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Sint Maarten Lions Club Hosts 1St District GovernorS Cabinet Meeting.

Source: SMN-News 31 Aug 2021 04:06 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Last Saturday, August 28th, District Governor, District 60B, Lion Claudio Buncamper PMJF presided over his 1st Cabinet Meeting(virtual) of the Lionistic year 2021-2022 which began on July 1st. The Meeting was hosted by the Sint Maarten Lions Club at the Lions Civic Center, making history for the Club which celebrated its 50th anniversary of service last year.
In her welcome remarks to the virtual delegates, President of the Sint Maarten Lions Club, Lion Linette Gibs expressed that the Sint Maarten Lions Club, the home Club of the District Governor, was honored to have had the opportunity to host the 1st Cabinet Meeting and wished everyone a fruitful and successful meeting.
The meeting which took place via Zoom and the world wide web via YouTube covered various topics, including presentations of financial and administrative reports of the district and discussions on initiatives for membership growth as well as service projects planned for the Lions and Leo Clubs in the more than 20 English-speaking islands of the Caribbean that form District 60B. Over 300 Lions and Leos from as far north as Jamaica and the Cayman Islands and south to Guyana followed the virtual broadcast live including Lions & Leos from Sub-District 60A which together with Sub-District 60B form Multiple District 60.
District Governor Lion Claudio Buncamper mentioned that he was extremely happy with the attendance at the meeting which lasted for 3 hours and the productive discussions that took place. The schedule of a District Governor can be quite a hectic one. As the key representative of the International Association of Lions Clubs for his/her District, some of his/her primary tasks and responsibilities, in collaboration with his/her Cabinet Team, include the oversight of membership growth, leadership development and service activities of the Clubs in his/her District and visiting each of these Lions and Leos Clubs at least once within the Lionistic year.
Several members of the Sint Maarten Lions Club are part of the large number of Lions and Leos throughout District 60B who serve on the Cabinet of District Governor Lion Claudio Buncamper, PMJF. They are Lion Davey Woods MJF - Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer, Lion Carmen Lake MJF - District Activities Coordinator, Lion Alphons Gumbs MJF - Zone 2B Chairperson, Lion Alvin Prescod - Information Technology Commission Asst. Coordinator, Lion Oralie Boirard MJF - Hunger and Homelessness Commission Asst. Coordinator, Lion Eldert Louisa MJF - Diabetes Commission Coordinator, Lion Kevin Mills - Sergeant at Arms, Lion Selma Baker MJF - DG Communications Specialist, Leo Nichele Smith-Abreu - Leo District President and Leo Kemilla Carty - Leo District Secretary. Past District Governors Lion Maxime Larmonie PMJF, Lion Wally Havertong PMJF and Lion Claudius Buncamper PMJF are Advisors to the District Governor.
The theme of the District Governor for the Lionistic year 2021-2022 is Serving from the Heart with Kindness.

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