.

Residents are requested to respect the new curfew hours, the law enforcement authorities  will conduct the necessary patrolling Read more

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Source: 721 News
01 Jul 2017 06:17 AM

 Condoléances Du Président

SAINT MARTIN — « Je suis très peiné d’apprendre que la Présidente Aline Hanson nous a quittés aujourd’hui. Elle a tenu les rênes de la collectivité jusqu’à la fin de son mandat malgré la maladie. Elle s’est battue jusqu’au bout en faisant preuve d’un grand courage. Nous pouvons tous être fiers de son parcours et de son engagement pour Saint-Martin Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 May 2017 07:19 AM

Prime Minister Marlin & Minister Jacobs Attend Fish Day 2017 Festivities

FRENCH CUL DE SAC –  On Sunday May 7th Prime Minister The Honorable William Marlin & Minister of Education Culture Youth & Sport The Honorable Silveria Jacobs attended the annual Fish Day Festivities in French Cul-de-sac.

President of the Collectivite of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
05 May 2017 01:38 PM

El Pc Daniel Gibbs Realizó Su Primera Visita De Cortesía Al Pm William Marlin

FOTO: El Honorable Primer Ministro William Marlin, cuando saluda al Presidente de la Colectividad de San Martín, Honorable Daniel Gibbs.

PHILIPSBURG. – El Presidente de la Colectividad de San Martín Francés, EL Honorable Daniel Gibbs, hizo el jueves su primera visita de cortesía al Honorable Primer Ministro, William Marlin Read more

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Source: 721 News
05 May 2017 01:37 PM

Memorial Day: Un Día Para Valorar Nuestra Libertad

Traducido por Máximo Castro

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM). – El Gobierno conmemoró ayer el Memorial Day (“Dodenherdenkingsdag”) similar al resto de países del Reino de los Países Bajos en el capitán Hodge Wharf en Philipsburg.

“Durante este Día Nacional de Conmemoración”, se les rindió honores a todas las víctimas holandesas – civiles y soldados – asesinadas en el Reino de los Países Bajos o en cualquier otro lugar del mundo Read more

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Source: 721 News
05 May 2017 07:17 AM

President Daniel Gibbs Pays First Courtesy Visit To Prime Minister William Marlin

PHILIPSBURG –  The President of the Collectivite of French St. Martin, The Honorable Daniel Gibbs paid his first courtesy visit to Prime Minister The Honorable William Marlin on Thursday May 4th Read more

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Source: 721 News
05 May 2017 07:11 AM

Memorial Day: A Day To Appreciate Our Freedom

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – On Thursday May 4, the Government of Sint Maarten observed Memorial Day, (“Dodenherdenkingsdag”) similar to the other countries within the Dutch Kingdom, at the Captain Hodge Wharf in Philipsburg.

“During this National Commemoration Day” all Dutch victims – civilians and soldiers – who have been killed or murdered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands or anywhere else in the world in war situations or during peace-keeping operations since the outbreak of the Second World War,” were commemorated (

A short ceremony took place on Thursday afternoon that also included a number of dignitaries including President of the Collectivite of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
03 Apr 2017 12:12 AM

Government Of Sint Maarten Delegation Attend The Inauguration Ceremony Of President Daniel Gibbs

MARIGOT – On Sunday morning His Excellency Governor Eugene Holiday & his Spouse, President of Parliament The Honorable Sarah Wescot Williams and Prime Minister The Honorable William Marlin and his spouse formed the delegation of the Government of Sint Maarten that attended the Inauguration Ceremony of President of the Collectivite of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
31 Mar 2017 01:08 AM

Prime Minister William Marlin Congratulates Gibbs

Prime Minister (PM) William Marlin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Last Sunday’s run-off election in the Northern half of our island has resulted in a resounding victory for Team Gibbs.

I have already sent the President-elect of the Collectivite, Mr. Daniel Gibbs a personal message and called him Sunday evening to congratulate him and his team.

All of us should be proud of the peaceful and orderly manner in which our brothers and sisters went out to vote twice within a week to elect their new representatives Read more

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Source: 721 News
28 Mar 2017 10:14 AM

Up Board And Leader Congratulates Team Gibbs On Election Win 

PHILIPSBURG – The United People’s (UP) Party Board and Leader the Honorable Member of Parliament (MP) Theodore Heyliger, extends their congratulations to Mr. Daniel Gibbs and the entire Team Gibbs on their election victory on Sunday.

“The people have clearly spoken and we extend our congratulations to everyone that expressed their opinion by voting during this second round last Sunday,” the UP Board and Leadership expressed.

“Cooperation between both sides is vital especially in the areas of tourism and economy.  Much can be accomplished by working closer together Read more

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