united people's party [upp]

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Source: SMN-News
03 Dec 2021 11:40 AM

~ USP has no representation in the parliament of St. Maarten.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament and Faction leader of the United St. Maarten Peoples Party (USP) has declared himself an Independent Member of Parliament on Friday morning.
MP Arrindell made the notification during a public meeting of parliament on Friday morning. In addressing parliament Arrindell said that he was heavily ridiculed by the President of the USP board Cecil Nicolas during a live talk show, that video was played so that members of parliament and the general public could see his reasons for leaving the USP Party Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Nov 2021 10:48 AM

~ MP Brison officially replaced as chair of parliament.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The faction leader of the United Peoples Party (UPP) MP Grisha Marten Heyliger has been elected chairlady of parliament on Friday morning. Of the 15 members of parliament, 11 votes were cast. 9 of which was for MP Grisha Heyliger Marten while two voted in favor of MP Ludmilla de Weever Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Nov 2021 02:23 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the United Peoples St. Maarten Party (UPP) and chairman of Parliament of St. Maarten has decided to step back and take some time for himself and to fully evaluate the situation regarding the leaked and doctored recording that went viral over the weekend.
In a Facebook Livestream on Thursday MP Brison said he needs time to heal and to evaluate his personal life, see which of his friends will remain, and those he would have to move away from since he was secretly taped in the privacy of his own home.
Brison said since taking office as the chairman of parliament he has raised the bar in parliament and in order to continue the work he began for his country he must also raise the bar in his personal life Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Nov 2021 11:57 AM

Secret Recording And Statements With Chairman Of Parliament Is A Up Internal Matter.

PHILIPSBURG: --- Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran in response to questions posed by the media on Wednesday at the Council of Minister's press briefing regarding the statements made in a secret recording of the chairman of parliament said that he is of the opinion that the matter is an internal matter of the United Peoples Party (UPP) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
31 Oct 2021 08:36 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- A recording of me speaking in the privacy of my home in a moment of frustration has been released by some unscrupulous individuals who have taken my already poor choice of words, much of which was edited to fit their political narrative and agenda.

First, I take full responsibility for my actions and I regret the comments made. Despite making these comments in a moment of frustration, I must take responsibility for making them and the fact that they have hurt a colleague.
MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten has done nothing but works tirelessly sometimes against tremendous great opposition internationally and locally, to bring about equality and fairness within the Netherlands Kingdom for the people of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Oct 2021 09:15 PM

~Politicians have been enriching themselves through Government-owned companies--- URSM Leader  Dr. Luc Mercelina.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Unified Resilient St. Maarten Movement ( URSM- You are St. Maarten) officially launched the newest political movement on St. Maartens Constitutional Day. Its leader Dr. Luc Mercelina is no stranger to St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Sep 2021 06:44 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Dr. Luc Mercelina has submitted a resignation letter to the board and leader of the United Peoples Party on Monday.
The letter which was sent to SMN News reads By means of this letter I would like to tender my resignation as of immediately as a member of the UP Party Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Sep 2021 03:22 PM

Cerd Admits To Having Racial Discrimination In The Kingdom, Makes Recommendation For Changes Across The Board.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Committee of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in its August 25th report admitted to several forms of discrimination within the Kingdom and its overseas countries.
Standing out in the report is the discrimination displayed against the Dutch Caribbean Countries for liquidity support during the COVID 19 pandemic. The report that is posted under this article states that the committee is concerned by a report that economic support provided to the Dutch Kingdom.
Members of Parliament namely the United Peoples Party Faction leader Grisha Marten Heyliger came under severe criticism when they sent a petition to the United Nations for Racial Discrimination highlighting the countries predicament.
Heyliger Marten and her team have been vindicated by the CERD who said that the countries in the Caribbean were linked to conditionalities prior to receiving liquidity support.

