Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections
PHILIPSBURG:--- The SPArty/21/democratic-party'>Democratic Party recently released a video preview of its vision for the future economic development of St. Maarten.The release precedes the partys manifesto, which it plans to launch in the coming months, according to the release by the party.
As election fever sets in, there is a lot of jockeying aND posturing. Prospective caNDidates are coming unto the political stage aND parties are profiling themselves, all as part of the political dySPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAmics, SPArty/21/democratic-party'>DP leader Sarah Wescot commented.
In her view however, most parties are yet to present their views on issues critical to the society of St. Maarten aND added, It behooves parties to make it clear where they staND on issues such as healthcare, economic development, fiscal maSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement, cooperation aND our future in the Dutch Kingdom.
I am convinced that if especially the latter stance is made crystal clear, the discussions regarding debt refiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAncing/debt cancelation aND new loans or reparation will take on a new dimension, the SPArty/21/democratic-party'>DP leader continued.
There is nothing new in the calls for more economic development, such as diversification, new market niches, more tourists, new airlines, aND bigger ships. SustaiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAble economic development to spur the growth of our country, however, requires consolidation, collaboration, aND capitalization. The question today is how we connect all of the parts of any economic growth path.
Its no longer just about tourism or just about the marine iNDustry, or about the infrastructure or about a new fiscal regime or a new currency for that matter, digitally or otherwise. It Is about identification aND connectivity, consolidation aND collaboration, locally aND interSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAlly.
Our economy can be one of the most colorful ones. Think about it, a green economy connected to a blue economy, connected to a gold economy connected to a purple economy, a silver economy, a white economy aND not to forget an orange economy.
An overarching goal of this approach is that once we can prove that all areas aND all colors tie into the sustaiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAble development of our country, fuNDing for many of these activities will no longer be an issue because St. Maarten will know where it wants to see itself in the next 10 years aND beyoND aND give meaning to the term sustaiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAbility.
New economic realities deserve new economic solutions. In realization of the sustaiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAble development goals of all United SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtions member states, to which St.Maarten also subscribes, a new take on our economy is paramount. So whether we talk decolonization, reparation, or debt cancellation, it is about sustaiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAbility.
St. Maarten again staNDs poised to run with the ball of a colorful aND coordiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAted economic development plan, in which the most vibrant aND colorful economic sectors of our islaND are developed iNDividually, yet brought together masterfully in a refreshing aND HOPEful economic plan, the SPArty/21/democratic-party'>DP leader conclUDed.
Video linkhttps://share.icloUD.com/photos/0d07TUzKWeqwWUmMfauqQw12g
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