Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections
An uSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAcceptable hostage of the population aND the tourist economy
The SAUR Group strongly coNDemns the voluntary interruption of drinking water production on the islaND of Saint-Martin, which occurred on DECEmber 23, 2024 This action was carried out by seven SAUR Saint-Martin agents following instructions from UGTG Guadeloupe, resulting in the shutting down of the islaND’s only water production plant.
The gesture was accompanied by the illegal removal of essential boxes when the installation was restarted, putting the entire population in a situation of health, humanitarian aND economic emergency.
Although pedestrian access to the Galisbay site was possible on DECEmber 23, the strikers proceeded the next day to complete aND reinforced closure of the site, preventing any attempts to restart the water production plant. This action was carried out in total disregard for non-strike workers aND the Collectivity, owner of the site.
The stopping of the production of drinking water on an islaND where daily issues are already pregSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAnt, at the peak of tourism, on the eve of Christmas, aND in disregard of all efforts made in the previous months to stabilize the water situation on the territory, resurrects purely aND simply terrorism; no other word could describe such a hostage-taking of an entire population aND visitors, uNDer the pretext of being treated by lawyers since May in order to respoND to the arbitrary problems of iNDividuals in Guadeloupe.
These facts are crimiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl, crimiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl offenses aND will be treated as such!
This action against the spirit of Christmas, orchestrated by a minority, eNDangers not only equipment, public health, the integrity of sensitive people, but also the islaNDs economic survival.
Access to clean water is a fuNDamental, inviolable aND sacred right. It is also our duty, our mission, the very meaning of our daily commitment.
It is therefore with great sadness aND a deep shame that we, on behalf of the SAUR Group, seND our apologies to all Saint-Martinois, visitors, local social professioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAls aND the competent authorities for this unfortuSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAte situation.
My thanks go out to the local teams that I know particularly affected aND impacted by the behavior of their colleagues aND who remain mobilized arouND their missions, today being abused aND battered. They remain fully engaged despite the obstacles aND continue to mobilize to ensure a return to normal as soon as possible.
The entire SAUR Group is actively working on the implementation of palliative solutions in a very short time frame, in order to restore the sUPPly of drinking water for the entire population of the islaND.
We thank all residents aND professioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAls for their patience, uNDerstaNDing aND life-saving resilience at this particularly difficult time.
Vincent PEGOUD Assistant General MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAger
OrigiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl Statement in FRENCH !!!
Interruption volontaire de la production d’eau potable Saint-Martin : une prise en otage iSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAcceptable de la population et de lconomie touristique
Bien que l’accs piton au site de Galisbay ait t possible le 23 dcembre, les grvistes ont procd ds le leNDemain une fermeture totale et renforce du site, empchant ainsi toute tentative de redmarrage de l’usine de production d’eau. Cette action a t mene au mpris total des salaris non grvistes et de la Collectivit, propritaire du site.
L’arrt de la production d’eau potable sur une le o les enjeux au quotidien sont dj prgSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAnts, en plein pic touristique, la veille de Nol, et au mpris de tous les efforts SPArty/21/democratic-party'>DPloys les mois prcdents afin de stabiliser la situation de leau sur le territoire, relve purement et simplement du terrorisme ; aucun autre mot ne saurait qualifier une telle prise dotage de toute une population et des visiteurs, sous un prtexte de surcrot en cours de traitement par des avocats depuis le mois de mai afin de rpoNDre aux problmatiques arbitraires diNDividus en Guadeloupe.
Cette action lantithse de lesprit de Noel, orchestre par une minorit, met en pril non seulement les quipements, la sant publique, lintgrit des personnes sensibles, mais galement la survie conomique de lle.
Cest donc avec une graNDe tristesse et une profoNDe honte que nous adressons au nom du Groupe SAUR nos excuses tous les Saint-Martinois, aux visiteurs, aux socio-professionnels locaux et aux autorits comptentes pour cette situation regrettable.
Mes remerciements vont aux quipes locales que je sais particulirement touches et impactes par le comportement de leurs collgues et qui restent mobilises autour de leurs missions, aujourdhui mises mal et bafoues. Elles restent pleinement engages malgr les obstacles et continuent de se mobiliser pour assurer le retour la normale dans les meilleurs dlais.
Lensemble du Groupe SAUR travaille activement la mise en place de solutions palliatives sous des dlais trs courts, afin de rtablir lapprovisionnement en eau potable pour lensemble de la population de l’le.
Nous remercions tous les habitants et les professionnels de leur patience, de leur comprhension et de leur rsilience salvatrice en cette priode particulirement difficile
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