Caribbean countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic were linked to conditionalities and were thus less favorable than that provided to the European Netherlands, providing less assistance to alleviate the negative economic impact of the pandemic on the ethnic minorities in the Dutch Caribbean countries Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Sep 2021 01:47 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Faction leader for the United Peoples Party Grisha Marten Heyliger in her closing remarks on Monday at the closing of the parliamentary year said that a foundation is a key requirement for any development to be successful.
The Foundational element of building a nation has to include the vision of their people.
That vision can form part of the developmental framework for what St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Sep 2021 12:29 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  The chair of parliament Roland Brison did not mince words on Monday when he called out the laziest Member of Parliament during the closing of the parliamentary year.

The UPP MP and chair of parliament said when listening to the positions stated by members of parliament, he looked around the hall and understand the concerns, because for most of the faction leaders, the level of representation, and more importantly, the level of work they put in, is very clear and commendable from his viewpoint as chairman.

Brison said however he does feel the need to give his observations of how the factions of parliament and its members are functioning, and how he believes they should be going forward.

First the good:

For at least 5 of the 6 factions in parliament he observed that every single one of them has presented amendments, motions, has chaired meetings in their respective committees across opposition/coalition lines, and other real initiatives things that are today being upheld by the government Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Sep 2021 11:28 AM

~ Marlin promised change in the new parliamentary year.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Faction leaders in the parliament of St. Maarten did not spare government in their closing remarks. Government was described as the worst in past years while having a bad parliament. Independent Member of Parliament Christopher Emmanuel said that this government placed their people on death row while depending on the Ombudsman to grant them clemency Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
29 Aug 2021 09:45 PM

Heyliger-Marten Returns From Successful Ipko Meeting Says: Un Condemnation Of The Netherlands A Big Win

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – St. Maarten was well represented at the recently held Interparliamentair Koninkrijksoverleg IPKO by Faction Leader in Parliament for the United Peoples Party and Member of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten who used the opportunity to solidify the islands position on decolonization, education, and liquidity support for the people of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
27 Jul 2021 08:17 AM

Mp Heyliger-Marten Says: The CftS Suggestion To Impose Land Tax Is Anti Local People

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten β€” The community of St. Maarten paused this weekend to celebrate the 95th birthday of its longest leader Dr. Albert Claudius Wathey a.k.a. the Ole Man, who is still today considered the father of modern-day St. Maarten.

In a press release issued on Sunday, Member of Parliament and Faction Leader for the United Peoples Party the honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten remembered Dr Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
26 Jul 2021 09:38 AM

CftS Suggestion To Impose Land Tax Is Anti-Local People

PHILIPSBURG--Member of Parliament and United Peoples Party faction leader Grisha Heyliger-Marten commemorated the late Dr. Albert Claudius Wathey on July 24 for his contribution to the growth and development of the people and nation. She also reflected on a recent suggestion by the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT, to impose a tax that Wathey fought against at the Central Government level for years to prevent it from imposing it on St Read more

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Source: 721 News
15 Jul 2021 01:44 AM

Lovell Tells Dirty Pm Browne To Come Clean

Harold Lovell, Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP) is calling out Prime Minister Gaston Browne, telling him to come clean on what he sees as a rip-off of monumental proportions on the SHARE, Inc. land deal.

According to Lovell, Pointe FM sits on 10,000 square feet of land that was acquired from the People in a disgraceful act of nepotism and corruption.

He says the Peoples patrimony, prime waterfront real estate, has a market value of one million, five hundred thousand dollars ($1.5 m) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 May 2021 05:31 PM

~ Political talks begin with USP, and incoming UP MP.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Council of Ministers officially suspended the Managing Director of the Princess Juliana International Holding Company Dexter Doncher. Doncher was informed of the suspension by letter late Wednesday night after the Council of Ministers held an emergency meeting and voted. Dexter Doncher was given a warning letter two days prior to the three months suspension.

The Council of Ministers wanted to fire Doncher who followed the instructions of the government to officially dismiss the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Princess Juliana International Airport, Brian Mingo on April 7th Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 May 2021 05:31 PM

~ Political talks begin with USP, and incoming UP MP.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Council of Ministers officially suspended the Managing Director of the Princess Juliana International Holding Company Dexter Doncher. Doncher was informed of the suspension by letter late Wednesday night after the Council of Ministers held an emergency meeting and voted. Dexter Doncher was given a warning letter two days prior to the three months suspension.

The Council of Ministers wanted to fire Doncher who followed the instructions of the government to officially dismiss the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Princess Juliana International Airport, Brian Mingo on April 7th Read more

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Source: SMN-News
12 May 2021 11:51 AM

Prime Minister Threatens To Suspend Pjiah Managing Director.

~ Coalition partners disagree, PM seeking legal advice on the appointment of SBOD members.~

PHILIPSBURG:---Information reaching SMN News states that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Silveria Jacobs has threatened to suspend or either fire the managing director of Princess Juliana International Airport Holding Company Dexter Doncher Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 Apr 2021 05:50 PM

~ Dr. Luc Mercelina remains out, now that De Weever accepts MPs position. ~

PHILIPSBURG: --- Minister of TEATT Ludmilla de Weever who spent just over a year in the executive branch of government has decided to tender her resignation and to now occupy the vacant seat in parliament in the United Peoples Party Faction (UPP) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Apr 2021 01:47 PM

~UP Leader MP Brison withdraws candidacy. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The number 3 candidate of the United Peoples Party (UPP) MP Omar Ottley will be sworn in on Tuesday, April 20th, 2021, now that the Minister of VSA Richard Panneflek has officially resigned Read more

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Source: SMN-News
06 Apr 2021 09:58 AM

PHILIPSBURG On Thursday, April 1st, Member of Parliament for the United People's Party MP Omar Ottley sent a letter to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs to urgently provide updates on a September 2020 motion that mandated her Government to establish a National Public Procurement Policy.
"We are talking about being able to redistribute the wealth locally, and Government being the largest purchaser of goods and services, can reshape the local market, " said MP Ottley in a press release issued Monday.

MP Ottley says the Executive Branch of Government can use its powers of purchasing to redistribute the wealth by ensuring local contractors have the first option on bids," said MP Ottley.
He suggested urgent attention be paid to the implementation of a procurement policy Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
28 Mar 2021 11:08 PM

Personal Agendas, Lack Of Strategy At Center Of Current Crisis Pfp Calls On Coalition To Withdraw Petition To Un

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – PFP faction members Melissa Gumbs and Raeyhon Peterson called on the current coalition to withdraw the petition submitted on March 9th to UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, and the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.`

As a faction, we repeat our rejection of this petition, PFP said on Sunday, 28 March 2021. On November 5th, 2020 Parliament established a Permanent Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization, following a proposal by MPs Solange Ludmila Duncan (NA) and Grisha Heyliger- Marten (UPP) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Mar 2021 08:00 PM

Exclusive: Divide And Conquer, The Modus Operandi Of The Dutch Government.

~ New coalition soon to be formed, Sources ~

PHILIPSBURG: --- The Dutch Government has once again managed to blackmail the Government and people of St. Maarten when they decided on Friday to freeze the financial support that was promised to the country during the coronavirus pandemic. Basically, with this move, the Dutch Government through the Kingdom Council of Ministers managed to split the governing coalition in the parliament of St. Maarten since the United Peoples Party members are the ones behind the petition sent to the United Nations Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Mar 2021 01:02 AM

Mp Grisha Heyliger-Marten (Upp) Congratulates Mfk And People Of Curaao Election Result Should Come As No Surprise

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten –On behalf of the United Peoples Party,I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the MFK party in Curaao and their leaderMP Gilmar PikPisas for the convincing election victory on March 19th. The people of Curaao have spokenloud and clear,and are the ultimate winners ofthis andany election.

From what I have observed and been told, I think it is safe to conclude that the elections were basically a contest between the proponents of the CRE, and those who believe it is unconstitutional and violates the autonomy of the island among other objections. 

The time it took for the Council of State to provide an advice on the proposed CRE/COHO, raises the question if this highest advisory body in the Kingdom acknowledged the objections brought forward by the islands and pointed these out to the Dutch Government.

The election results clearly show that the large majority of the people of Curacao are against the conditions as imposed by Holland in return for financial aid Read more

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